Van Yun's name is very famous. The soul chasing team is not a very strong team, so many people went to the Fengyun team.

But no one thought that fan Yun, as the main force, didn't play.

"I'll go. We'll beat you without brother fan. Look at the moves!"

Zhu Saluo was too lazy to talk nonsense with each other. He cut out with a long sickle. At the same time, Jing ranxu rushed to Fu Zhuixing.

One shot was a frenzy, which entangled Fu Zhuixing and didn't give him a chance to attack others.

"You are Jing ranxu, the first genius of Dusheng island. Yes, is it useful for you to block me? Unfortunately, you can't attack, otherwise you might really be able to fight with our team."

Fu Zhuixing brushed his lips. He didn't want to do it at all.

When man Shuzhen investigates the other team, they are also investigating the Fengyun team. Knowing that Jing ranxu is there, you don't have to think about each other. Jing ranxu will entangle him.

For the soul chasing team, without Jing ranxu's absolutely strong defense, they are easier to defeat others.

The Fengyun team is carrying out the tactics arranged before. The main attack is Zhu Saluo, assisted by winter peach blossom, Xiuqing interference and man Shuzhen sneak attack.

Zhu whirling dagger and mang attacked one person crazily. The winter peach blossoms unfolded. The peach blossoms were blooming all over the sky. The diffuse fragrance of flowers made people unable to lift their true Qi.

Wei Xiuqing understood the rules of the wind. The breeze blew all over the sky and turned into countless swords to bombard each other's five people.

Man Shuzhen didn't start. A pair of beautiful eyes looked at each other's five people like electricity. When they saw that they rushed towards the winter peach blossom, they waved more than a dozen silver needles.

The silver needle is weird and unpredictable. It has the rules of inserting needles. No matter how the other two Dodge, they can't avoid it. The only way is to attack and block the silver needle.

Four to five, but the group war was not a pure number of people. They tied with each other at one time.

"Strike together!" Fu Zhuixing suddenly said.

Two of them combined their swords. The soaring sword was more than twice as powerful as before. They opened Wei Xiuqing's attack and went straight at the winter peach blossom.

Zhu Saluo's face changed greatly. Ignoring the attack on the people in front of him, he waved a sickle and a huge blade roared towards the sword.


Zhu Saluo retreated three or four steps, and a mouthful of blood sprayed out. One on two, it's a rush, and there's a big gap with each other in strength.

However, after blocking a sword, the other party's double swords combined and shot again, and the winter peach blossom was exposed under the other party's sword.

Wei Xiuqing attacks again and again, but she wants to contain the other three people. Her attack power can't stop the sword.

The winter peach blossom fell with a sword, and her body, which was not good at attacking, flew upside down.

Man Shuzhen waved his hands, blocked the five people behind him with dozens of silver needles, and said loudly, "we admit defeat!"

Everything came too suddenly. Two people were injured in a row. There was no need to fight.

However, her voice was late. The other two people's long swords had already shot and continued to blast at the winter peach blossom.

This sword fell. You don't have to think about the result. Man Shuzhen flew up and turned his Qi into a shield in front of the winter peach blossom.


As soon as the winter peach blossom and the shield took off, man Shuzhen was shocked to spray two or three mouthfuls of blood, and her face was pale.

Too late to wipe the blood from the corners of her mouth, man Shuzhen said anxiously, "we admit defeat!"

"You don't have to admit defeat, we'll beat you all down!" Fu Zhuixing laughed.

This is the first time that the soul chasing team has won so easily. The opponent is still the famous Fengyun team, which makes him don't want to see man Shuzhen and others admit defeat.

One figure after another was blown out, and finally even Jing ranxu was blown out under the joint efforts of several people.

Defeat, defeat makes people feel that it is not a level.

"Cut, what Fengyun team, a group of garbage!"

"Such a team also deserves to fight with our soul chasing team. It's ridiculous."

A voice of disdain came, which made Zhu Saluo and others unable to lift their heads one by one.

They are all geniuses. They think too much of themselves. They don't know until they really fail. They're not good here.

Winter peach blossom was full of decadence. In her opinion, it was entirely because of her that she lost so miserably.

I looked up to see the injuries of the people. Suddenly, I looked at a figure at the door. It seemed to freeze and didn't move.

Others felt the difference of winter peach blossoms, looked at the door and saw Yunfan relying on the door.

Yunfan came when dongtaohua was attacked for the first time. After feeling in the woods for many days, he created a move.

I wanted to come back to find everyone to join the group war and try the power of this move. I didn't expect that they had already started the war on the stage.

Looking at several people being beaten one by one, he didn't make a sound. In fact, he hoped that several people would be beaten miserably, because in this way, they would not be self righteous and would not underestimate their opponents.

This is in the big fight battlefield. If it is outside the city, if it is against the invaders, they will all die.

"Ask them if they want to fight again. If they win, I'll give 10000 spirit stones."

Yunfan slowly walked to Kuang Guangyin, looked at Fu Zhuixing on the stage and said slowly.

"I can ask for you, but they..."

Everyone can see that except Jing ranxu and Wei Xiuqing, others have no power to fight a war.

At this time, if we fight again, we will not only be unable to help, but also become a burden.

"Ask, it depends on whether they dare to fight." Yun Fan said calmly.

"Don't ask, since you want to fight with you, come up. You can get the spirit stone with points. Why not fight." Fu Zhuixing laughed.

Yunfan walked towards the stage. Jing ranxu looked at several people and followed them one by one.

"Who is the captain?" Yunfan suddenly asked.

Man Shuzhen came forward with guilt and said, "you're not here. I'm leading the team for the time being."

"Since you are the captain, do your captain's job well. As a member of the team, it's really my fault that I didn't say something.

But after that, if you can't do well, that's your problem. Look carefully at what I, Xiaojing and Xiuqing do. "Yunfan didn't do it and said slowly.

"It's too late to say here, let's go!" Fu Zhuixing opened his mouth, and the other five rushed up.

Yunfan didn't move and said calmly, "Xiuqing, attack in an all-round way!"

Wei Xiuqing tried her best, and countless swords flew at the five people. At this time, Yunfan rushed out.

The light of the sword flickers, and one shot is the wind and cloud.

For this move, there are really few things that the initial Dojo doesn't know. The two opposite quickly dodged to both sides.

"Xiaojing, block it!"

Yunfan chased one of them and rushed up. At the same time, Jing ran Xu rushed behind the other, with a hundred waves.

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