Hall of Hall.

Asselam is directly attacked: "I have nothing to say to you, you have something to talk to the witch!"

This person has something to say alone, and Aslant has not patient. He just didn't want to do it in front of Merna, and she quarreled with her.

When Wafen was coming to Aslan, Merna was anxiously destroyed, and he was gently shaking his head gently. At that time, Merna did it, and the more angry in Aslant.

Merna thought about it, and felt that it was not a fool. As long as the mask is taken down, Asa is naturally not impulsive, and he should not have a danger of life, simply give up the idea of ​​discouragement.

So the two met the position and came to the Hall of Siard.

In the courtyard of the Holy Temple, a large butterfly is planted, the purple sprinkles, the aroma is very strong. Aslan is afraid of ruining the flowers, not in the yard, always endure anger into the temple, immediately attacking the sword.

It is too nonsense to say a nonsense in the sight of Merna. The man who has been in harmony for many years is no reason. I just want to kill this person, this attack can be said that it is unrestricted.

Waving is changed in the Shengqian temple, the appearance of the holy, the step is light, and it is easy to avoid this attack.

Aslant glanced, immediately sautdown on the second sword, this return is not avoided, reach out of two fingers, gently clamp the sword.

Introduction, Aslant is like a bronze wall, and may not move forward. He is ambitious, biting his teeth: "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Previously in the Hall of the Hall, this man wearing mask obviously did not play real strength. His hidden strength is close to Merna, what is intended?

Assell can't stand Merna's true heart, it can't stand the true heart of others with the purpose of deceiving Merna.

If he loves it mad, he wants to guard the girl, and he is in the case of others.

Waving a micro-power force, the sword created by the bronze is broken.

Just hold a sword handle: "..."

If this person's purpose is to kill him, then he is now estimated that it has been killed.

"The Son may wish to sit down, listen to me slowly." Warfare courtesy.

Aslan strong: "... If I don't want to hear?"

The guards hold a sharp bronze fragment on the hand, and smiles: "You will want to listen."

When the guards of the guards, Aslan surprised almost fell from the chair.

"How is you!" Aslan was shocked.

He naturally remembers the gentle face.

On top of the Qin State banquet, the son is full of stunning people, and the wind is unforgettable.

But how can this be the gorge of thousands of miles? Qin Wang will put him on the palace?

Also, this son is clear that it will not be martial arts ... How will it be such a powerful master?

With a bunch of questions, Aslant has not been able to ask, it is heavily worthy of "Why do you know why Merna will turn this," I forgot anything.

"What do you mean?" As Lalanton didn't care, all of them were in this sentence.

"I am coming to a little private, inconvenient." Guardian Road, "Clever, I met a woman on the way, like a saint, love with different men in the fish. I met her, as if I saw To the second sacred girl. "

Aslant is calm: "The same woman is not no, there is anything."

"But I smelled the fragrance on her, the same as the saint."

Asalang's eyebrows move, it seems to be.

Warlings followed: "Then I know that she is not for voluntary."

Assealach is changing, out of mouth: "How?!"

Waving: "It seems that you think that the man is."

Lin Yuner really is associated with Merna.

Aslan face is cloudy, and it is customizable to wave: "How do I know you not?"

"What is the good part of this to me? I am friends with the saints, see or have embarrassment, I want to remind you." Warfare pick up a roller from the arms, "If you don't believe, Then do you recognize this person? "

The painting fell, and it was a look of Lin Yan.

Assembly stares at the painted painting, the last slightly doubts, becomes a desperate.

His matte: "... I recognize her."

Waving did not expect things to progress so smoothly. He thought that he had to work with Aslant, he would make a tongue to work together, and he did not think that he had only a Lin Yue's Danqing. He said that Lin Yuner did not help himself, and Aslan followed The collapse collapse.

The man in desperate is fragile, and he is too comforting a few words. He will take all things and disc.

"... I have already found it wrong." Aslan painful, "I have clearly discovered ... Why don't I doubt? Why don't I doubt that person!"

Guardian control opportunities asked: "Which person?"

Aslan is silent for a long time, and it is clear: "We call her."

"The world said she is, the national witch."

Aslan and Merna, I have known a young Miji horse, two little no.

Liang Guo pays attention to "Jun Signals", penetrates the beliefs of the gods, root into the bones. The king's shape is far from the virtual, the status of the altar is much higher than the Royal Palace, and even the army is more listening to the god instructions - this indication is naturally the national witch that can communicate with the gods.

It can be said that Liang Guo has no royal family, and it can also operate as usual, there is no national witch, and the whole country has to fall into chaos.

The mystery of the national witch is powerful. The only chance to show in front of the public in the public is the Wuxianship Day. She is not old, the youth is constant, and for decades, as a day, I was seen from the country to Liang Wang to the people as a goddess.

The national flag said that the witch likes the young male girl. It is a batch of four or five children from the people in a few years. It has been cultivated for several years, and the best male and one woman who bought the best men and a woman. It is called "God".

The service of God is seven years. They began to take a year old, until the age of 18, and the age is large, and will be removed, and then the new Son San also selects.

The predecessor, the former Son, will be free, leaving Wangcheng with a large golden silver jewelry. Because God doesn't like to see what they have appeared, they are no longer young, so they can't continue to stay in Wangcheng.

Who can keep you young? In addition to the national witch.

Aslan and Merna are those who are picked up, and the candidates are of course more than two, but the last success is them.

