Lee Joo-yeon smiles and says.

“A company that puts its celebrities first? And the company that management staff want to join. I have heard such stories.”

thank god.

I must have kept the resolutions I made while leaving the previous companies.

To think that the cold-hearted evaluations of those around him were following him like that.

This was not flattery to come to our company.

Even if Lee Joo-yeon immediately expressed her desire to move the company, there would have been many companies to rush to.

As much as that, <Daughter-in-law of Chaebol Family> served as an opportunity to explode Lee Ju-yeon’s popularity.

Lee Joo-yeon, who is now treated as a top class, didn’t even have to flatter me.

“Especially, I liked the part where Sujin was allowed to do as much as she wanted in the program she wanted.”


He seems to be talking about sending a trip to Paldo across the country on a morning program.

How many people across the country came to recognize you through morning dramas.

And during the filming period, it was a program that was sent to give rest to the tired body and mind.

“I heard you said that actors can do whatever they want in advertisements?”

“That is the direction of the company. It’s the company’s job to help our celebrities make satisfying choices rather than immediate money.”

“I was really moved by the CEO’s mindset after seeing the singers’ activities this time.”

Lee Joo-yeon nodded as if she was very satisfied with my answer.

“ah. And if I ever move, I want to go with my current manager. Is it possible?”

of course.

I didn’t say much because Kim Soo-jin worked fantastically with <Daughter-in-law of a Conglomerate Family>.

I, Lee Joo-yeon, is an actress who is known to be quite picky on set.

I heard that the manager, who changed frequently in the early days, has been with us from a certain moment until now.

That’s why a manager who can take good care of Lee Joo-yeon is coming with her, so you should welcome it.

I have already looked into Lee Joo-yeon’s manager, Park Sang-heon.

To put it mildly, they say that people are quite nice.

To put it badly, there were also evaluations that I did my hard work and couldn’t take care of my share.

“Of course. Wouldn’t better acting come out when an actor works with someone they are comfortable with?”

From noble mtl dot com

“Yes. I want to move as soon as the drama ends and the contract expires. Please prepare something.”

The transfer of Lee Joo-yeon, who has risen to the top ranks, has been confirmed.

This really unexpected vine came rolling in.

Before the story ends with a warm meal atmosphere.

Lee Joo-yeon said this as if she had suddenly remembered.

“ah. In fact, this was the biggest reason I chose WH.”

“That is the biggest reason. Can you hear what it is?”

“Since the last time there was a lot of noise, everyone knew about it. So when I went to WH, I thought that it would not be easy to make mud at the current agency. That part also played a big part.”

It was clear that he was referring to the KW group.

Stories related to the KW Group came out after Chairman Choi Kun-wook visited the headquarters of TOP Entertainment.

Although the agencies that saw TOP Entertainment take such a blow that it would shake its pillars, they couldn’t do anything wrong.

The day after I heard the confirmation that Lee Joo-yeon would come to WH Enter.

“Chief. Suddenly, why is it chicken for lunch? It’s a restaurant that’s quite a distance even here at work.”

“Yuna, you worked hard these days. So I tried to buy you something tasty. Arin is sleeping now, so let’s come together next time.”


It’s been a while since I had chicken with the extraordinary Yuna.


A few days after Sia and Jay-Z were together at the Yuanna Festival.

Sia’s <24 Hours> took first place on a music program.

From the moment the 1st place was announced, Sia cried out loud.

CEO Woo-Hyuk Choi, CEO Woo-Hyuk Choi, with words that are difficult to pronounce while crying. The image of Sia repeating it while doing it spread quite widely.

“oh my god. There are many people who say that even ruined idols can win first place with the help of the representative.”

“It’s all bullsh*t, don’t mind it.”

Thanks to you, I went through another storm.

It was said that there was a barrage of calls saying that they wanted to join the company as a trainee at least.

It didn’t end there.

Following our sons, daughters, nephews, in-laws, eighth cousins, and acquaintances.

I’ve heard so much that it hurts my ears to tell me to take him only once and raise him.

“Once again, congratulations on winning first place. Shiaya.”

I see Sia, unable to answer my words again, with tears welling up in her eyes.

I was so thrilled that even now, a few days later, when I congratulate them, I get goosebumps.

Although I keep congratulating you like a joke so that you can fully feel the emotion.

