Ancient Father of Cultivation

Chapter 2 - ... The Beginning

"Everyone start Cultivation!" Right said with a bright smile.

Everyone nodded and all of them started to cultivate.

Right and Left was faster than all of them.

After many years Right saw his QI inside his Dantian gather on a single point and formed into a ball and it became solid! First it was like smoke and liquid and lastly it became like a rock round and gold!

Right opened his eyes and saw Left was beside him and told him that, his QI was still in liquid state.

Right also noticed that he can fly! And many things new things! In these years

Left got even more excited to catch up to Right! Everyone is the village felt the same.

Right smiled

"Now, Everyone can cultivate! Haha" Right said as everyone in the village can cultivate now, even head and head mother can too

Right created some more techniques from the old people in the village because they can't cultivate normally like Left and Right, maybe because they are too old for Cultivation but with Right techniques, they also can do that Cultivation!

Everyone started Cultivation without any break, they even forgot the only things they were interested in, eating and mating!

While they Cultivating years started to pass, Thousands, Ten Thousand, Hundreds of Thousands of years…

Right and Left opened there eyes,

"Brother" Left said with a smile

Right smiled too, it been long time since they saw each other, even though they are sitting beside to each other they were totally focused on the Cultivation!

"Left, I think I'm going to reach something above again" Right said to Left

"Yes, I also sensed it, but I think it will take some time for me" Left said with a sigh

"It's okay, I will wait, let's reach it together!" Right said with a smile

"Really? Then wait for me" Left said and closed his eyes again

Right smiled and closed his eyes, but he didn't cultivate

Eleven years passed

"Brother, I think I can have now" Left said as Right opened his eyes

"Let's do this!" Right said with a smile, he was getting more and more excited now

"I think we will reach something great" Left said with a smile

"I think that too" Right said

Both smiled and started to cultivate, an imposing aura started to release from both of them,

Everyone who were Cultivating stopped doing it and looked at Left and Right

Head looked at both of them with a smile

This continued for some days but one day the sky turned dark and everyone in the village heard some sound

Crack Crack BOOM BOOM

Right and Left stopped the Cultivation and looked at the sky, everyone saw the space started to crack in the midair! And the space around also started to blast away.

After the crack became long and wide as a person can fit a man came out from it, he was wearing something covered all his body and it look so majestic and royal, those villagers never saw such costume! It was in gold and white! That man looked at the people down

Everyone felt chill ran through their spine expect Left and Right

"010100 010101 01 01 0 01 1010 0 1 01"

That man moved his mouth and sound also came out from his mouth but they didn't understand anything he said,

That man eyes were gold and it got bright all of sudden

"You lowly being! I'm your GOD! Kneel and worship me!"

Now everyone understood what he said


Everyone was shocked, they never know someone other than them in this but suddenly a man came out from nowhere and saying he is GOD and they need to worship him?

"Wait! GOD means we are inside your body?" Right asked,

"Yes, this is my inside world! And your lowly being born inside me so I'm your GOD!" he said in an arrogant voice but sensed something was wrong

"Ohh, that mean we are GOD to the people inside us?" Right said

That man raised his eyebrows, his gold eyes got even bright,

"WHAT!!" that man was shocked

"YOU LOWLY BEING CULTIVATING??" he shouted at them

Everyone got shocked

"What's wrong with that?" Right asked

That man looked at Right and Left who were sitting suppurate from others, when he saw them, his face twisted and veins popped up on his four head

"You…" his voice contain anger

"What?" Right asked

"You both are a step away from becoming strong as me" that GOD said

"Ohh, that because of you! If you didn't disturbed us we would have reached it!" Left said

"Yeah! Wait for some time, we will also become strong as you" Right said with a smile

"You…I'm lucky that I came now or else I would have not seen this!" that man said with a smile

"When that man and woman born, I took their intelligence but it seems things happened opposite here, not only you guys started cultivating but two barts already a step away from my realm!"

"Took away intelligence?" Right was shocked

"I'm going to kill you all and make another generation" that man said with a smile

"Kill?" they were confused, what does he mean?

"Hmph, kill mean eternal sleep! You no longer exist in this world! I will take your lives!" that man said

"No longer exist?" they only understood a little but they sensed that is something very dangerous, they never killed anything before

"You will know after one die" that man said and appeared in between them and attacked at a man but Right appeared in front of him

"No need" Right said as his face showed seriousness

That GOD didn't stop and punched in Right chest

Right felt a heavy mountain clashed to his chest, he was pushed back few steps

"What is this…" Right was shocked, he felt something inside his chest

"Pain" Right said as he placed his hand on his chest

"Yes pain! I will let you guy feel pain and death!" God said

Right had bad feeling about this!