They entered the altar from the age of five, and the relationship between Aslan and Merna were the best. They used to play the game of home wine, and the Aslan, who was young, sent Merina, one more than one more than one more than one more orchid, and the child said that "I want to marry you", I have been smiled by the little girl "Since Son It is not possible. "

Aslan said: "We don't have to be selected."

"You don't have to be selected!" The little girl is not happy, the children will be able to become a sense of life as a lifelong glory, and Aslan said too much.

Aslan quickly changed the mouth: "There are always after the removal, we are too 18 years old."

Merna has already put him, whispered: "Okay."

When I was a child's agreement.

Later, until thirteen or four years old, their feelings are very good. The young male girl is the beginning of the enlightenment of the sinus, and they are green, and the two feelings are happy. Asalands, I have been waiting for fifteen years old. He sent Merina Butterfly, telling her her own heart - Liang Guo fifteen years of adult.

Come will be on the age of 14 years old.

At that time they have become a sacred sacred sacred sacred, this position is actually unlicensed, just like a mascot, just practice a skill. The Son is Jiu Yang and needs to keep the boy. The sacred girl is nine yin, but also known as fine, it is necessary to make up the man's yang, but one can only once, otherwise it will hurt the other life.

I don't understand when I was young, I don't know what kind of practice is. If you know, Aslan will never let Merna as a saint.

He knows that it is late. Merne was 14 years old and had a skin of the souvenir.

It is the person of Merna's active kiss.

Asalands hit, when he thought, he thought he and Merna have been interoperable, he didn't understand why Merina betrayed him.

"Is him forcing you? As long as you say yes, I immediately killed him immediately." Assembled.

I used to be a young girl in the glamorous enchanting: "Aslan, I found that I like this. What are you doing? I don't like you."

"When you were young, I said that -"

"Children's words, no." Merna wonderful, "Aslan, you won't be true?"

Merna will seem to have changed individuals, becoming lying, abused, ignored.

After Aslant, I understand that the practice of Merna practice needs to do that kind of person.

"Don't practice it?" Assessing her, "this moon is not right, let's run, okay?"

In the country of belief god, it is also a child who has been infused from the little altar. It is very difficult to have this kind of escape.

Merna is not born: "I don't want to be, I don't have to practice. I want to say how many times I understand, this kind of thing is really comfortable, I am born to be unwilling to defend someone, I will I want to taste the taste of the man in the world. Don't persuade me, let me go back soon, I will tell me, let her fine. "

Aslan doesn't know what to do, he doesn't understand how things become like this.

In his yard, he carefully raised the butterfly orchids, full of the whole courtyard, and finally did not send it.

There are too many men to go to Merna's bed, say love words to her, send her butterfly, which symbolizes the love of the flowers to become cheap in her eyes.

Then he would rather no longer open to show his own mind, no longer send it.

Jiuyang Gong and Jiuyin merit, in the eyes of the world, is only the god of the sacred sacred to practice. No one thinks there is any problem. This method is that national witch is given to them, but Aslan has never suspected that the country has a heart.

It is an uncomfortable orphan of these homeless, let them have a distinguished identity on the people, change their original fate. I am very good to them, even said to Merna: "If you don't want to practice this practice, you can stop at any time, just that the sanctuary is going to change. I will not barely."

Merna quickly said: "I am voluntary."

It is the meaning of "adopting self-satisfied people" in Nanjie. Enjoy the mountain, they all respect her.

How can you doubt.

"People who have practiced Jiu Yin Gong, there will be that kind of fragrance is that any spices can not be tone." Assell whispered, "The person you meet is the former sacred female ... I have seen it when I was young. She side. If she is not voluntarily ... The Merun is probably. She is controlled by the evil spirits, she is not the nature! "

"But I didn't find it for so many years, I dare not doubt, didn't save her ..."

Warfare see Aslax appearance, understand that the fight against the other party will be large. He and others calm down and said: "How do you plan to save her?"

"Yeah, how should I save her ..." Aslant muttered, "What should I do?"

Warfare continued: "The national witch let you practice this practice, there is always her purpose. If you know her purpose, you can find out the method of crack."

He is not believed to serve the story. He doesn't matter if he can't wait, the national flag of Liang Guo is simply like cults, and the group of people playing all people.

"She is already so strong, the longevity is not old, what will I do if I have a half-step cacto?" Assealan is unbelievable.

Waving is instantly grasping the focus: "Changsheng is not old?"

He sinking: "Maybe, this is her purpose."

How to have real longevity. People who are not very old like his master, are not in the world. This is a national witch in Liang Guo, and the world is infected, and it is not taboo half.

Most people are not the world.

It's not the world, but it will be against the sky, it will be a kind of evil. Some people practice is to make people living, and some people are in order to make their own interests.

The ancient people don't want to pursue the people who don't want to be old and don't want to be old.

Aslant can't keep up with the battle: "What?"

Warfare mercy, I looked at the Easy: "I will help you this busy."

Abdominal black savvy, even if the fact is that it is necessary for Aslan to help them, but also to say that he helped Asceland.

Assell did not find anything wrong, he was hit by a sudden message, and he didn't return to God.

Guardian Road: "None Don't do anything."

When we kill you, you will look at it and stop it.

Merina is controlled by people, but there is no neutrality, mostly the same curse with Jiye. It is just that the life is life, and Merna has been affected by heart.

Lin Wei is probably being too strong, and there is no complete impact. The body has already sinking, but the reason can still be awake, and will suffer.

That is very simple, kill one person, a double carving, all happy.

It turns out that so-called causations are such a solution.

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