The surrounding area was quiet for a moment, and one by one looked at Yun fan like a wooden man.

Now you should think about how to escape. How does it have anything to do with points?

Kill five of them? How?

Zhu Saluo is seriously injured. Jing ranxu has no attack power. It's hard to say whether winter peach blossom can fight or not. Does one person want to kill five people?

You don't have to be so arrogant for 20 consecutive victories? In the big fight battlefield, the two sides of zunzhe territory are all fighting. There is also a person who has three major achievements in zunzhe territory.

Dongtaohua was stunned, but she nodded conditionally.

"There's a lot of five points, which is equivalent to my five games in the big fight battlefield." Yun fan walked along.

"Mind your own business, since you want to die..."

Before the young leader finished, he saw Yunfan rush out and stab one of them.

The wind and cloud rise with one sword!

The sudden strong wind and clouds, the other party had no time to react, instinctively bombarded.

The sword light bombarded the cloud and exploded like a bomb. At the moment when the other party was blown away, a sword light easily passed through the other party's body and died!

"Asshole, I killed you..."

The leading young man was furious, and a long knife was smashed out. Without waiting to get close, countless raging tides beat down one after another. Jing ranxu waved his sword and stood in front of the other party.

At this moment, the ferocity of the frenzy is undoubtedly revealed. Even if the other party is the three major achievements of the venerable realm, he can't break the well ran Xu's defense for a while and a half.

At the same time, the same sword appeared in front of another person in the fierce wolf team. With the previous example, the other party quickly retreated, the sword awned to block the strong wind and never touched the clouds.

But just as he retreated rapidly, the sword in Yunfan's hand soared, and the strong wind pushed the cloud picture and blew it up like a shell.


The other party's figure flew out upside down. Before it fell, a sword ran through his body. Another man died!

All this was just a matter of a moment. When the two bodies fell to the ground, the leading young man thought of something.

"You are fan Yun, you..."

"It's useless for you to say anything now. By the way, I just seem to have miscalculated. You are the triple of zunzhe territory. Killing you seems to get one more point."

Yunfan's figure suddenly disappeared, and then two swords suddenly appeared in front of the other two of the fierce wolf team. Before the other party reacted, the swords had penetrated through his body.

Their bodies had not fallen yet, and another sword appeared in front of the first young man. The first young man was frightened and turned to run.

As soon as he looked back, he was shocked to find that Yunfan was actually standing behind him, the strong wind was strong, and the clouds rolled down.


The first young man flew backward and said in horror: "it's impossible. Why are you so strong? You hide your strength, you..."

Before he finished speaking, the body of the first young man was blown to pieces by the clouds and died no longer.

"Six points, plus the previous 30 points, it's really hard to improve to the copper fight." Yun fan sighed.

"Brother Yun, in fact, we can form a team. There can be three group wars every day. Everyone has a point when the group war wins." dongtaohua said.

For the first time, Zhu Saluo didn't get angry because of the name of winter peach blossom. Instead, he nodded heavily.

"If you win three individual battles and three group battles every day, you can accumulate six points and soon become a copper fight."

The strength shown by Yun fan is invincible in the same realm. If they really form a team, they can also be promoted to copper fight.

"Six games are only six points, how can killing come quickly. Six points will be there in this moment." Yun fan shook his head and said.

Several people were stunned and turned their eyes one by one.

Although the fierce wolf team is not strong, it is not the weakest team. One person killed one team, so the score is really fast.

"Brother fan, Zhu Saluo always wanted to form a team. Now there are few people who didn't form a team in the initial dojo. Why don't we form one?" Jing ranxu said with a smile.

Dongtaohua looked very positive and said with a smile: "there are six people in a team. We now have four. Just find two more. It happened that two of my sisters didn't join the team..."

Yunfan looked at the three excited people, shook his head helplessly and said, "just group if you want. I'll practice for a while."

Watching Yunfan walk into the woods, the three said as they walked. Now it's safer to go back to the city first, and if you form a team, you should also register in the fighting hall.


One month before the void tide, the news that the fierce wolf team was destroyed by the regiment spread.

For a moment, Fanyun's name rang again. This time, not only Fanyun's name, but also Fengyun team.

Because Yunfan's move was so familiar, no one objected when the team named it.

At this time, in the inn, Jing ranxu, Zhu Saha, Dong Taohua and two women were in the same room, discussing the next battle.

"I wanted to fight in a team, but brother fan hasn't come back yet. We have to fight alone." Zhu SA Luo sighed.

"In fact, I think we can participate in the regiment war. There is no fixed number of people in the regiment war, but we suffer some losses." winter peach blossom smiled.

"Peach blossom, your heart is really big, five to six, can you win?" Wei Xiuqing said with her mouth.

"Xiuqing, I think it should be OK. Ran Xu defends, whirls attack, peach blossom assists, Xiuqing interferes, and I sneak attack. In the same realm, ordinary teams should not be our opponents." man Shuzhen said.

"Can you give it a try? Go and have a fight!"

The party entered the big fight battlefield. With Kuang Guangyin, an acquaintance, they were soon arranged to play.

"The strength of this soul chasing team is about the double level of respect. There is no triple level of respect. We should be able to deal with it." man Shuzhen smiled.

The crowd nodded. Although they talked to Kuang Guangyin and found a team with equivalent strength, five to six still made several people feel at a loss.

"Ran Xu, you stare at their captain Fu Zhuixing, and the others fight according to what they said before."

Man Shuzhen understands the speed rule and uses concealed weapons. Among the five people, he is the strongest.

When Yunfan was away, she became the captain, and even Zhu Saluo had no opinion.

"Five people? Isn't van Yun there?"

Fu Zhuixing looked at the five people and said, "originally I wanted to play with fan Yun, but I didn't have this chance. If he wasn't there, you'd better admit defeat."

"I'll go. Fan Yun is not here. Why didn't you say earlier? I'm in the Fengyun team."

"Pit father, return my spirit stone!"

For a moment, the people on the watch table shouted. It was obviously a pit of money. The Fengyun team relied on fan Yun. He farted when fan Yun wasn't there!

The author Yuehuo said: flowers are 200 plus more. Brothers and sisters are really powerful. Is Yuehuo talking about more than 20 flowers? Isn't it necessary to add one watch in two days? Thank you brothers and sisters for your support and more preparation for 250 doracs

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