Ancient wizards return to Hogwarts

Chapter 143 Did the Greengrass family find another treasure?

The words in the booklet were a bit difficult to understand, but fortunately they did not disappear after they appeared, so Daphne copied them on a piece of parchment and translated them bit by bit with the help of a dictionary. ╰╮

Detailed Explanation of Space Magic (Part 1) is not long, only a few thousand words, but it introduced Daphne to what space magic is.

Like other magic, space magic also comes from the starry sky, but it is somewhat different from ordinary magic. Even the four founders of space magic have not found a reasonable explanation. Because other magic can still find corresponding elements on the earth, but the corresponding elements in space have not been discovered for a long time.

This has caused wizards to always be in a state of knowing it but not knowing why about various space magics. Like those magical animals, they can only simply apply space magic.

After discussing with his friend Slytherin, Ravenclaw came up with a conjecture: Just as objects have their shadows, the earth also has its shadow. The source of the magic of the space magic used by wizards comes from this area. shadow. Whether it's the Traceless Expansion Spell or the Apparition, they all borrow a space from the shadow.

Those extra spaces created out of thin air are actually spaces in the shadow, and Apparition also travels through the shadow.

Of course, these are all conjectures and have not been confirmed. Ravenclaw wrote these at the beginning of Detailed Explanation 1 to make it easier for viewers to understand this magical magic.

Next, Detailed Explanation briefly introduces how to borrow a space from the shadow. At the end of the entire chapter, a simple assignment is given: modify your own lunch box so that a palm-sized lunch box can hold The next meal was enough to feed a knight.

Daphne looked thoughtful.

At this time, Les appeared in front of her desk. He noticed that Daphne was studying the pamphlet Ravenclaw gave her, and it seemed that her research was making good progress, which was a good thing.

But today's topic was not that. Les gently knocked on Daphne's desk to wake her up from her thoughts.

I need you to do something for me.

What's wrong? Daphne put the pamphlet and notes aside.

I need you to give this to your father and ask him to publish it - this is the secret scroll that we found in the corner of the Greengrass family's warehouse. Les handed over a scroll that looked very old. Placed it in front of Daphne.

What's this?

Magic that can turn werewolves back into human form.

Isn't this- Daphne suddenly remembered the spell Lockhart mentioned in his book Wandering with Werewolves.

It has nothing to do with him. Les didn't want to hear that name at all: This is a sacred spell developed by the great Lady Ravenclaw and Lady Hufflepuff together.

Daphne shut her mouth obediently.

If there are enough people who master this spell, one day werewolves will be extinct from this planet. The success will be in the present day and the benefit will be in the future. I need the Greengrass family to promote it quickly. He actually had it during the summer vacation. This idea was put off until now because he had been trying to simplify the spell before - the first version of the spell was too difficult and complicated, and the failure rate was very high even when he was unfamiliar with it. Not to mention these local little wizards who are not very powerful.

It was Damocles' wolfsbane potion that inspired him to improve the humanoid restoration spell.

The wolfsbane potion can make the wolfsbane in the werewolf's body docile. Rice slightly improved it to make the werewolf fall into a deep sleep after the transformation. At this time, the wolfsbane in the werewolf's body will be more easily absorbed. Spell removal reduces the difficulty of casting spells in disguise.

After listening to Les's introduction to this spell, Daphne was a little confused: This spell is so powerful, so why didn't the four founders popularize it back then?

After hearing Daphne's doubts, a trace of embarrassment appeared on Les's face.

He coughed twice, indicating that he didn't know, maybe there was something hidden!

Although there was still a trace of doubt, Daphne was still moved. She knew very well what this spell meant.

Apart from anything else, if the humanoid restoration spell is announced, it will at least earn Dad a Merlin Medal.

This, this is really too precious - She shook her head repeatedly, but she was a bit like a child who refused the red envelope from her elders during the Spring Festival.

Which do you think is more convincing, the ancient inheritance of the Greengrass family or the lost spell found by an unknown young wizard from medieval wizard letters?

Rice has long looked down on these so-called honors. To him, medals were no different than the mud lunches a kid would make when playing house.

What he has in mind is the entire magical world, and the future of the magical world rests on the shoulders of people like them.

He gave the Greengrass family this opportunity to become famous, but in turn, they had to do their best to implement this spell in the shortest possible time.

Daphne was convinced by Les's words, and her eyes couldn't help but feel a little moist - the kindness she owed Les was becoming more and more unfinished.

After handing the newly made ancestral scroll to Daphne, Les was about to leave, but Daphne stopped him.

Please wait a moment, I got such an article from the booklet Ms. Ravenclaw gave me before. Daphne couldn't wait to copy it down and handed the translated notes to Rice.

She felt that Les probably didn't know this, so just treat it as a little interest to repay his kindness.

After taking Daphne's notes, Les frowned: after reading three lines, he found five translation errors and two grammatical errors.

Wait a minute. He looked at Daphne's translation notes carefully.

When Daphne saw Les looking at her notes seriously, she couldn't help but feel happy: she could finally help Les!

Wait, why did he pick up the quill?

The next moment, Les dipped his pen tip into the ink bottle and quickly corrected Daphne's translation notes.

After a while, the parchment was filled with circles and comments.

Hold it, this is the correct translation. I have a little to go beforehand. You should study the things taught here. It is very useful knowledge. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me at any time - I hope you will do it next Monday You can make a lunch box that meets the requirements. When Les walked to the door of the common room, he turned to Daphne and smiled: Speaking of which, you really need to take a good remedial course in Latin. There are many quite good teachers in the library. It’s a good textbook. I’ve made a book list for you at the end of the parchment. You can read it if you have time.”


She was numb.


The second update is here, good night everyone~

The next update will still be at midnight

New 𝘹.𝘤𝘰𝘮

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