Ancestor Above

Chapter 488: The real resurrection (final 1)

"The ancestor is on top (

Chu State is the only trouble left.

This is not that other countries have no problems, but under the system of Xian Dynasty, those problems are relatively small. Jin, Liang, and so on, after all, they are now controlled by Yan, but there is only one Chu, whose military power, emperor, and court all still exist.

However, the matter of Chu State was easier to deal with than Lu Qing had imagined.

In the second year after the collapse of Chang'an and the fall of Qin, the Chu people were negotiating and agreed to join the immortal system.

The disbanding of the army, the acceptance of unified deployment, and the appointment and removal of officials from the imperial court must be carried out through the Xian Dynasty...

They all agreed to these conditions.

Emperor Chu was very acquainted.

Being able to get these things from the negotiating table makes Lu family very happy.

This prevents another battle from happening.

Even though, the current strength of Chu State is not enough in front of Xian Chao. Even if Lu Qing didn't make a move, and the allied forces of the Immortal Dynasty rushed forward in a wave, how could Chu State have the ability to resist?

And after Chu State surrendered, the Lu Family Immortal Dynasty officially completed the unification of the entire practice world!


After completing the unification of the entire world of practice, coupled with his own personal strength, he has completely crushed all the other monks in the entire world, so next, what Lu Qing needs to do is to try to unlock the upper limit of the entire world's power. .

Before that, when all parties still existed, it was difficult for Lu Qing to do such a thing. A higher upper limit of strength will not only increase the strength of one's own side, but also increase the strength of the opponent.

Perhaps, oneself can still have an advantage. However, the intensity of the war will definitely be further improved because of this, which also means that more and more people will die in the war, and more blood will shed in the whole world.

This is what Lu Qing didn't want to see.

But now, since the general peace has come, then this thing can be done.

In essence, Lu Qing wants to unify the spiritual world, with the goal of preparing for a future battle with gods and demons. That being the case, it is naturally beneficial to increase your own strength as much as possible.

It is not too difficult to find more world locks, especially now that time is not short, Lu Qing gave an order, and the manpower and material resources that can be used are also very abundant, and it is very convenient to find them.

In the successive years, Lu Qing unlocked more than half of the world locks. The ones that were left unopened were actually found out a long time ago, only to be opened later.

On the other hand, the immortal dynasty system established by Lu Chaoxi went smoothly.

Lu Qing didn't care much about things like overall administration and courts. In this regard, he only asked for one result: the entire Xian Dynasty must remain generally stable.

And Lu Qing, under the Xian Dynasty system, cares about two other things most:

Education and technology.

The former is the cultivation of monks.

The world lock has been opened to this extent, and the cost of training lower-level monks will inevitably drop a lot in the following short period of time. Even Lu Qing judged that after all the world locks were opened, the cultivation of the whole people was not a myth. At that time, I am afraid that every mortal will have spiritual roots.

At the same time, in the past years, the kind of practice speed that was regarded as a genius, in the future, I am afraid that even the middle level will not be considered. What one or two hundred years can raise the realm of cultivation to the Enlightenment Period and the Golden Core Period, that is all waste.

After the world lock is opened and the upper limit of the power of the entire world is completely opened, the next three levels of practice, namely, Qi training, foundation building, and enlightenment, will no longer have any difficulty, let alone what it takes to break through the foundation of Qi training. Jidan is built.

You can eat it, anyway, increase the success rate of foundation building; if you don't, the success rate itself is already very high. And even if it fails, it will no longer endanger your life, you can recover a little bit, and after a period of time, you can do it again.

The third level, that is, from Jindan to Yuanying to Dharma, may still be the privilege of a few people. But that kind of era when the practitioners in the whole practice world are all named and surnamed, and it must have already passed. In the ancient times, when the world of human practice was fighting against gods and demons, the monks of Dharma imagery were elites, and they were the backbone of them. That's right, but they were definitely not high-level. The leaders of small and medium-sized forces in some places may have strength at the level of the law.

In the same way, a breakthrough will no longer be life-threatening. If it fails, it is nothing more than suffering internal injuries. After recuperating for two years, it will be over again.

