Anamnesis: Queen of the Apocalypse

Chapter 53 - Experimentation

A humongously wide open field made of fortified floors and ceilings, it might reach more than three kilometers from what you see. There are numerous square areas spaced 10 meters from each other and a single target pillar in the middle of them, having five-times the size of your little body. Each square area is about 15 meters, there are so many of them and you're too lazy to count because of how vast this underground space is.

Hundreds of personnel are present, they are practicing with the pillars by attacking them in any kinds of ways, whether it was spells, or an autocannon for fighter jets that one of them single handedly put on their shoulder. Holographic numbers then appear on top of the target pillar to determine the destructive potential of the attack.

The pillar itself didn't look like it was damaged at all, the Vagant Association could just make thousands and then make a great wall out of these masochist pillars.

'Wait, the Calamity might start to train their moves that way.'

You and Seizequill are going for the vacant spot around ten testing-squares from the elevator, spectating the numerous stunt on the way. A male Ferrowl dashes, leaving an afterimage to strike the target pillar: 211 points. An Aiseirighian with a skimpy battlesuit has blasted the target pillar by summoning ten giant fireballs using the help of a human-size crystal-shape floating spell catalyst: 752 points.

A physical attack might reach 600 points at best unless it was groundbreaking, there is one person that striked the target pillar using a giant rocket hammer with a hit worth 2566 points, resulting in a heavy shockwave to the surroundings as the perpetrator got complaints by the blown away victims.

An offensive spell can reach 1000 points average although the caster immediately needs to drink a vial of liquid mana right after, it seems like an elemental spell consumes a lot of mana. Or so you think.

You're itching to try an elemental spell especially after Lues planted the Elemental Crystal at the bottom of your mana deposit. The amount of elemental essence in your mana sea is so dense that the trio workers are now constructing a specialized powerplant, just to make a preserved elemental fuel in numerous batteries. Preventing a natural disaster such as firestorms, lightning storms, heavy floods contaminating the mana lake, and many more tantrums from the mother nature of your athenaeum.

Yes, all of them had happened inside your mana sea when you didn't check it at the time and it seems like the natural disasters traumatized the trio a lot. Your miniature realm is becoming more and more earth-like, it's still a blur whether it was good or not

"The Test Range, simply just call it that because even the top brass doesn't really know what to call this field," she says.

"So much for a large organization."

Almost arriving at the vacant testing area, a single crooked-looking individual with dragon horns, wearing the Assailant's uniform suddenly occupies the square.

Seizequill immediately shouts, "Operator! State your name!"

"Aww come on, senior, I just want to flex my move to the newcomer."

With just the tone of voice, the woman immediately identifies the annoying person, "C-rank personnel, Hegal from the Chassil Squadron. If your points are lower than the new recruit then I will send you for a pleasant expedition with the Coalition unit."

"Be my guest! We will see if the kid has skill!"

The confident man is running to build his momentum, simultaneously compressing a dark energy on his right palm. He then boosts himself to slide forward at high speed, leaving a line of purple flame on his track until he reaches the proximity of the target pillar, and blasts the quarter of the square area engulfed in purple flame.

'Holy shit, that was cool and nasty.'

Holographic '1778' appears on top of the target pillar. It seems like he doesn't even use any circuit catalyst such as staff and wand or anything to pull out that stunt, this man could've been a precious asset to the department if only he behaves more pleasant to the eyes.

The male Aiseirighian is proud of himself, puffing his chest before facing you and his senior. "How's that!?"

"He is quite a talented operator, why is he still in C-rank?" you ask.

Seizequill chuckles for a bit before answering, "Because of his personality."

"Makes sense."

"New kid! Show me your technique!" shouts Hagel.

Seizequill takes out a wand for circuit medium and offers to borrow it, "Need one?"

"Thank you, but I have my own way."

With a rather mixed feeling, you step inside the square area, gazing at the large pillar from bottom to up.

'Hmm, what should I do? I haven't learned any offensive spells besides the blood bending technique.'

"Come on, new kid, you can do this!" mocks Hagel in the most exaggerating ways.

"If she does it better than you, I will take half of your reward after the expedition."

'It seems like trying an unorthodox elemental spell will be fun, there is no demerit for me if I don't reach the expected outcomes, I can just bluff my way out of here.'

Putting both of your hands forward and each palm facing each other, you determine the place for the circuit to assimilate the spell into the center between both of your palms. You don't need any casting media because the chibi virus vessel is already a great circuit conductor and you have tons of them preserved within your mana sea.

Expelling quarters of your saved virus vessels, it's like numerous metallic dust coming out from your body.

You can see a fiendish smile etched on Seizequill face the moment you put your hands forward.

'Let's try making fire, but what is fire actually?'

You command one of the trio inside your mana sea to assimilate fire and send the information to your brain.

'I see.'

Fire is the result of a chemical reaction called combustion. At a certain point in the combustion reaction, called the ignition point, flames are produced. Flames consist primarily of carbon dioxide, water vapor, oxygen, and nitrogen. To assimilate the plasma, you only need fuel, oxygen, and energy. A jolt of electricity as the flicker will do. Once energy starts the reaction, it continues so long as fuel and oxygen are present.

'Knowledge of Fire' acquired.

With the elemental-essence coated mana as the fuel, you send a miniscule bead of processed mana into the determined location, and then you cast a circuit that uses magnetic forces to move electrons from one atom to another, resulting a jolt of electricity to lights the flame.

'Electricity Generator Circuit' knowledge acquired.

It burns in glory at the size of a basketball, having the bluish hue and red possibly because of the use of high quality mana.

'Fireball Spell' knowledge acquired.

With just 0.001% of your mana, you could create this amount of fire. The elemental crystal is donating greatly into this part.

You glances at both of your spectators in curiosity, Seizequill's twisting and haughty smirk has grown more while Hagel is reconsidering his life.

Amusingly, you could hear what they are saying from your position.

"How's that? Hagel, that fire is the sign of a high quality mana."

"Y-yes, that is surely some talented new recruit."

And you haven't started yet.

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