Ancient Father of Cultivation

Chapter 1 - Immortals And Cultivation!

The Universe formed from nowhere,

Sky and Earth, Day and Night, Yin and Yang, all things started to form.

Two humans were 'born' on the land but they had no intelligence or anything, there was a unique thing for them is that they can't die, and their faces and body physique stopped growing after 30 years.

1000 years passed and they started to learn who to speak by looking at the animals bark and roar, and their language was also like that

Another 5000 years later they had their first son, their reproduction system was different. The woman bared the child for 1400 years! And The world population started!

150,000 years later.

In these years the population reached 130 members. And they learned many things like covering their important parts with leaves, made small huts, and eating!

Once a woman from the village looked at a fruit, it was just like the thing entered her some minutes ago! Big and curvy, but the smell was different, she opened her mouth and took a bite of it, surprise-filled on her face, she brought some of to the village with her and tell her family to eat them but they never eat something before so they hesitated but eat it, everyone was surprised!

Every time they chew it some liquid came and it made them very happy! Then they started to eat fruits and leaves later on…

On the present day, two boys were sitting on a rock top of the mountain behind their village. They were wearing two leaves, only covering their parts below. Their faces were slightly similar, sharp eyes, long black hair with no beard.

Those two are the new kids in the village, they were just 130 years old now. They love to spend time on the top of the mountain, and they were the most intelligent people ever born! They were both born to a single woman! And that was a miracle!

"Brother, I sensed something inside me," the boy who was sitting in the lotus position said, he had a mole on his left cheek.

Another one looked at him, he had a mole on his right cheek. So villagers called the Left and Right brothers.

"What?" Right asked.

"I don't know, but I can sense it," Left said.

"How? I will try too" the Right said and came beside him.

"Just close your eyes and take a deep breath…I did that because of wind but there was something inside my chest!" said Left.

"Okay," said the Right and sat on the lotus position just like his Brother and did as he said,

Closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and he also sensed something heavy inside his chest.

"What is this? I sensed it too!" Right opened his eyes and said with confusion.

"I told you! I was never wrong!" Left said with a smile.

"Then our family members can sense it too?" Right said.

"Let's ask them," Left said with excitement, Right also nodded and they told that to their parents and the all people in the village, no one refused them, they came one by one onto the mountain and did what Lift and Right told them to do.

'Close your eyes and take a deep breath' this is what Right and Left said.

They did as they told but only 3 people sensed it all didn't.

"What was that? Is there anything useful from it?" one man asked, he was the head of the village and the firstborn human! he was no different from them, he have sharp eyebrows and dark eyes and square face

"We don't know, we will try to figure out what it is and what's the use of it," Left said to the head. The villagers don't have any names, they call the people with their position like if it's mother then mother, some have two mothers and some have 2 fathers but that was not a problem here.

"Okay, that's a great discovery! I lived this long but never noticed it" the head said

Left smiled, Right also nodded, if not Left told him about it he would also never noticed something inside him!

After talking for some days, they came back to huts and lived there, they did nothing but sit idle, look after animals or grow plants. That's was they doing since they were born.

Left and Right started to test what it is inside their chest, they never stopped trying since they find it.

After few months.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH" Left cried out very loud, and the Right who was sitting beside him was shocked by his cry.

"Brother what happened?" he came closed to the Left and saw Left was screaming non-stop and he placed both of his hands on his chest. Some liquid started to come out from the Left's eyes. Right got worried and called the all villagers.

Head ran and came to the Left and saw that Left was lying on the rock while both hands were on his chest and water coming out from his eyes.

"What happened?" Head asked as he don't know why he felt a heavy feeling inside his chest when he saw Left and the water coming from his eyes like a river, this was the first time something like this happened to them.

"Don't know, he became like this all of a sudden" Right said, he also having a heavy feeling in his chest, everyone who saw Left felt the same way.

"Okay, let's bring him back to the home," the head said and picked Left and came back to the hut Left and Right live in, head placed Left on the ground and sat there without moving, and everyone did the same, no one moved away from the hut.

Left suffered for few hours and closed his eyes.

Everyone noticed it but didn't say anything, they silently waited. After 3 days Left slowly opened his eyes and saw all Head and Right was sitting beside him and all villagers were outside his hut, no one moved from their places for 4 days! Not even an inch.

