“ Shooting starts soon, right?”

“that’s right! So today, I will go to Ji-woo unnie’s with the boss.”

“me too?”

Yuna nodded at my question.

It was as if he was asking why he asked a question for something obvious.

“It is lunch time. My sister told me to bring the boss because food is important.”

“I get it. Let’s just take care of this and get going.”

“yes! I will wait while watching the script.”

Just because the script was all completed before filming didn’t mean Kim Hana’s work as a writer was over.

Just like writer Cha Young-joo did.

Kim Ha-na also got another inspiration while watching the actors who already showed excellent acting at the script reading site.

It would not change in the big frame, but the level of detailed lines would be modified for completeness.

After arriving at Han Ji-woo’s house.

When Yuna left to go to the bathroom for a while, I asked Han Ji-woo.

“I heard that you spend a lot of time with Yuna doing character analysis these days.”

“that’s right. why?”

“What about the actress Yuna that actress Han Ji-woo saw?”

At my question, Han Ji-woo is lost in thought for a moment.

“Actress Han Ji-woo saw Yoo Na-ra…”

Literally, the actress at the top is Han Ji-woo.

Not only popularity, but also top-notch skills.

What about actress Yuna, evaluated by actress Han Ji-woo?

“A friend I look forward to. Let’s evaluate it first.”

Are you looking forward to it?

So, are you saying it’s not as good as you think?

“Do not misunderstand. Just because I’m looking forward to it doesn’t mean it doesn’t fill my eyes right now.”

Han Ji-woo, as if reading my thoughts, continues.

“Even if he said he would learn from teacher Dok Go-young, his acting potential must have exploded. I thought so.”

I thought that the acting ability shown in the movie <The Detective> was the full bloom of all my talents.

“But this time, as I analyzed the character and practiced the script, I realized it.”

This child is still growing. The words continued from Han Ji-woo’s mouth.

“If you grow up like this, won’t you become the second Han Ji-woo?”

“That’s the best praise I can come out of Han Ji-woo’s mouth.”

“that’s right.”

Until now, there have been many new actors who have been called the second Han Ji-woo in the media or on the Internet.

But not once did that word come out of Han Ji-woo’s mouth.


Because there was no one who showed talent that Han Ji-woo could recognize.


“I’m going to give it my best this time and show it. I just told you to be the second Han Ji-woo, but you can’t be pushed back.”

The conversation ended there.

Yuna, who was away for a while, is back.

by the way.

I’m already looking forward to Yuna’s growth that will be shown through this drama.


Full-scale filming of <Chasing to the End> has begun.

Of course, I followed Yuna to take care of her first shoot.

“Chief. It’s okay if someone else follows me now. I’m not a kid anymore.”

“okay? Should I change it now? I can go back soon after leaving.”

Yuna hurriedly waved her hand, as if my words were a joke.

“It’s a joke, a joke. Of course, it’s the first shoot, so the boss has to follow. If I hadn’t followed you, I would have been upset and would have gone mad.”

It was Yuna who added, “It’s real, maybe it wasn’t a joke.”

“How are you feeling?”

“It is the best. It couldn’t get any better than this.”

After a while, it was confirmed that the words were not false.

A rookie detective who grits his teeth to chase after the criminal.

Raindrops falling incessantly.

The back of the culprit who slips in a puddle of standing water and eventually misses it.

That was the first and last moment that an eyewitness who witnessed the criminal’s back remained.

“Huh. Huh.”

Through rain-soaked hair.

The brightly shining eyes were eventually directed only at the last empty space that was missed.


After PD Park Han-young’s cry, Kim Sae-mi quickly approached and covered her with a blanket.

“How was it?”

Yuna asked me how the scene she had just acted was like.

“How was it?”

I almost chased after the culprit in place of Yuna who fell while watching.

Even the staff, who knew in advance that the falling scene was in the script, let out a pitiful sigh.

And as I watched them, I thought of this.

“I was expecting the ratings to exceed 28% in just a few episodes.”

I think the first broadcast alone will have a bigger ripple effect than <Daughter-in-law of a Conglomerate>.

< Episode 115 > End

< Episode 116 >

The last filming of <Daughter-in-law of a Conglomerate> is over.

“Thank you for your effort!”

“You have worked so hard!”

Best ratings of the year.

Thanks to that, the warm atmosphere on set.

The filming time is not chased until dawn with the actors’ passionate performances.

