If the sum of Yuna and Han Ji-woo fits well there.

Now, Lee Joo-yeon and Kim Soo-jin from <The Daughter-in-law of a Conglomerate>, I was convinced that I would be able to show more chemistry than those two.

Lee Joo-yeon invited Su-jin Kim to her house.

Right before filming, the scenes of the two always work together.

I wonder if that’s the secret to the ratings right now.

“that’s right. Sujin unni told me that better scenes came out on the set when I put the sum together in advance.”

Yuna nodded as if Han Ji-woo was right.

“come here.”

Han Ji-woo comes out and guides Yuna inside the house.

And at the end, there was one thing that caught Yuna’s attention.

“You haven’t eaten yet, have you? I don’t have much to wear. Let’s have lunch together.”

It was the meal I always had when I visited Han Ji-woo’s house.

I guess it wasn’t for Yuna.

Yuna asked as she looked at the table, which had been set quite a bit.

“Does senior always eat like this?”

“no. Since CEO Choi came, he was dressed like this. You eat out every day. And CEO Choi secretly likes this type of home-cooked meal. look at that expression Right?”

From noble mtl dot com

It was Yuna who looked at me for a while at Han Ji-woo’s words and nodded her head eagerly.

With an expression as if he was busy typing something in his head.

“This is really good.”

“okay? It’s still CEO Choi’s favorite stew.”

“is it so? I knew it first.”

“If you have any questions about CEO Choi, ask me later. I’m hiding everything now, but it’s me, it’s been a while since I’ve known you.”

The dining table was cordial.

At first, we talked about the menu on such a trivial table.

Since they are the lead actors who will be filming a drama together in the future, the main story was about the characters.

“So Yuna is now learning from Dok Go-young, right?”

“that’s right. I found out about it on the set of the last movie. After that, I visit often. It’s only for a while while learning or talking to each other.”

“okay? That’s kind of surprising.”

Han Ji-woo looked at Yuna as if she was surprised.

Han Ji-woo without prejudice.

It was also the reason why Yuna, who only played a leading role in a movie, did not care even though she was in the lead role to be with her.


“This is tense. All the students whom Dok Go-young acknowledged and taught are making a name for themselves. Should I do my best not to push this?”

Yuna’s words that she is learning from teacher Dok Go-young seems to have been a good stimulus to Han Ji-woo.

And it’s like looking forward to it.

“If you’re not busy, shall we come back often and adjust in advance?”

“really? I really like it if seniors are okay. There are so many things I want to ask you.”


It seems like Han Ji-woo is talking about an upcoming drama.

Yuna seems strangely out of focus.


By the time the meal was over, the names of the two had changed to Unni and Yunaya.


Dreouf was not hired as a producer for <Rap Legend K> from the planning stage.

In the middle of the preparation process, a hiatus occurred when the producer who was supposed to appear in the film caused a drug incident.

Draup was the person the production team found while running to find a pinch hitter.

“If I participate as a producer this time, there is a high possibility that there will be not only a negative reaction, but also a public opinion of criticism.”

Less than an hour had passed since Jay-Z responded that he would appear.

Draup came directly to the company.

I made an offer, but I didn’t know if I would really accept it.

with a worried face.

This came purely out of concern for Jay-Z.

I thought it was a good opportunity, so I made the offer, but after accepting it, I was worried about the aftermath.

“I know. Jay-Z himself replied that he was fine and that he could overcome it.”

“this. The situation is a little different from the last diss. Although it was the last diss exhibition, only people who were interested in hip-hop responded. The general public is also very interested in this program.”


It was because <Rap Legend K> was a program that produced star rappers not only for hip-hop fans but also for many people.


“I also want it with a strong will. More than anything, do you think Jay-Z is lacking, Mr. Draup?”

“It can’t be. If that was the case, I wouldn’t have made the offer in the first place. I am sure that if we can endure until the first broadcast of the program, public opinion will be overturned.”

“Then believe me. I will take good care of Jay-Z’s mental care.”

Was he relieved that I would take good care of Jay-Z?

The dark clouds that had hung over Draup’s worried face slowly cleared.

“actually. I feel a little relieved when the representative says that. It’s strange. Normally, no matter how much you say it, it’s normal to be worried.”

“There seems to be quite a bit of trust built up between us.”

It was Draup who burst into laughter as if I had answered my words correctly.

