Anamnesis: Queen of the Apocalypse

Chapter 52 - Another Leg From The Centipede

'This is more harrowing than I thought, this is terrifying! Job Interview is the worst afterall!'

She then sits back to her surprisingly unscathed chair. Still with her anger, the interview will be continuing without the table.

On the other side of her, is a clueless child who tries her best. Yes, that child is you, cold sweat is draining the blood on your head. If there is a mirror, you will be shocked at how pale you are.

Alas, it seems like you're just unlucky to get a demonic interviewer. Dyaus Pita might be stronger than Lues as the crimson devil's current mana is the same as yours.

With a flick of a tarsus finger, she disables all of the variables within the room that cancel your concealment, and immediately creates a forcefield from inside.

"Those top brass won't be seeing nor hearing the real us for a while. From their point of view, we're just bantering each other like racist scum, so feel free to uncover your dipshit."

"W-why would you do so?"

She leans her head forward. "They mustn't know that a weakling who is not even a primordial is here in front of me. I can see unique emitters to duplicate Golden Orb's aura but that won't fool a 'Usurper' like me."

The Chrolings and Lueling inside your mana sea are trembling in fear, knowing that their craft can easily be unfoiled by an unprecedented adversary. A Usurper, so she says. The same as Lues, an elder within this apocalypse.

Before embarrassing yourself with those former antics you tried to pull, you instinctively stand and bow. "I'm sorry!!"

"Tch, younglings these days. I admit your act is platinum but you're doing it on the wrong goddamn person!" She stands, crosses her pair of appendages, and shifts her head up to look down on you. "Life's a fucking bitch, you daft-high horse-looking-ass midget. If you think that we're just some company who takes hard working people who risk their fucking ass at the frontlines so that you can get someone to massage your crinkly toe then you can get the hell out of my sight!"


You maintain your apologetic stands, an eerie pause ensues until the burning fire in her eyes flickers. Then, it fizzles out as she leans back on her chair.

"A Citadel is a civilization, The Vagants are no different, the past is gone and the future is uncertain. Now tell me, tell me if the death of a wretch was just the centrepiece. Well, you don't need to. Those lives that fly with hope are just another leg wrenched from the centipede. We're a stampede, a legion proceeded when decreed. The Assailant is one of many boxes who send those hungry pawns on steed to the battlefield, we're just the containers."

After hearing her acknowledgement, you sit back into your chair.

"How about the other?" you ask.

"There is no other, we're on our own asses. Most of the other organizations think that they are safe in their expensive bunkers. Vagants are the only ones who at least try to ensure the survival of those mortals. There might be vigilantes and other small secretive groups who are active to make this world a better place. In the end most of them don't care, they don't have sympathy. We're the only organization who keeps the apocalypse at bay, a Citadel on itself is our idea."

"Why are you saying this to me? Who are you?"

"Just your dank cockroach trying to carry the weight of humanity on her shoulders, even though they don't exist anymore."

"How about the other 56?"

"Those are humans, Humanity is dead."

Both of you are contemplating the torn history of the world. It seems like Dyaus is not a mere cockroach who doesn't have empathy. Her complexion and way of speech emphasizing the fall and the nigh end that the Vagant is currently keeping away.

She continues, shrugging with glee, "As for why I'm doing this, I'm just making sure that there is no wretched primordial joining my precious branch! Others will be fooled by your act and I'm sure as hell they would aggro the heck out of me, I don't want my wrath resulting in this building crumbling to dust because of misinformation."

"W-won't you get in trouble for that?"

"Of course not, I'm one of the founders of Assailant, Dyaus Pita. Nice to meet you once again, twerp! Keep going with the act!"

She disables the illusion forcefield and her fake manic smile is etched into her face again. With confidence, she continues, "Now, what is your reason for applying to be a personnel here?"

You think deeply, something that doesn't sound threatening, something that isn't half assed, something that is not cheesy, something that is naive. The founder of the Assailant knows that you're not a primordial. Chances are, the others are not. She wants you to keep acting like one to appease them that you're on their side after a long time. Chronos must've thought of this, this is beneficial for you and her, and the other her.

You pull out your Kepler Coins Card, slowly descending your gaze to the ground.

"I like the bread made from this Citadel, and I need KC to buy it."

A jolt of laughter permeates the room, so much that the embarrassment is coming back to you.

"Dear gracious, I'm glad that the food provided here managed to tame a primordial on our side, HAHAHAHAHA!"


"The Assailant will give you plenty of food of course, and with that." She winks and opens her pair of appendages wide as if she is welcoming you with open arms. "Welcome to the Vagant Association. Seizequill will be leading you to the Test Range." Before crossing her arms once again.

"Follow me," says Seizequill suddenly appearing from behind.

You throw another bow and proceed to leave the room together with the lady with wings on her head. She might be the same kin as Thuljas but you aren't sure. As there is no troublesome variable circuit, you activate your concealment spell once again to hide your blood exo-muscle.

Outside of the room, you meet a familiar figure together with an Aiseirighian.

"Where have you been?"

"Waiting room." Lues shrugs.

"Don't die."

She gives you a thumbs up, you reply with another thumbs up, probably confusing the heck out of the two Assailant personnels. After that, you follow the lead of Seizequill.

"Are you a Ferrowl?" you ask.

"I'm a Ferrakhian, most of my kin are already extinct. Also, feel free to ask me anything," she says with a cocky smile, as if her statement about her dying race is only dust in the desert. A rather complacent one at that.

Both of you get into the elevator, the Ferrakhian presses the B4 buttons.

'So there is also a basement floor on this tall building.'

From floor 11 to the basement-4, it will take a while.

"Does the founder usually handle the interview like that?" you ask.

"Nope, we don't even usually hold recruitment on normal days either."

"So it was all because I'm a Primordial, huh. You aren't scared?"

"Nope, how could I be scared of a cute mistress like you?"

She then gives you a wink.

It seems like winking is a tradition here. You probably gonna have to wink a lot too, probably Chronos and Lues as well

You shudder at the thought of both of them winking at you like idols. You regret it, actually.

The lift has arrived, welcoming you to the Test Range.

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