It was an outstanding filming finish that the staff gave the thumbs up saying it was the best.

And at the closing scene, there was Kim Soo-jin, who became a wind puppet and greeted even minor roles.

“Mr. Sujin. Let’s do it again next time.”

“of course. Lighting director, thank you so much for making me look pretty.”

“It’s all because of Sujin’s appearance. My reflector only helped a little.”

The atmosphere is definitely good.

There are often cases where the set of a ruined drama breaks up as if they don’t want to see it.

The atmosphere here is full of regret that everyone is the last.

“Soojin. great job.”

“no. It would have been fine if the representative didn’t come today.”

“It’s our actor’s last filming, so he should come.”

Kim Soo-jin arrived only after saying hello to the staff for their hard work until the end.

“Are you sorry?”

“yes. After the last filming, I thought it would be refreshing because the hardships were over. Even though it’s the second time, I can’t get used to it.”

Kim Soo-jin’s face is full of sad expressions.

If I leave it as it is, I think I will leave with a lot of regret.

“Don’t be sorry. This time, we decided to gather all the staff and hold the finale.”

“that’s right. So let’s go today If we go, won’t others go too?”

“Okay, I’m glad. Let’s go.”

Lee Joo-yeon might be familiar with this situation, so she quickly said goodbye and left first.

I couldn’t say hello to Kim Soo-jin, but he said that now that we’ve become very close, we can do it separately.

And from now on, you will be a member of the same agency.

“Do you want to go home and rest today?”

I asked Sujin Kim, who got into the car, and I heard an unexpected answer.

“I’m going to visit my parents today.”

“at home?”


“Then let’s go together.”


I see Kim Soo-jin taken aback at my words to go with him.

“Why are you surprised? Now, I’m trying to bring an actor who has become a worthy pillar of our WH. I have to take you and come back to work.”

“ah. Then it’s okay. CEO, you are very busy these days. I can go by bus.”

Oh dear.

Since our actor became a star overnight, it seemed that he hadn’t felt it yet.

The popularity of actor Kim Soo-jin, who ran before and after <Daughter-in-law of a Conglomerate Family> began.

Even if you still wander around as much as you like in morning dramas, you seem to think it’s the kind of atmosphere that only ladies welcome.

“You don’t know what will happen if Sujin finds out who you are while walking down the street.”

At my words, the stylist in the back seat quickly helped.

“that’s right. Unnie is very popular these days, so I can’t. If people find out that my sister is actor Kim Soo-jin on the bus…”

“What if you find out?”

The stylist continued with a very realistic expression.

“Sister, you will have to run away like a person being chased by a horde of zombies. If you get caught, you might have to sign a lot. I missed the timing to get off the bus.”


It was only then that I realized that it might be difficult to use public transportation as comfortably as before.

Kim Soo-jin’s face turned pale.

I don’t have a car, so I always use public transportation.

Popularity is kind of a double-edged sword.

Although it is something that celebrities want and desperately want.

After you get it, there are quite a lot of restrictions in your daily life.

Of course, there are many people who desperately want that popularity, saying that it is okay to be uncomfortable, so please.

“So even if it’s not the CEO, it’s good to tell the manager oppas and move. You don’t even have a driver’s license.”

“No. That’s why Juyeon unnie asked me if I had a car.”

“that’s right. Now, if unnie is sitting in a cafe, a picture might be taken and posted on the Internet. You’ve become a super popular celebrity.”

It wouldn’t have been to this extent even if it had been a successful morning drama.

However, the image she showed in <Daughter-in-law of a Conglomerate> was very strong.

The elegance and luxury of the top 0.1% that stimulates people’s desires, and the bloody greed and competition unfolding beneath them.

It was Kim Soo-jin who showed them so perfectly that the popularity was greater than that of ordinary lead actors.

“You can call the manager whenever you go anywhere like now. It’s okay to contact team leader Park Il-do and make a move.”

“no. If I get money from advertising this time, I’ll get a license and prepare a car.”

If she was at the level of Han Ji-woo or Lee Joo-yeon, she would have naturally felt comfortable following her manager.

For Kim Soo-jin, who had just begun to emerge, it still seemed burdensome.

Every time I want to move anywhere, I call the manager and take me as a driver.

There is no need to rush.

As time goes by, you will gradually get used to it.

“Sujin, do as you please.”

