Even when advertisements came in due to the jackpot of morning dramas, it wasn’t this much.

“Soojin. Do you know what drama is the hot topic right now in Changan?”

“Of course I know that. I am the daughter-in-law of a conglomerate family that I and Joo-yeon unnie share. It’s not even a fuss because my mom calls me every day.”


As Kim Su-jin just said, the drama that enjoyed more popularity than ratings was <The Daughter-in-law of a Conglomerate Family>.

And at the center of that popularity were Lee Joo-yeon and Kim Soo-jin.

“that’s right. So many advertisers want you. The things piled up here now prove that.”


Kim Soo-jin looks at the ads that came in with a hazy look.

“for a moment.”

I know someone who just showed me something similar to Sujin Kim’s eyes.

That’s Arin.

“The filming isn’t over yet, so you can’t watch without sleeping all night. You have to be good at conditioning.”

“Do not worry. These days, I pass out just by lying on the bed because I have to follow the shooting schedule.”

Glad then

The face of Kim Soo-jin, who looked full of excitement when he first started the drama.

Now I see a lot of fatigue.

“After this work is over, let’s take a break while filming commercials for the next one.”

“I wanted to do the next project right away.”

“If you run too much, you will get tired quickly. So take a break and replenish your energy. I will also develop my stamina so that I can be active until the end for my next project.”

“yes. I will only believe in you and follow you.”


Seeing Kim Soo-jin’s face full of trust like that, I couldn’t help but say this.



“Among the people in our company, Sujin cares about you a lot. This is a secret that others might be jealous of if they knew. know?”

“Poop. What is it? all right.”


Kim Soo-jin’s reaction is quite different from Yuna’s.

In any case, the effect was great.

A smile bloomed on Kim Soo-jin’s face, as if he liked my words.

“First of all, I marked the things that I thought would be okay for you there. Please refer to it when you choose.”


When entering, lightly body only.

When I left, I smiled as I looked at Kim Soo-jin, who was going out quite heavily.

Through my hands, seeing my actors grow and be happy.

There could be nothing more gratifying than this.


Even after Arin graduated from <The Stage of Legends>.

Just like I did during filming, I consistently sent gifts to my senior legends.

Red ginseng set as a gift.

Of course, if there was an agency that was wary of giving such red ginseng as a gift, I stopped properly.

Kim Woo-jung’s agency didn’t seem to care about such gifts, so they constantly sent red ginseng.

“hello. It seems like I haven’t seen you in a really long time since the last filming.”

“Iknow, right. Have a seat.”

And this time, I sent a red ginseng gift as I always did.

Suddenly, Kim Woo-jung contacted me.

let’s meet once

“I heard that you are starting a music variety show this time.”

“that’s right. That’s why I asked CEO Choi to see him. You hit me like a shaman.”

to guess.

It was the result of finding out in a hurry because of Kim Woo-jung, who suddenly proposed to meet.

I heard that Kim Woo-jung started a music variety show this time.

It’s also a reality program where you go abroad to busking.

The reason Kim Woo-jung asked to see me ahead of the start of such a program was quite predictable.

“By any chance, how is Arin’s schedule these days?”

I knew it.

The reason Kim Woo-jung asked to meet was because he wanted Arin to be with him in the music entertainment show starting this time.

“These days, Yuna, another member of Yuanna, is about to film a drama, so there is no separate group schedule.”

“A personal schedule?”

“yes. We have received quite a few requests so far, but none have been accepted.”

“is it so?”

At my words, Kim Woo-jung nodded as if the situation was good.

“As CEO Choi knows, I did a music show with PD Kim this time. This is the concept of music, healing, new challenges and travel.”

“Is that so?”

“Perhaps because the stimulating taste is less, there may not be a big viewer rating. But I thought this would be a pretty good opportunity for Arin, so I asked CEO Choi to see him today.”

“Thank you for suggesting a great opportunity. Actually, I thought he was going to say something like this today, so I tipped Arin a little, and he really liked it. It means that I can work with senior Kim Woo-jung.”

Kim Woo-jung bursts into laughter as if he can’t stand my answer.

“this. I’ve heard that CEO Choi of WH is good at it, and I’ve seen it and felt it myself. I didn’t know you were expecting this.”

“Isn’t it my job to do my best for the singers under my agency?”

As if satisfied with my answer, Kim Woo-jung nodded.

As Kim Woo-jung said, it was a really good opportunity for Arin.

