An arms dealer in the world of pirates

An arms dealer in the world of pirates


157 Chapters Ongoing Status

Chu River crossed the world of One Piece and became a small arms dealer.

However, this arms dealer is not selling ordinary arms, but arms from the heavens and realms.

The slashing knife of the Grim Reaper World, the imperial tools of the Cr


Chu River crossed the world of One Piece and became a small arms dealer.

However, this arms dealer is not selling ordinary arms, but arms from the heavens and realms.

The slashing knife of the Grim Reaper World, the imperial tools of the Crimson Pupil World, and a variety of weapons.

Until the end, there were even a lot of bio-type weapons.

A few years later, in the One Piece world, the devil fruit has become a low-end item, and Chu River’s arms are the most high-end items.

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novel: “Pirate World Arms Dealer”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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