“I think it’s all thanks to the CEO pushing us so hard.”

The song <24 Hours> was quite popular even before that.

Sia, who showed perfect performances and stage control, and Jay-Z, who started to accumulate fans by revealing their faces.

Because the story of the two people is known to quite a lot of people.

However, 1st place was still unreasonable.

I thought that this debut song activity would be a great harvest even if I just got this level of grades.

The stage of <24 Hours> with Arin and Yuna gained explosive popularity.

As a result, the amazing result of being number one on the music chart was born.

“I still got a call from Yuna. We should have a dinner party to commemorate the first place.”

“You can ignore that. How do you feel about winning first place?”

Sia answered as if she had calmed down a bit after my words.

“I am so happy. To the point where I feel good even if I die like this.”

“no. don’t die It’s just the beginning, but it can’t be that way.”

“that’s right. You made your decision while watching the kids behind the scenes the other day. I will definitely go up there next time.”


Sia and Jay-Z started talking, as if recalling that moment.

“If you just take out the beats from the music box folder, won’t you be called to the festival right away?”

“no way. Don’t put it too high.”

I’m smiling while listening to that chatter.

The cell phone rang.

“for a moment.”

After asking the kids for their understanding, I answered the phone.

And what I heard over the receiver was enough to surprise even me.

“Is that true?”

When I said that I would wait for an answer, I replied that I would understand and hung up the phone.



“Do you want to go to <Rap Legend K>?”

The person on the phone was Draup.

“I think it would be a good experience if I challenge myself as a participant. I want to focus more on Sia’s activities now. After I finish, I want to work on a song.”


What Draup said on the phone was not a contestant.

“Not as a contestant, but as a producer.”

A music box containing the beats that Jay-Z has made so far, as Sia also said.

Draup, who had heard the beats contained in it, desperately wanted Jay-Z.

Dreuf said that he was asked to be hired as a producer for <Rap Legend K>.



It wasn’t a bad opportunity.

It was like that in YO Beat War too. People’s reactions to Jay-Z’s beats were good.

Aside from that, Draup had heard quite a bit about Jay-Z’s beats.

That’s why, as soon as I was asked to be hired as a producer, I contacted them.

Not as a participant in <Rap Legend K>, but as a producer colleague.

“There will probably be a lot of negative public opinion at first.”


No, it was very likely.

Dreup was a rapper who had been recognized so much in the underground, but then became a trend with the YO beat battle.

Because Jay-Z was still far short of him.

“Is this a good opportunity?”

This was a surprise.

It is the way his eyes shine despite letting us know that negative public opinion will be great.

And because I wanted this look, I took him to the last festival.

“okay. If you show your skills, it will be your best chance.”

“Then I will trust the CEO and try it.”

There is a saying high risk high return.

There may be a crisis with negative reactions.

It was clear that if he passed that crisis, it would be an opportunity to leap to a higher place.

It’s such a great opportunity, you can’t miss it.

< Episode 111 > End

< Episode 112 >

Hana Kim couldn’t believe what was happening these days.

“Oh my God. To think that Han Ji-woo of the world is appearing in my work.”

“All of this is thanks to mom, so be filial, my daughter.”


Despite Cha Young-joo’s shrug, Kim Ha-na’s laughter leaked out.

childhood and student days.

Even when she first dreamed of becoming a writer, she was Hana Kim, who had a tremendous fight with her mother, Cha Young-joo.

Why did you have to put the play in the middle of the day?

Have you created a character that people can criticize?

Young Kim Hana did not understand.


“Unlike this mother, you write exactly what you want. No matter how much people around you interfere, don’t be shaken.”

You turn 20 and become an adult.

going to college

I came to know about it while dreaming of becoming a writer in earnest.

Friends around him worked part-time jobs to earn tuition and cover living expenses.

I saw those dreaming of drama writers swallowing tears at the reality of poverty.

However, thanks to Cha Young-joo, a successful writer, Hana Kim did not suffer such financial difficulties.

And with the help of my mother, I met CEO Choi Woo-hyuk, signed a contract with the company, and even received a confirmation for the drama.

I’ve heard a lot that the most important part, the work, is good.

Hana Kim knew.

If it wasn’t for my mother’s help, I would have had to prepare for a longer period to reach the current situation.

“mom. thank you.”

“Why is he suddenly acting grossly?”