“Then let’s trust the CEO and proceed. To be honest, I think the whole nation will recognize Jay-Z’s skills if he seizes this opportunity well. If you are a talented rapper, you must be recognized.”

That’s how it was decided to appear as Jay-Z’s producer on <Rap Legend K>.

a few days later

The lineup of producers for <Rap Legend K> was announced.

Literally, there was an uproar

[under. It’s ridiculous. It’s not the beginning of the season, what kind of rookies are there in the producer line?]

– Dreup acknowledged. To be honest, I’m the underdog because now Draup is more famous than most rappers.

Not to mention the skills.

But what about the folding screen next to it?

Is that also a vase style?


Where did you take a kid who couldn’t even prove it by filming the beat properly and put him in the producer’s seat?

This article posted in the hip-hop community.

└ Can’t hear Jay-Z’s YO beat on YO Beat? What a dog. The beats of the songs released before when I was unknown are all good

└ No. It’s all singing rap. Have all the contestants sing rap?

└ Didn’t you know that you were a talented person just by listening to the beat from the last diss battle? It’s stupid lol

└ Why did Drauf choose Jay-Z out of many, many connections?

└ It seems that he took him because he became popular after revealing his face? To be honest, Jay-Z is classy and pretty.

It literally turned into a mess.

Controversy continued over whether Jay-Z had the qualifications to be a producer or not.

The production team said they liked it because it became a hot topic.

Before the program started, just by revealing the producer, it attracted people’s attention.

“Jay. are you okay?”

I was worried that I would be hurt by people’s reactions.

It was a premature worry.

“CEO. How about adding a little more firewood? I’m really confident. I have the confidence to silence all those who criticize me now.”

Did the effort to boost confidence with gimmicks bear fruit?

Jay-Z’s face as he looked at me was full of confidence.

Rather, they are even saying how about adding firewood to make the burning public opinion even hotter.

“Then shall we light a little more?”

“yes. Just try to make it glow. I will open a festival by making a campfire with the fire through Cypher, which will be filmed soon.”

and after a few days

While the controversy over Jay-Z’s producer qualifications is still raging.

The producer Cypher video of <Rap Legend K> has been released.

< Episode 112 > End

< Episode 113 >

Kim Yeon-hoo was a big fan of <Rap Legend K>.

A case where I fell in love with hip-hop through a broadcast I happened to watch while not knowing rap.

For Kim Yeon-hoo, the disclosure of this season’s producer lineup created unbearable anger.

Anger led to keyboard typing.

As a result.

“It burns very well.”

There were still numerous comments running in real time on his posts on the hip-hop community.

“no. No matter how stupid it is Draup? Admit this. Because I’m good at it. By the way, after the diss battle, what kind of producer is the kid who is featuring in?”

In the position of producer, there had to be a rapper that everyone could understand.

Wouldn’t everyone be applying for <Rap Legend K> from all over the country to show off their talents unsparingly?

Numerous rappers have been eagerly waiting for the opportunity that comes once a year.

“How dare you set up a vase style in that lineup?”

Kim Yeon-hoo was waiting only for today.

It was the day when the long-awaited video of Cypher, the producer of <Rap Legend K>, was finally released.

“At least I’ll spit out a few words and Draup will do everything.”

Before the Cypher video was uploaded.

Articles of interviews with other producers who filmed together have been uploaded.

[Which producer are you most looking forward to?]

– I think it’s Jay-Z.

Are you surprised?

You’ll probably understand what I mean when you watch the Cypher video that will be released soon.

Because all the rappers there were in awe.

[Jay. You have enough qualifications as a producer. People say that he is the producer with the most anticipated beats in this rap legend K.]

“what. Are you covering up that you are the same producer because there is a controversy?”


It’s a controversy, so I’m going to cover it to some extent.

Kim Yeon-hoo, who had been waiting with such a crooked gaze, caught the eye of the newly updated video.

finally came up

A video of <Rap Legend K> producer Cypher was uploaded on Youtube.

Kim Yeon-hoo pressed the video play button with a finger full of dissatisfaction.


At the same time as the video started, a red-lit parking lot appeared.

10 producers standing there.

All of them were rappers that made Kim Yeon-hoo’s heart flutter.

Except for one person.

“what. Did you come out wearing a hoodie?”

Even his eyes were covered with a hooded cap, but the long hair flowing through it made him instantly recognizable as Jay-Z.

Jay-Z was the only female rapper in the producer lineup.