But in the Shenhai stage, after being exposed to the power of the inner world, he can barely be regarded as a high-level person, and can be regarded as a famous mover.

And Lu Qing, under the Xian Dynasty system, cares about two other things most:

Education and technology.

The former is the cultivation of monks.

The world lock has been opened to this extent, and the cost of training lower-level monks will inevitably drop a lot in the following short period of time. Even Lu Qing judged that after all the world locks were opened, the cultivation of the whole people was not a myth. At that time, I am afraid that every mortal will have spiritual roots.

At the same time, in the past years, the kind of practice speed that was regarded as a genius, in the future, I am afraid that even the middle level will not be considered. What one or two hundred years can raise the realm of cultivation to the Enlightenment Period and the Golden Core Period, that is all waste.

After the world lock is opened and the upper limit of the power of the entire world is completely opened, the next three levels of practice, namely, Qi training, foundation building, and enlightenment, will no longer have any difficulty, let alone what it takes to break through the foundation of Qi training. Jidan is built.

You can eat it, anyway, increase the success rate of foundation building; if you don't, the success rate itself is already very high. And even if it fails, it will no longer endanger your life, you can recover a little bit, and after a period of time, you can do it again.

The third level, that is, from Jindan to Yuanying to Dharma, may still be the privilege of a few people. But that kind of era when the practitioners in the whole practice world are all named and surnamed, and it must have already passed. In the ancient times, when the world of human practice was fighting against gods and demons, the monks of Dharma imagery were elites, and they were the backbone of them. That's right, but they were definitely not high-level. The leaders of small and medium-sized forces in some places may have strength at the level of the law.

In the same way, a breakthrough will no longer be life-threatening. If it fails, it is nothing more than suffering internal injuries, recuperating for two years, and doing it again will be over.

But in the Shenhai stage, after being exposed to the power of the inner world, he can barely be regarded as a high-level person, and can be regarded as a famous mover.

And to become the top master of a country, you have to reach the level of emptiness in order to be extremely respected.

If you really want to reach the pinnacle of the world and become the strongest group of people, you have to become a real fairy.

The so-called true immortal is another sublimation of the inner world.

In the last three realms of cultivation, Shenhai opens up a small world that belongs to him from within his body and soul; Dongxu is to have the ability to project this small world to the outside and influence the outside.

At the level of true immortals, it means to return to the original. To become a true immortal, you need to integrate your own small world with the entire big world again. This is certainly not a contribution, but in this way, a part of the whole world is obtained.

And this is also the meaning of the so-called ‘true immortal’. After becoming a true immortal, he truly grasped a part of the world's authority. They are in the big world, just like the strong in the hole in their own small world. U U Reading

No matter how powerful the strong man in the void of the hole is, he will not exist outside the entire world. The monks at the hole virtual level had no resistance in front of the true immortal. A true immortal can cut the connection between the big world and the small world with just one thought.

Of course, the small world can exist independently, but in the absence of the power supply of the big world, the endurance of combat will be extremely reduced. At the same time, no matter how strong the cave monk is, his small world is no better than the big world that can cultivate him. Under the hands of the real fairy who has the authority of the entire world, he is completely disposed of at will.

The battle between true immortals basically focuses on the struggle and application of world authority. Then it can also be imagined that if two true immortals break out uncoordinated contradictions and start a life-and-death struggle with each other, the destructive power to the entire world will be enormous regardless of the outcome.

And Lu Qing achieved true immortal level one hundred years after the Qin State War.

Even with his current talent and systematic help, the upper limit of the entire world's power has been completely unlocked, but breaking through the true immortal is still a very laborious task.

But not to mention those, after reaching the real immortal level, Lu Qing felt that the whole world suddenly became clear.

The system also disappeared.

At his level and level, he also fully understood what the essence of the system that accompanies himself and brings himself back to life is:

This is his predecessor, Lu Huan's authority, and part of the authority of the entire world power.

And until he entered the real immortal level and also mastered the limited authority of the world, then naturally there was no need to be restricted by the system anymore.

This also means that Lu Qing is truly resurrected.

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