He said so, but Cha Young-ju did not push away the daughter he was embracing.

In order to raise a young daughter alone, she had to generate an immediate income.

Cha Young-joo had to somehow become a strong pillar in front of the cold reality of not being able to receive a helping hand from anyone.

That’s why Cha Young-joo, who was a young writer who was organized in a time zone that was thrown away, gritted his teeth.

It’s okay if people criticize my work.

It was okay to laugh at the character I created and the development of the story as crazy.

If only the ratings could come out.

And as long as it catches people’s eyes and guarantees their next film.

That’s how Cha Young-joo became a drama writer.

Now that I’ve been writing like that for so long, I joke that no matter what I write, it goes to the end.

“However, CEO Choi Woo-hyuk had such a close relationship with Han Ji-woo. I really didn’t know that.”

Writer Cha Young-joo was also surprised by the news that Han Ji-woo would appear in Kim Ha-na’s work.

“If I would have known that, I would have asked to see my work instead of yours.”


“It’s a joke, a joke. Han Ji-woo has a high eye for how strict he is when looking at works. You probably rejected it as soon as you saw it?”

Cha Young-joo seemed more pleased with the fact that her daughter’s work was recognized than the fact that Ji-woo Han appeared.

Even when the viewership ratings for the hottest drama right now, <Daughter-in-law of a Conglomerate> broke this year’s record, I wasn’t so happy.

“Sooner or later, I will have to ask CEO Choi Woo-hyuk to see me again. This time you have to go too. got it?”

“all right.”

“Mom will go back to work. These days, the sincerity of actors in each and every line is no joke. Thanks to you, I will continue to give you strength.”

Lee Joo-yeon, Kim Soo-jin.

It was the driving force that made these two actors record this year’s ratings.

Because she made the hearts of the viewers chewy with her pure acting skills.

Thanks to that, writer Cha Young-joo couldn’t help but put his heart and soul into it.

I didn’t know that if I went up a little more, I might be able to exceed the number of 30%.

“all right. Fighting my mother!”

With her daughter’s support, artist Cha Young-joo disappeared into her studio.

Hana Kim sent a text message to Yuna.

I’m curious what you’re doing right now.


And Yuna’s reply made Kim Hana tilt her head.

“Why did Yuna go to Han Ji-woo’s house?”

The text Yuna sent said that it was now Han Ji-woo’s house.


“Come on.”


Now I took Yuna and visited Han Ji-woo’s house.

Although, in the early days of Yu & Na, we took pictures together for publicity and posted them on social media.

Yuna and Han Ji-woo did not know each other personally.

However, through this work, he has been given the lead role.

It was necessary to save the chemistry between the two.

Like Lee Joo-yeon and Kim Su-jin in the hottest <Daughter-in-law of a Conglomerate>.

Faster than I can move, I got a call from Han Ji-woo last night.

Come over to your house today.

“Well, to Woohyuk, no. I heard from CEO Choi that Kim Su-jin and Lee Joo-yeon met like this before filming to match the sum of their acting.”

The reason Han Ji-woo invited Yuna to his house was simple.

I wanted to share my opinion on the character analysis of the role I was assigned before starting filming in earnest.

This was the method found in Lee Joo-yeon and Kim Su-jin, who caught the attention of viewers in <The Daughter-in-law of a Conglomerate>.

Han Ji-woo asked first.

Regarding the rapidly growing acting skills of affiliated actor Kim Soo-jin.

“Obviously, I saw the works just before the two of them. It wasn’t enough to show that level of chemistry. But strangely, in this work, it shows as if it is completely exploded? Why?”

Obviously, Han Ji-woo did not expect to see that level of ratings.

However, the longer the time for Lee Joo-yeon and Kim Su-jin to appear in two shots, the higher the ratings.

Han Ji-woo was such a person.

It’s not just an actor who only reads the script, but what kind of work the other actor showed.

An actor who thoroughly analyzes how he can show such acting skills in his work.

And through the process of analysis, the actor finds the direction of his own development.

Han Ji-woo, who analyzed Kim Soo-jin in <The Daughter-in-law of a Conglomerate Family>, asked me first.

What is the secret of Kim Soo-jin’s acting, which has grown remarkably differently from her previous works?

So I answered honestly.

It wasn’t like there was a huge secret hidden away.

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