As I said that I like festivals more than contests, Arin likes to make people happy with her songs the most.

Even this time, it is overseas, not domestic.

A great opportunity to learn that singing can overcome language barriers.

More than anything.

In the current music industry, there would be no stronger connection than Kim Woo-jung in front of me.

I just said that ratings would not be expected because Kim Woo-jung lacks a stimulating taste.

do you know

It was Yuanna who always hits the jackpot when she goes on variety shows.

There might be something that catches people’s attention again this time.

< Episode 114 > End

< Episode 115 >


It was the name of the program that made Kim Woo-jung make a seat with me to recruit A-Rin.

As Kim Woo-jung said, the program format itself had a strong feeling of a different challenge rather than hoping for high ratings.

It felt as if it would be okay to have a music reality program like this.

However, it did not mean that the viewership ratings were completely abandoned.

A busking trip to a foreign country with only a guitar and speakers.

The exotic painting was fresh and seemed to attract quite a few people’s attention.

PD Kim also has a veteran’s career in music, and Kim Woo-jung also didn’t have time to appear in any variety show.

“I guess I really have something to do with busking.”

“I know.”

Arin was right.

When I first met Arin.

The moment when you can’t overcome the trauma of the past yet and try to shrink back.

Because the method I suggested to Arin was that busking performance.

Thanks to overcoming the trauma of that first busking performance, I was able to be today’s Uanna.

“Just as busking performances have always produced only good results. It will be like this again.”

“I really hope so.”

The first busking performance in Hongdae resulted in Arin’s debut as a singer.

What results are waiting for the second busking performance that is now waiting for you?

Even the performance venue was not in Korea, but in a different culture and language abroad.

Like Kim Woo-jung said, there was a high possibility that it would be another good stimulus for Arin.

When Arin goes out, you will know that the world is really wide.

Judging from Arin’s progress so far, it felt like there was no domestic music program to go any further.

Arin who will come back after seeing a bigger world is already here.

“I look forward to it.”

Really looking forward to it.

Arin, who heard the news that the appearance was confirmed, jumped up from his seat to see if I was the only one with that expectation.

“Am I really going abroad? With senior Kim Woo-jung?”

“okay. That’s going with the performance fee. how is it?”

“I’m really happy that I can have my songs heard by people in other countries rather than the performance fee.”

Arin’s answer made me smile.

From the moment we first met, Arin was such a child.

I am happiest when I sing.

A born singer who feels the greatest joy when people share the happiness with my songs.

He said that the reason why he likes festival performances is that he can feel people’s happy reactions to his songs the most.

I haven’t even started the program yet.

We had a lot of time left before we decided on a place and left.

I see Arin already making a fuss out of excitement.

“and. I need to prepare for jet lag. I don’t want my condition to deteriorate due to lack of sleep.”


I haven’t said where I’m going yet, but what kind of jet lag is it?

“Calm down. Ariana.”

Arin was so happy that he couldn’t hear me.

“CEO. It’s my first time actually flying on a plane.”



Preparing for idol trainees at TOP Entertainment.

After coming out, Arin was a wanderer until he met me.

If I left it like this, I would have the momentum to come back after finishing the overseas busking performance in my head.

I asked a question to bring such Arin out of my imagination.

“A passport?”

“right! I need to make a passport. They said you can’t board a plane without a passport. You need to take a passport photo. I don’t even have that picture.”

“okay. And there will be a lot of going abroad by plane in the future. Let’s make it the best photo ever.”

At my words, Arin smiled brightly.

Most of all, I smiled happily at the fact that there are more things to go abroad out of what I just said.

“that’s right. In the future, I will grow more and perform overseas with the CEO.”

“okay. Let’s go to perform in so many countries in the future.”

For a while, a story full of kimchi soup, about which country to go to the concert, continued.

The end of the story came to an end with <Busking>, which was suddenly caught.

“Actually, I was going to take a break while preparing for the next album with the composers until the filming of Yuna’s drama was over. I think the sudden schedule is rather good.”

In fact, before meeting Kim Woo-jung, I did some research and told A-Rin in advance.

The purpose of the program Kim Woo-jung is preparing is to have a busking performance abroad.

It seems that Arin is trying to recruit you into that program.

“I like it. If only the representative says it’s okay, I want to do it unconditionally!”

As expected, Yuna’s drama filming was about to begin, so group activities were difficult.