"H-Head" Left slowly tried to wake up but he felt pain in his chest and no strength in his body,

"What was that?" Head asked slowly,

"I-I don't know, I felt I can control that thing inside my chest but when I tried to control it I felt…I felt…my head, body….I don't know…." Left can't express the thing he faced.

Head closed his eyes after talking to Left few minutes.

"Let's call it Pain," Head said.

"Okay…I felt pain all over my body and head…And water started to come out from my eyes…"

"Call them Tears"

"Tears started to come out from my eyes"

This was the first time they felt and saw 'Pain' and 'Tears'



"Okay you rest here, don't try to control it again," Head said and moved out of the hut.

"No need to worry, Left is fine," said Head to the villagers sitting outside.

Everyone smiled and nodded.

Father and mother of Left and Right came inside the hut.

Mother sat beside Left and slowly patted him on his head.

"Don't be reckless next time, I was worried" she said with a smile.

"Okay, mother" Left said with a smile.

Right was sitting in the corner of the hut and was in deep thoughts,

'Why did something like that happened to Brother? Is that power inside our is dangerous to us?' he thought

'Or we need some techniques to control it?'

Right stood up.

"I will come back in few months," Right said and left the hut and said the same thing to Head

"Wait—" before they finish Right ran on top of the mountain.

Right came on top of that mountain and sat in the lotus position.

"I will control it!" he thought, he took a deep breath and sensed the thing and tried to force it out from his body, Right eyebrows tighten, and felt something in his chest and stopped it in time.

"So, this was the pain….and Brother suffered it for hours!" Right felt sad for his Brother, but he got even more motivation to control it now. He tried again, again, again, and again for 3 months and.

Right felt the thing inside his moved! Right saw stars inside there,

"What's this! How I can see this! Even my eyes are closed!" he thought but he can clearly see stars inside his chest! And he can see another thing inside his stomach, there was an empty space inside his stomach! And he can pull the smoke-like thing from the stars to the place in his stomach and store it there!

Right's mind stopped working, he can't understand how or what he is doing, but he can think about that later, now he tried to store that smoke in the place in his stomach.

After doing that non-stop for 7 months Right felt his body changed very much. Suddenly Head came to the top of the mountain,

Right saw him and stopped doing it and greeted him,

"Right, did you find anything about it? You have been doing it for some time right" Head asked him.

"Yes, I noticed and learned a lot!" Right said.

"Tell me" Head asked, his eyes were shining, he loves to know new things!

"Okay I will start from the thing inside us, it's a whole new world! There are places like there in there and humans like us too!" Right said.

"WHAT!" The Head was shocked to the core.

"Yes, but those humans are called mortals, they are only able to live for very little time like 100 or 200 years that all, and there is smoke in the worlds inside us, and it's our Life Force! We can live that long because of that life force and I name it QI, and there is also another thing in our abdomen, that's a place we can store QI so I named it Dantian! We can store QI in there and this QI is making our body stronger and stronger!" Right said.

Head was speechless by Right's words, he can't understand it. People like them inside them? QI? Dantian?

"There is no need to understand them Head, I tried hard too but the only thing I got is to leave it and do what you want" Right said.

Head also stopped thinking about it and both of them came to the village and told them the things Right said to Head.

The happiest person is Left, of course, he never thought the thing he discovered will lead to this huge mystery!

Right said them to do the same thing he did, he personally made the technique to control the Life Force inside them, (QI)

"We don't have a limit to QI use them as much as you want, it will not end!" Right said.

The first person to succeed is Left!

"Brother I can see stars and the Dantian you talked about!" Left said with excitement, Right smiled, "Of course Brother is the best, try to store the QI into the Dantian!" Right said.

Left nodded and started to do take the QI from the Universe inside his chest and store them inside his Dantian!

Slowly everyone sensed the stars and only some can do that thing just like Right and Left!

"Now everyone saw the worlds inside them! I think we all have different universes inside!" Right said.

"Yes, and I think we all can become something when we do this like this! I don't know what will happen but things definitely will change!" Left said

"I think we should name this thing Cultivation!" Right said with a smile.

"Yes, that sounds good!" Left and everyone said.

"Now everyone start the Cultivation!" Right shouted with a bright smile on his face.

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