Ancestor Above

Chapter 486: Chang'an City Break

"The ancestor is on top (

The greatest manifestation of the power of the emptiness period is, of course, that the inner world can directly expand to the outside after a qualitative change, temporarily turning a region into its own inner world.

In this expanded small world, Lu Qing, as the ‘Creator’, has absolute authority.

Lu Qing opened his own small world outside Chang'an City, and quietly enveloped all the coalition monks who were attacking Chang'an City, including Lu Weiwen.

After that, Lu Qing used his power as the creator of the world to increase the power of the attacks released by all the monks.

This is the first time Lu Qing has used his own small world to interfere with the outside world. He is still a bit jerky about this power and the use of this method, and he doesn't master it very well.

Therefore, at the beginning, Lu Weiwen would feel that the power of his actual combat tricks has only slightly increased.

And until later, Lu Qing's ability to control this force became stronger and stronger, and the degree of increase that Lu Weiwen's attack methods could get was naturally also a rapid increase, until it reached ten times the level.

In essence, the extra strength that was strengthened came from Lu Qing.

Even if this power belonged to him, Lu Qing was still surprised by it.

A tenfold increase... is too exaggerated.

This is the power of Dongxu.

He can be regarded as personally and deeply feeling that the more the monk reaches the later stage, the gap between each segment is like a chasm, and it is extremely difficult to make up.

And it is precisely because of similar feelings that Lu Qing can really be proud that he was able to compete with the King of Laws at the level of Dongxu with the power of Shenhai before.

Even if it was not him that killed the King of Law God, it was the original power of the world, but being able to resist for so long in the opponent's small world was already a very remarkable achievement in itself.

Of course, this is just a small world that has been released to the cultivators of one's own side. Lu Qing has a trivial power as the creator of the world.

In this small world, Lu Qing can do more.

For example, the current Chang'an City defensive formation can be broken with a gesture of his hand!

His small world is able to cover the entire Chang'an City in it.

In fact, the small world in the early days of Dongxu, even if it was fully expanded, was not so big.

But Lu Qing is always that special presence.

After the small world envelops Chang'an City, Lu Qing only needs to modify the world rules, such as not allowing enchantments to exist, or not allowing the spiritual veins to supply power, then he can easily take Chang'an City. The guardian formation is resolved.

The power of Dongxu is so powerful.

They can do whatever they want in their own small world without interference from the same level of power.

In the ancient times, the high-level spirit guardian formation was still able to fight against the cave monks. That is because in the ancient times, the monks mastered a special technique dedicated to fighting this small world. , Amendments to world rules.

In modern times, this kind of technology, which is unnecessary, difficult to realize, and expensive, has naturally been lost.

Of course, human monks no longer master this kind of technology, but the Infinite God Realm definitely has a similar technology. However, before that, the state religion would definitely not have imagined that they actually needed to face a human monk at the emptiness level in Chang'an City. Without the need for this aspect, it is natural not to create such a useless function.

Therefore, Lu Qing was relatively relaxed at the moment, and solved the guardian formation of Chang'an City.

In the perception of the people of Qin, all this happened extremely suddenly and inexplicably.

They are maintaining a large formation, and the offensive and pressure are very great. They didn't feel a little better until the golden armor giants appeared.

After that, the sages of the coalition forces outside suddenly stopped.

Even though they knew that this matter couldn't be calmed down so easily, however, the sudden stop of the originating monks still made them breathe a sigh of relief.

Of course, they couldn't just use this space for rest. Just now, during the onslaught of the coalition forces, the Chang'an Great Array suffered some damage, and some nodes of the formation were damaged. This will obviously affect the stability of the entire formation.

Although I don't know why the company suddenly stopped, it was a serious matter to rush to repair it at this time.

Then, after rushing to repair, the guardian formation was gone for repair...

There was no reason, and even they could feel that the coalition forces outside, who had brought them tremendous pressure before, did not do anything at all, and the formation was suddenly gone.


What about my big formation?

But no matter how confused and panicked they are, the guardian formation of Chang'an City is gone, which has become an established fact.

But you must know that before this, although the law experts of the coalition forces, UU read www. suddenly stopped attacking for some reason, but the attacking formation composed of more than 10,000 ordinary monks never stopped.

Without the protection of the guardian formation, these attacks were not blocked at all, and they all blasted into the city.

Suddenly, without protection, it is impossible to prepare in advance. These attacks caused very big damage in the first time.

In Chang'an City, not only monks of various levels, but a considerable number of civilians and mortals also exist.

Even the monks would die under such a sudden attack, let alone mortals.

A large number of casualties appeared.

But the coalition obviously won't have any pity. Years of wars have consumed too much patience. It is a serious matter to resolve the battle as soon as possible.

"This is the end of the chatting time, let's finish the business first." Lu Qing said to the allied forces.

Of course the crowd wouldn't say anything, they burst into Chang'an City under the leadership of Weiyun.

At the same time, ordinary monks of the coalition army also flocked in.

The morale of the Qin army in the city has fallen to the bottom.

Many people immediately chose to surrender after receiving the battle.

Even from the perspective of Qin, there is no way to criticize it any more. They have persisted to the point where they are now, and the general trend is gone, and if they don't surrender, they are only dying for the inevitable Qin State.

However, there are still quite a few people who choose to be buried.

The law ministers of Qin have not surrendered yet. Under their command, the ten golden armor giants are also ready to participate in the battle.

However, before the ten golden armor giants really began to show off, they heard a cold snort in the air, and the ten existences equivalent to the level of Dharma were instantly erased.

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