When it came time to release a single album, he said he wanted to wait for good songs he could release by himself and sing them with Yuna.

So, I was struggling with what kind of activities I should do to make Arin happy.

Just in time, he received a call from Kim Woo-jung.

“Perhaps team leader Park Il-do will go overseas this time.”

I didn’t have time to spare.

We have to coordinate Kim Soo-jin’s advertising contracts.

Shooting Yuna’s drama.

Wrapping up Sia’s activities and preparing for the next album.

Do I have to confirm Jay-Z’s appearance as a producer on <Rap Legend K>?

It would be nice if I could follow you abroad.

In order to respond quickly to situations that may occur in Korea, unfortunately, we had to promise the following.

I wondered if Arin would feel sad about my situation.

“no way. I know very well. The CEO is so busy these days that he doesn’t even have time to sleep. So don’t worry, I can come home alone.”

It was Arin who had grown up without realizing it.

He was a kid who couldn’t even go to a busking performance alone, so he always asked me to go with him.

“Never go alone. My number one singer is going out, so I have to take care of it somehow.”

“Hearing that from the No. 1 fan gives me strength?”

In the end, I laughed while talking childishly about being the number 1 fan.

“Starting today, let’s get in touch with the production team and prepare songs to sing at busking.”


I think Arin will be busy starting today.


[Only those who have seen the script reading video of Chasing the End]

– To be honest, I was a little worried this time because the cast was so flashy.

Originally, there is a saying that there is nothing to eat at a well-known banquet house.

No matter how good an actor you are, what do you do?

The drama version is ruined when the writer writes the script with his feet.

Are you sure you thought so?

However, the dialogues of the characters were crazy. The feeling of the character comes alive just by the dialogue alone.

On top of that, I felt that the role of a detective might not be very good because Yuna’s appearance in variety shows was so innocent.

The dialogue, expression, intonation, and tone are just passionate detectives themselves.

Maybe it’s because of his crazy appearance, he naturally digests rough feelings

In particular, Han Ji-woo and Yuna show emotional confrontation over the investigation.

I felt more tension than being the daughter-in-law of a conglomerate family that is almost coming to an end.

I’m waiting for the first day to start

└ ㅇㅇ Junhyung Kang also went crazy when he said the first line, but there was a feeling that he was rather buried by Han Jiwoo and Yuna.

└ I never thought the day would come when the world’s Kang Junhyung would lose his presence

└ Why is Yuna so good at cursing?

└ It was very sad that the daughter-in-law of a conglomerate ended. I was looking forward to it after watching that video.

After the script reading video of <Following the End> was released.

People’s reactions were burning hot.

Until now, most of the responses were that it was regrettable that the final episode of Kim Soo-jin and Lee Ju-yeon’s <The Chaebol’s Daughter-in-law> was approaching.

The reactions of looking forward to <Chasing to the End>, which will soon end and begin, reversed before I knew it.

“Chief! Unnie, are you really going abroad to shoot variety shows?”

Yuna opened the door and asked if she had heard the news from Arin.

From noble mtl dot com

“okay. An entertainment program called <Busking>, which seems to be quite good for Arin, came in, so I decided to do it.”

“also! As the boss said in the past, I knew this day would come.”

The reason Yuna was so excited was simple.

It must be because of English, the language you will use when you go abroad.

“that’s right. Thanks to you, I feel less worried and relieved when sending Arin abroad.”

When Arin was a TOP Enter trainee, he took classes on conversational English.

But after quitting the trainee, that study stopped.

after meeting me

To be precise, after signing a contract with the company and confirming the formation of U & Na, the study continued.

“If you think about the distant future, you should study the language diligently from now on. I’m sure that if you guys have potential, you’ll be able to go overseas in the future.”

Unlike Arin, who nodded as if he understood what I was saying.

“I can speak English, Chinese and Japanese.”

Because Yuna replied.

He said that since childhood, private teachers came to his home to learn.

“Then, only Arin will have to learn on his own.”

So, I was going to teach Arin alone.

“no way. Private conversation lessons are expensive, and above all, it is better to use foreign languages consistently. I’ll help you. To make time to get closer to my sister.”

Yuna raised her hand and said that.

The reason Yuna often lived at Arin’s house in the early days of Yuanna’s formation was to study that language.

“As expected, Yuna, the founding contributor of WH!”

“Yes, yes.”

It wasn’t wrong.

Come to think of it, it was the first day of filming for the drama sooner or later.

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