I leave the car for moving to the set at the company.

I changed to a comfortable company car and set off with Kim Soo-jin.

“You don’t have to do this.”

“no. I always tried to visit them by listening to my parents’ voices over the phone. The timing was right today.”

Kim Soo-jin was playing minor roles such as Passer-by 1 and Victim 1, which were not even supporting roles.

Sujin Kim’s parents were very worried when they said that they would sign a contract with an unfamiliar place called WH Enter.

No one knows even if you ask around.

Even after searching on the internet, I couldn’t find any good information.

There is a lot of information about WH now, but it was then.

“I called last night too, but my mom always told the CEO to be nice.”

“You are good at it. I should rather be good to my actor. If I don’t do well, won’t I go somewhere else?”

At my words, Kim Soo-jin burst into laughter.

Like you’re talking nonsense.

“I heard that Jooyeon unni is also coming to our company. On the plate that says our company is good in other places. where do i go And I love our company.”

After joking around, we arrived at our destination.

The place we arrived was in front of a small snack bar in front of the high school.

It was.

This was a snack bar in front of the high school run by Kim Soo-jin’s parents.

“mom! dad!”

Kim Soo-jin, who only showed a mature image until just now.

When I ran to the store, I ran screaming like an excited child.

The students who were eating at the snack bar turned their heads this way at the sound.

As soon as I confirmed that the person behind the voice was Kim Soo-jin, I was startled.


“omg. oh my god!”

“Ji, are you really Sujin Kim?”

Even Kim Soo-jin came into the store.

The female students, who were eating tteokbokki while wearing school uniforms, widened their eyes at the appearance of Kim Soo-jin.

“president. Your daughter who is said to be an actress was actor Kim Soo-jin?”

“omg. Come to think of it, I think I’ve seen it before the daughter-in-law of a conglomerate.”

From noble mtl dot com

“that’s right! I was by your side too. Why didn’t I know then?”

I don’t know why.

It was because those kids were at school when the morning drama was in full swing.

Housewives who take their children to school and sit in front of the TV were enthusiastic about it.

Even if the students had met Kim Soo-jin before starting <The Chaebol’s Daughter-in-Law>, they wouldn’t have known him very well.

Maybe even see it? He must be an actor from a morning drama.

I would have said this

What the stylist said in the car earlier was correct.

Soon after, the students came to their senses and ran towards Kim Soo-jin.

“sister! I’m having a lot of fun watching that drama.”

“me too! Could you please sign me here?”

“I’m really enjoying watching that older sister’s drama. Please sign me too!”

Obviously, there was no such hospitality when I came before the drama started.

A smile was drawn on Kim Soo-jin’s face, who was embarrassed by the sudden reaction of the students who were so enthusiastic that it was close to intense.

“Of course you have to do it. If you wait for your turn, I will do everything without missing anything. Our snack bar is delicious, so you come here often.”

Looking at the students, Kim Soo-jin, who calmed down again, said with a smile.

“yes! I am a complete regular here.”

“that’s right. I came yesterday too.”

A mini fan signing event was held for a while like that.

Sujin Kim’s sudden and unannounced visit caused the restaurant to close earlier than usual.

“oh my. CEO, why did you come all the way here? Sujin just needs to tell her to come by bus.”

“No, mother. Didn’t you see it just before? Sujin is now a star that everyone recognizes, so I can’t let her go alone. Just like before, they rush to ask for an autograph.”

Sujin’s mother smiles with happiness when I say that she has become a star.

Until last year, she was a daughter who had been in minor roles.

When I went to the cinema to see the movie I was filming, it was gone in less than a second.

In dramas, it was common for 50 minutes to end with a single line.

I was such a sad daughter.

Suddenly, I signed a contract with the company.

Morning dramas cause uproar among acquaintances and aunts around you.

With this drama, he literally became a national star.

While Sujin’s mother had a happy time at my words for a while.

I looked at the menu on the wall.

“The price is very cheap. It’s like the price a few years ago.”

“that’s right. My daughter might be on TV, but I can’t sell it for a high price. It’s already a business targeting students. That’s why I kept the price.”

Tteokbokki is 2,000 won.

Tempura is 300 won.

Oden 300 won.

Kimbap 1000 won.

Fried rice 3000 won.

At this level, I could feel that they were doing business with minimal margins.

The amount on the plate that was placed in front of the students just before was considerable.

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