An Empire as a Betrothal Gift

Chapter 102, Butterfly

The lazy rain is gradually turning into a drain, and there is no voice slowly.

"The rain stopped."

Waving opens the window to see the eye, the outer front is late. In the thick night, you can only see a faint architectural contour, and there are very few pedestrians on the road.

The air that has just turned over the rain and fresh nature, mixed with a faint floral.

"It is the fragrance of the butterfly." Guardian said.

Liang Guo is the country of fragrance. This is a variety of wonderful, raw materials are extracted from flowers. Therefore, Liang Guo also has the beauty of "the country of flowers".

Liang Guo has thousands of odd flowers, including the most popular of Liang Guomin. The butterfly orchid is purple, petals like butterflies, the aroma is more good, and it will attract really butterflies. The aristocratic woman of Liang Guo loves to take it as a fragrant.

This is also related to the folk customs of Liang Guo. Liang Guo likes to regard the flowers as a gift, and put the girls compared to a delicate flowers. Send a woman butterfly, there is a confession - Butterfly Love Flower, I love you.

Every year, the god of flowers is approaching, and every household will be covered with a lot of flowers in front of the door, and the whole city becomes a flower sea. The aroma of the butterfly orchid is especially strong, and a new rain is a breeze, you can let the butterfly flowers floating ten miles, refreshing.

Waiter looked at the window, breathing the air with a faint floral, and feels refreshing: "Liang Guo Zeng Qigue orchid's fragrance, when he felt a good, always want to see real flowers."

The voice did not fall, a hands covering his eyes from behind.

The guardian line suddenly fell into a dark, but the nose smelled a fragrant fragrance, much more than the light flowers in the air.

He slightly sniffed and was a butterfly.

"Good news?" Ji Yapo asked.

Warfare surprise: "You -"

Ji Yapo opened his hand, heavily gave a shackles, see a bunch of butterfly orchids in front of him, purple petals like a butterfly wings, it seems to be flying from the window from the window.

He closed the window and lifted his eyes and asked: "Where is the flower?"

Is there anything more surprised than the heart? As he said, Ji Yapo will let him pay.

"When you go to the Hall of the Hall, I look at the way to use this flower to arrange the lobby, saying that this flower is a person who gives beloved. I will ask him to have a bunch." Ji Yapo said.

Gallery is unique: "You also understand the southern Xinjiang language?"

"Swing". "Ji Yapo is close to the color," I am not stupid than you. "

His learning ability is also very strong?

"OK, I underestimated you." Waiter smiled, dial and purple the petals, "Do you not hate the purple? How do you think of sending me."

I don't like purple clothes, and I don't like purple.

"I hate that person, I hate everything I have related to her, I have sent her to death is my belief. But I'm not the same." Ji Bae laughed, "My faith is not her."

He is now a prevailing.

He still has annoying things, but it is far from love.

The martial artifacts felt the petals, insert the flowers into the bottle of the bed, and leaned over and gave him a kiss.

"You always let me really want to kiss you today." When separated, he said.

Answer: "I want to kiss you every day."

Waving hooks the lips.

They returned back, leaning against the bed, this is a matter of right.

"August eight, sacrifice God." Warfare said, "I have asked. That day the float patrol, the mysterious national flag will appear, sit on the float to accept the onlookers. There is also a flower to open the road. They called this part as the celestial flowers, and people who got the flowers, they will get the gods, bring good luck. "

Jiye said: "That scene must be confusing."

"It is the best time we do." Wei Qi Road.

Everyone is fighting for flowers, probably no one thinks that there will be someone to assassinate the national witch.

National witch will naturally have a large number of soldiers to protect, but this is not worthy of the war of martial arts. It is easy to kill a person. It is often not reacted, and people who are eyeing are dead, even no one can find their traces.

"But the problem is," Waving also said, "We have no enough evidence now, the national witch is the people who spell."

Although the suspects of national witch are very high, they can be not 100%. If you kill the wrong person.

"Merna's clue is temporarily interrupted, I have not discovered any problems from her." Warfare thinking, "no problem is the biggest problem ..."

"If Merna is not going to start." Ji Yapo gave him a description of a thinking, "that you can regard the Son Aslant as a breakout point."


"You didn't see it?" Ji Yapo, "When the national banquet, his eyes did not leave Merina. It is obvious that he likes her."

"People always want to protect their favorite people." Ji Yapo, "just like I want to protect you."

Warfare: "I will talk about it." He heard the love words today, he didn't want to parent.

He is afraid that he can't help but fall.

