Ancestor Above

Chapter 487: Chang'an City broke the Qin State

"The ancestor is on top (

Those ten golden armor giants were already the last resort of Qin people.

But this last resort was wiped out by Lu Qing in an instant.

It's really easy to hit this kind of physiognomy at the hole virtual level, or an incomplete physiognomy.

After erasing these ten golden armor giants through the power of the small world, Lu Qing thought a little bit and made a decision.

He turned his body into a small world!

His face occupies almost the entire sky. Within the scope of his small world, everyone can see him.

Wherever his sight went, the coalition monks became extremely powerful, and the Qin people were either weak or simply wiped out.

In doing so, he is announcing his arrival to the whole world without any scruples. He also told everyone that he had previously erased the guardian formation of Chang'an City, and now let those golden armored giants that are equivalent to the level of Dharma disappear silently. It was all his handwork.

After the First World War in Feizhou, he was the undisputed first person in the world, and he was far away from the second and third. Even if he looked up, he could only see the soles of his feet.

This invincible sense of existence made all those present who dared to confront the coalition forces have to throw away the last bit of luck in their hearts.

This also announced a fact:

The city of Chang'an was broken and the State of Qin officially declared its demise.


During this war in Chang'an City, Lu Qing actually maintained the same old idea, not wanting to kill more.

Within the scope of his own small world, his will can be well implemented, and it can be directly delivered to the ears of every coalition monk.

But despite this, many people died in Chang'an City.

It was not that the monks of the coalition army violated Lu Qing's will, but that many Qin people were really looking for death.

They are dying for this country.

People who want to live will naturally survive. The coalition forces entered the city of Chang'an and still accepted the captives. Moreover, there are indeed quite a few people who chose to surrender to save their lives after the general situation has passed.

But what I want to say is that under the previously desperate environment, in Chang'an City, for so many years, the will of these people, their belief in Daqin, or their belief in state religion, made them willing to go for it. dead.

That kind of people...if they die, they will die, and Lu Qing didn't mean to force their lives.

No matter how Lu Qing thinks about as few dead people as possible, this is always a war.

War is undoubtedly the greatest disaster.

But the end of this war also means that the whole world of practice has ushered in peace in general.

Eternal peace, true peace, of course cannot exist.

Even in the past, in the era of the Nine Kingdoms, within each country, some ordinary monk forces, and even some individual monks, there will be some battles.

Eternal peace is impossible to come.

Lu Qing would not expect this.

But in general, there should be no more tens of thousands of monks. On the battlefield that stretches for thousands of miles, thousands of miles, with supernatural powers such as spiritual power and true essence, the mountains and the sea are changing, causing the situation of beings to be destroyed.


After the war ended and the general peace had arrived, looking around, Lu Qing could no longer find an enemy in the entire spiritual world.

Lu Qing was already in this war. Through the battle at Luodu, the battle with Qin Shang, and the battle to break through Chang'an City, he declared his invincible existence to the entire world.

As for Emperor Lu Chaoxi, who was directly backed by Lu Qing, no one dared to disobey.

Originally, Lu Chaoxi was pursuing his "Xianchao" policy.

It cannot be said that the establishment of the "Xian Dynasty" was not smooth, at least in the current situation, the power that the country of Yan holds is still beyond the reach of all countries. Lu Chaoxi leaned on Big Yan with his back, and built the most primitive framework of Xianchao step by step.

But on the whole, this matter is following the strengthening of the military force and the pursuit of ‘great unification’. For other countries, this is a very sensitive matter.

Needless to say, the original four countries in the eastern part of the spiritual world, the four countries of Yan, Qi, Wei, and Wu, have long been under the Lu clan system and are already very strong. Even the Kingdom of Yan and Wu no longer exist, but have become part of the Kingdom of Yan.

But other places are different.

The whole situation is very complicated. Every place has a completely different environment.

For example, in Jin and Liang, these two countries have a relatively unified situation, that is, their emperor is still there, and even the government is still there, but at present their country is almost controlled by Yan. .

This is due to previous war factors. They failed to hold on under Qin Guo, and the country was eventually shattered.

Especially Liang State, the capital, and almost the entire territory was occupied.

Being able to defeat the people of Qin and take back the homeland is entirely the credit of Yan. UU reading

But despite this, the Lu family still has some difficulties in the perpetuation of the ruling power of these two countries.

Yan's current ruling power was temporarily acquired due to the special period of the war. In the future, there are still some troubles if you want to last forever.

Under the demands of the power, that would be no problem. But Lu's requirements are higher now, this kind of rude rule, unless forced, otherwise try not to.

After all, according to Lu Qing's request, the order of the'Xian Dynasty' established is to better mobilize the human and material resources of the entire spiritual world. And if you simply and rudely carry out a high-pressure, tyrant-like rule, and use power to adjust animal resources and manpower, the efficiency is very low, and it does not meet Lu Qing's requirements.

In addition, there is one more point, after all, these two are allies. After the alliance and the war are over, the country will be destroyed directly...that's really not good. After all, follow the kingly way, not overbearing.

Of course, it is of course possible to properly display and use one's own power.

For Jin and Liang, the rule of the Xian Dynasty still needs to be more wise.

For the homeland of Qin and Shu, it is another route.

These two can be regarded as enemy countries. For them, there is no need to pay attention to what kind of kingly way-if you want to pay attention, you will not.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Shu chose to surrender. The Lu family didn't want the life of the Shu emperor, but instead allowed the Shu emperor to abdicate and only sealed a marquis. And the entire Kingdom of Shu, just like the Kingdom of Wei, was directly incorporated into the Kingdom of Yan.

Needless to say, the State of Qin, there are almost no local forces left over here. During the war, it was wiped out by the invading Yan army.

And the biggest trouble left is Chu State.

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