"Left Brother! Come let's take this man out of here" Right said and ran towards that God

Left nodded and also ran towards the God

That God also started to run towards them but both Right and Left pushed his back with all of their strength, they came very far from the village in no time

"Hahaha" that God laughed and stopped on the spot

Right and Left tried to push him but he stood there as unmovable mountain

God raised his hands and punched on both guys back born


Both coughed white liquid

"So, what if you reached one step away from me? I'm still stronger than you!" God said to Right and Left and use an attack technique

Right and Left got suppurated from God, both don't know what to do, they don't even know what Fight mean, because they never fight anyone and they only did the Cultivation all time!

"Haha, there is no way you guys can beat me without any attack techniques" God laughed at them

Right looked at him, he closed his eyes and tried to recall something, he opened his eyes and vanished from his place and appeared beside the God and tried to punch in his stomach

God was shocked

"How…" this was his technique he uses before in the village to attack that villager; Right copied his technique!

Left noticed it! He also closed his eye and tried to copy Right movement! It took him a minute to compress it, meanwhile Right and God exchanged some moves, Left also joined them

Everyone from village followed them but they didn't get close to them and started to watch that battle between God and Both Left and Right Bothers, some of them felt their Blood boil when they saw the battle

Head had a worried expression on his face and Head mother was standing beside him,

After exchanged some more moves Right is getting better and better

"I have a question God" Right asked while attacking him

God was silent and blocked his attack

"If we are inside you then your also inside someone right?" Right asked

"No" God said

"Why?" Right asked

"Because I'm the God! I have no birth or death!"

"So everything started because of you?" Right asked

"Yes, everything born because of me, I'm the start" God said and Right nodded then the battle continued, Left also heard their conversion

In the battle, the God had the upper hand, he used some techniques but they were copied by both Brothers that's why they can still fight him

"It's time to end this battle" God said and he started to use his power, in the dark sky some light started to glow

"What's that?" Not only Right but everyone was shocked by the sudden lights in the sky

"This is the power for nature!" God said with a smile and he raised his hand


A blue thunder came out from the sky and started to come towards Right,

When Right saw that he started to run away from it, he can tell that he can't handle it, it was giving of very powerful aura that making him scared when he sees it

"It will hit you no matter what" God said with a smile

The thunder followed Right even when he takes turns, a scary felling came inside Right as the thunder got closer and closer

Right forehead was wet with sweat, his mind stopped working, the thunder was just a step away from Right

Right closed his eye, and thunder strike on his back


Right felt something he never felt before, it was like ants running on his body

That God was shocked, nothing happened to Right! Hr thought he can kill him with it but he was mistaken

Right looked the God

"How did you do that?" he asked, he didn't understand how he made that and it even entered his body!

"I will not tell" God said and another thunder came out, it was more powerful than the last one

Right didn't ran this time, he got hit


He felt the same again like before

"Wow, one more time" Right asked in excitement

God raised his eyebrows; he sent another one


Right 'cried'

"More!" Right said to God

God took a step back

Left saw this,

"Me too, strike me too!" Left asked, he can understand Right is trying to understand the concept of it so he will try too

God sent one thunder to Left

"Ahh" Left felt some as same as Right

"What's wrong with you guys?" God was shocked and asked, this also his first time to fight someone, he also did nothing but Cultivation!

Right looked at Head and tried to say something and Head understood him

"Nothing, we are born from you so we also same as you" Right said with a smile and he raised his hand a small thunder came from the dark sky

Left saw this and smiled

"Brother! Strike it on me" Left asked Right

"Sure" Right said with a smile and that small thunder came towards him but didnt landed on him but on a tree near him

Left's smile vanished

"No, I thought it will land on you but it was like that tree attacked it away" Right said

That God got angry by seeing this, they are playing around in the battle?

"You guys are dead now!"

God said in angry voice and a big thunder appeared in the dark clouds

Right and Left was shocked

"This will take your life" God said to Right and that thunder started to fire towards Right, but before it landed on him it landed on another one

"This time I choose another one" God said with a smile and Left eyes rolled back and he fall on the ground

"BROTHER!" Right ran to Left and fall on his knees

"Brother! Brother!" Right tried to wake him up but no response, then he heard sound was still come from his chest

"Haha, no need he is at his last breath" God said with a laugh

"Why are you doing this?" Right asked to God

"Umm? Why im doing this?…?" God suddenly got confused

"Because Im only god! You guys are lowly beings! You can't become me a GOD! Just die!" God said a sword appeared in his hands and he swung it and a cut appeared on Right chest, the slice damaged his heart and inner organs!

Right looked at God

"This is not the end…This is the Beginning!" Right said in low voice

"Hmph, you're going to die anyway…."

Before God finish his sentence, he saw Right smile

"STOP!!!" God shouted but Right destroyed Life Core

"BOOOM" God got involved in the blast

"BOOOOOOM" another one

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