"Well, the words come true." Ji You suddenly slammed the sky, "If AsLo knows, the girl he like is not the nature, but it is not self, he will not say what we need. What? "

Warfare is not awkward: "We have no evidence that Merna will not help but believe. He will believe?"

"What happened to you, love you?" Ji smashed his nose, "What evidence he told him, as long as there is any point, he will want to save Wai Wai in the water. "

"Never underestimate the intentions of people."

Waters are not convinced: "You are stupid."

He is the first smart figure in the world.

Ji Yapo eyebrows: "The fool says this."

Gauge is more annoyed: "It is you harm."

Jiya cools: "The fool also loves the push."

Warfare thinking about half a day, did not want to rebut, the tone is obey: "You don't love me, you don't know what to let me. What is the benefit of you?"

Ji Yue is not like this, the one who can come to the face of his three two sentences, I don't know which grave buried in. This thief is now.

:: "Look at you cute."

Warfare: "You are useless, you are not used, you are saving me."

Gihya poked the gang of him, low dumb road: "Don't seduce me, um?"

Warfare: "???"

Ji looks at the confused youth rumor.

He really felt that the guards frowning drums were very cute.

Waving is too steady, from the early morning, it is very painful. Thinking secrets, wise people, the age of just learning, and there is no sound, and it is very good.

But he just wants this person to taste all children's purest happiness, want to make up for everything that has been missing.

There is nothing bad to become two kinds of nutanese ghosts.

He is not a fairy figure that is not a cold. Ji Yapo took him to the world, gave him a little bit dyed, teach him seven emotions and six desires, give him joy.

This is the most gentle love and care that the king can give.

Annoying, the guardian feels that Ji Yapo is very reasonable.

A road does not achieve a road, and the road Tong Moque ebony is the city of Khar Burberza - still dead way?

At the beginning of August, Waitong went to the Holy Hall to visit Merina.

Merne said back and forth, next time, no matter whether it is a guest's words, heavens are all when she is not.

Merna didn't think that the Garage is so short, she is warmly enjoys him enthusiastically: "I thought you were gone. How long is you planning to have to wait for Liang State?"

Guardian Road: "The girl is not said to say that the god of the god is coming? I always have to make up and lively, and I will go next place in this section."

"It is also." Merna nodded, "In fact, I envy you, I can get rid of the four seas, eat so much different things, see so many different people. The world is so big, you will definitely encounter better people. Don't always think about that my heart. "

Warfare football responded for a while, only realized that the negative Han is equal to Ji Yapo.

Merna did the silent silence as a sad heart, anxusement: "Oh, I am stupid, I originally want to comfort you, let you think of sadness. Cough, change a topic, let us not mention him."

Waving and gently laugh: "Nothing."

Merna immediately grabbed his chest: "You don't laugh, it's so good, I can't stand. Oh, how can you face this face, how can you look so good? Bon, you want to think about it, and I also come to Dew water Marriage? Maybe you like a woman in the future, you can forget that who is it. "

She is extremely serious, and the beauty of the war is unable to fight.

In the past, it is a person who is Qin Wang, she can't touch it. It can be different now, the guard is alone, and it has to be colorful, she can't say it.

Guardian Road: "The girl is laughing. During the next day, it is seized."

Merne did not care: "What is the tight? Don't try to know, your face is really very good ..."

Waters and ear, suddenly flying quickly grabbed the mask on the table.

Behind Asalan broke the door, I heard the phrase "very fascinating", I didn't have half.

He listened to someone who said that Merna met two times, and immediately rushed to 100,000 fire. It is important to know that Merne's past is enthusiastic to a man. After a time, I will immediately have tasteless, so Aslan is still able to endure.

However, Mrun saw a man's second time, and said to people say "heart".

Does Merna are really heart?

AsLlan can't finish.

Indulge Merna and other men are already his limit, he can't accept Merna like other men.

Angry swallowing, Aslan just wants to kill the man who is favored by Merna.

Warfare quite a gap to escape an attack. He is only a weak man who is not boundless in the eyes of Merna. If it is exposed to the truth of martial arts, let Merna I want him to be the person who is stolen and soul, will then be able to play. .

After all, Merna was suspected of being.

However, Aslan is coming, the purpose of the snake is reached. He really cares about Merna.

"Aslan! You stay!" Merna blocked in front of the sky, "Do you know who he is!"

Aslan's eyes dull: "Let's open!"

Merina anti-lip-skew-minded: "I don't let!"

"The girl is still letting it." Warfare slowly stood up, "I have something to say."

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