And unlike Kim Yeon-hoo’s expectation that Jay-Z would be secretly buried midway through.

Jay-Z steps forward first.

“You start with the most important first?”

I definitely expected that the most famous producer would quit the start.

But contrary to expectations, Jay-Z cut the first start.

[Tell my HATERs not to be a WRITER YO

In a little while, you will stumble on top of my beat, YO]

And the hand that went to the keyboard to leave a sharp impression fell off.

To be honest, I didn’t listen to the genre of hip-hop for a while, but I knew it.

As far as how well Jay-Z, who can freely ride the rhythm on the beat, is doing right now.

“Wow Mr. Jay-Z, who did that feature, was like this?”

This makes no sense.

Laughing dejectedly, Kim Yeon-hoo focused on Jay-Z’s rap through his earphones.

Jay-Z’s part wasn’t long because there were 10 producers.

Exactly 40 seconds.

But that was enough.

To break the prejudice against Jay-Z that Kim Yeon-hoo had.

The moment Jay-Z uttered his final rap and took off his hoodie.

“and. Crazy.”

It was Kim Yeon-hoo who unknowingly spat out an exclamation.

Kim Yeon-hoo’s prejudice that he had before Cypher.

The moment I heard Jay-Z’s cypher, I was crushed.


Like a joke, I could understand the joke that rappers used their anti-fans to break the word anti with their skills.

“Oh, that’s cool.”

The moment the Cypher video, which is a little less than 8 minutes, ends.

Kim Yeon-hoo quickly joined the hip-hop community.

With a slightly different expression from before.


[This is the person who said Jay-Z had a vase style. I write again to apologize]

– This season’s producer Cypher video report that has just been uploaded hastily ran

I’ll honestly admit I was biased.

And I admit that I was an anti-Jay-Z fan.

I was looking forward to the move after YO’s battle, but I was disappointed to see that he was promoting as a feature out of nowhere.

But I realized after watching the Cypher video.

That you can break the word anti from anti-fans with your skills

No matter how much I listen to it, it seems that Jay-Z’s producer qualifications aren’t enough.

I am really sorry and sorry for writing a controversial article without knowing it.

I will become an avid fan of Jay-Z and cheer for you.

I’m really sorry for causing controversy in the bulletin board.

└ No lol The temperature difference between the previous post and the current post Is it true? Why are you so polite at the end? lol

└ But to be honest, Jay-Z was awesome. From the start, he just showed his overwhelming presence and skills.

└ Jay-Z, those who criticized me for not being good enough to be in the lineup, please reflect on yourself hahahaha If that doesn’t work, then who the hell are you?

└ The hand of the person who stopped breathing when taking off the hood at the end!

└ Me! Wow… He smiled while flipping his hooded hat on, he was charismatic and crazy

Jay-Z proved what he said to me with his skills.

Because the negative public opinion that was really roaring became firewood and a campfire was opened.

It’s a short video, but it was enough to change people’s perception.

After showing a fantastic rap for the first start.

At the end, the charismatic beauty and the smile on his lips when he took off his hood hat while passing the baton to Dreup.

These two things alone were enough to calm the public opinion of the tumultuous community at once.

Even the owner of that article, who criticized Jay-Z the most, has declared that he will become a fan now.

Jay-Z looked at me as he watched the reactions of those people.

Like someone who wants a compliment.

“CEO. Did I do well?”

“okay. Jay-Z believed in you, so I wasn’t worried at all. Because I thought you were the best.”

“I heard everything. I know you were worried and prepared everything in case you reacted badly. But don’t worry. I solved everything.”

“okay. you solved everything I did really well.”

Jay-Z smiles in satisfaction at my praise.

I was prepared in case the reaction wasn’t good.

It was like being prepared.

Of course, I always have to move with the worst in mind.

The best outcome, as it always is now, is that it never comes.

It seems that Draup gave Jay-Z a hint of what I asked for while preparing, looking at the reactions this time.

Because people’s negative reactions were reversed at once.

“how is it? How do you feel seeing the reactions of people who have changed in an instant?”

Jay-Z turned people who criticized him into fans with a 40-second rap.

How will Jay-Z take this reaction?

“hmm. Are you really happy to be able to live up to the president’s beliefs? And I want to work hard and go to the festival next year. It’s still before the full-fledged start, so I can only feel this much.”

The gimmick changed Jay-Z at some point.

Jay-Z, who was afraid of the landlord’s visit due to overdue rent, was no longer there.

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