Ancient wizards return to Hogwarts

Chapter 144 Academic Misconduct

The sun rose as usual the next day, but the owls bringing today's Daily Prophet were like dropping a 500-kilogram aerial bomb into the auditorium.

[The lost spell, the gospel of werewolves - the Greengrass family discovered the humanoid restoration spell invented by Salazar Slytherin]

When Rice saw the spell invented by Salazar Slytherin in the headline of the report, he couldn't help but shed a cold sweat.

This feels a bit like stealing the scientific research results of a classmate - the classmate worked hard on some research, and then the paper was rushed to be published after adding some things of his own, and the classmate didn't even get a second paper.

If Ravenclaw knew about this kind of thing, it would probably trigger a wizarding war.

Don't mention this to Ms. Ravenclaw later. Les decided to warn Daphne and ask her to seal her mouth tightly.



No reason.

You have to ask why your father insists that this is Slytherin's legacy.

Unlike Rice's focus, the students at Hogwarts were more focused on the spell itself.

Really? I feel like I'm in a dream.

So, there will never be any more werewolves?

How is it possible, but there is finally a cure for turning into a werewolf.

The students were talking a lot, and the professors were no exception.

If it was just a single press release, they could still remain calm, because it might be an exaggeration, but Henry Greengrass directly pasted the original Slytherin manuscript at the end of the article, and also thoughtfully prepared a translated version. , saying that this is the legacy left to wizards by the great Slytherin, and everyone is welcome to study it together and correct their own translation errors.

This is very different.

Most of the professors at Hogwarts are not idlers. They have real things in their stomachs. The original manuscript of the posthumous manuscript feels very real to them when they see it. It doesn’t matter whether the spell above can really be realized. It’s just the above. The choice of words and sentences is very consistent with the style of medieval wizards.

After a short discussion, several professors concluded that this was the original work of Salazar Slytherin - to say the least, it was also a genuine manuscript left over from the Middle Ages.

As expected of a pure-blood family inherited from the Middle Ages, they even have treasures like this. Even Professor McGonagall expressed her envy of the Greengrass family.

After Dumbledore read the article in the Daily Prophet, he handed the newspaper to Snape. Snape's expression became extremely exciting: he vaguely guessed something.

Severus, can you prepare the wolfsbane sustained-release potion recorded above? Dumbledore's eyes flashed.

The posthumous manuscript states very clearly that potions can greatly increase the success rate of spells. In other words, as long as your level is high enough, you can still force a werewolf back into human form without the help of wolfsbane slow-release potion.

The expression on Snape's face changed for a while, and finally he said angrily: It's very complicated, but it's not impossible to complete.

Can you help me prepare a dose of medicine?

Snape finally complied with Dumbledore's request.

He could guess what this potion was used for, but his dignity as a potion master prevented him from telling lies with open eyes - if he could do it, he could do it, and if he couldn't do it, he couldn't do it.

Very good. The corners of Dumbledore's mouth raised slightly.

The publication of this posthumous manuscript was really timely, reminding him of a poor man who was going through the hardships of life.

What's more, Professor Lockhart has just been hospitalized, and his condition has further deteriorated in the hospital. His discharge date is far away, and Hogwarts needs an acting Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

After breakfast time, Dumbledore hurried back to the principal's office with a copy of the Daily Prophet.

After locking himself in his office and studying Slytherin's manuscript for a long time, Dumbledore felt that he had a 50% chance of successfully casting the Strong Restoration Charm without relying on the Wolfsbane Slow-Release Potion. With the assistance of potions, the success rate was It can reach 100% - the reason why Les spent a lot of effort to improve the Wolfsbane Potion is to reduce the difficulty of casting the Restoration Spell to that of an ordinary advanced spell.

Now that he was confident, Dumbledore no longer hesitated. He picked up his quill and wrote a letter on the parchment.

The letter was sent quickly.

Although it has just entered September, the nighttime temperature in the Irish mountains has already dropped below ten degrees. In this drafty room, without heating measures, it is very normal to freeze to death.

This is a long-abandoned cabin that often attracts homeless people to live in it temporarily. For example, right now, a homeless man wearing an extremely shabby robe with a sickly and tired look placed his suitcase on the floor of the wooden house.

This is considered check-in, he smiled self-deprecatingly.

The homeless man looks very young, but his light brown hair is already mixed with a few strands of white hair.

The homeless man went out for a walk and returned to the room holding a big wooden stake.

After placing the wooden stake into a large dark pit on the wall of the house, the man took out a magic wand - this down-and-out homeless man turned out to be a wizard!

With three strokes, five divided by two, he chopped the wooden pile into pieces, and then a bright flame was raised.

After lighting the fire, the poor wizard cleaned the dirty wooden house again, found some odds and ends, and plugged up the air leaking corners. Now the cabin is barely habitable.

The wizard plans to spend this autumn here, and when winter comes, he will cross the sea to spend the winter in southern France or Spain.

It is difficult for a wizard with a formal education in magic to fall into such a miserable situation. If they look like they are in such a state of despair, they probably have some ulterior secret.

Remus John Lupin was a man with a secret.

He is a werewolf.

Lupine is unlucky, but also lucky, but in general the unlucky elements account for the majority.

He was infected by a crazy werewolf since he was a child and transformed into a werewolf. Professor Dumbledore, the principal of Hogwarts, did not dislike his werewolf identity and admitted him to school. There, he met like-minded friends and learned the magic he needed to make a living.

Unfortunately, the Wizarding War broke out later. One of his three best friends died at the hands of a mysterious man, and the other two killed each other. One was imprisoned in Azkaban, and the other's body was completely destroyed.

Lupine's spirit was shattered, and at such a young age he even had gray hair.

After the Dark Lord's fall, Lupine has been wandering to this day.

His identity as a werewolf and his self-destructive mental state made this powerful wizard live like a homeless man.


Update coming, second update a little later.


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