Ancient wizards return to Hogwarts

Chapter 157 Dumbledore’s Guarantee

The curly-haired old man narrowed his eyes and looked at Fudge behind the stadium podium, and said in a calm tone: Yes, people like Connelly can become the Minister of Magic, and the former Voldemort can make them restless - the British wizard. I don’t even dare to call him by his name, the wizards are really corrupted.”

Grindelwald decades ago made me think that wizards were about to rise, but I didn't expect that it would be the last breath of the wizarding world. The old man shook his head, looking quite contemptuous of modern wizards.

Fortunately, the four founders are all dead. It's unbelievable that just four people started the 'Twilight of the Gods'. If they had survived until now, our plan would be as unrealistic as a mirage in the sand and a castle in the air. . This time it was the witch who spoke. She briefly imagined the scene where the founder was still alive, and then shuddered.

If they were still here, it would be almost impossible for the organization's plans to be realized.

What are you thinking about? The linen wizard looked at the witch with contempt: How can anyone live for a thousand years? Relax, Vigo (Virgo), the power of the Secret Order is more powerful than you think. Even if those four old guys come back to life, they are just a group of remnants of the old era, and they might not even be able to catch an arrow from me.

Les, who was hiding to the side and listened to their conversation throughout, did not change his expression at all. Many times, arrogance and ignorance are like inseparable twins. When one appears, the other is not far away.

If a child is ignorant, he will understand after being spanked.

The witch named Vigo and the curly-haired old man on one side frowned together after hearing the words of their companion: Sagittarius (Sagittarius) is always so confident, even overconfident. Wizards lack basic respect.

More importantly, if you belittle the four founders of Hogwarts so much, what do the gods they killed count? So he cleared his throat, signaled his companions to close their mouths, and quietly watched the ceremony in the audience.

Seeing that the three of them stopped communicating, Rice also watched the experiments going on in the stadium with little interest.

At this time, the experiment had begun. Under the order of Minister Fudge, Lupine and another werewolf were brought to the center of the stadium.

Although both of them are volunteers, they are both wearing dense chains and extremely heavy shackles on their feet - the Ministry of Magic's positioning of them is obviously not commensurate with their status as volunteers. .

Of course, the wizards present didn't think there was any problem: the opponent was a werewolf, so more protection was always necessary.

Mr. Henry and Lockhart were also ready.

Today, Mr. Henry wore a black wizard robe, with silver-green patterns embroidered on the cuffs that symbolized Slytherin House, and a Greengrass family crest on his chest. Lockhart wore a forget-me-not floral robe and carefully styled his hair.

He was panicking inside, but he didn't show it at all. He was even able to force out a smile that he thought was charming.

Snape walked into the arena with two goblets and poured the potion in the cups into the mouths of the two werewolves. He also specifically asked Lockhart if he needed magic potion assistance.

Lockhart hesitated for a moment, and finally accepted Snape's help - he had studied the humanoid restoration spell that Henry had published in the Daily Prophet in the past few days, and he felt that he should be able to do it with the help of Wolfsbane Slow Release Potion. .

The sun sinks below the horizon little by little, and the moon gradually rises into the night sky.

Under the illumination of the moonlight, Lupine and another werewolf began to transform into wolves, but the effect of the potion was immediately apparent. After the two wizards in the field turned into two wolves, they rolled their eyes and said together Passed out.

In an instant, the audience in the venue stood up and made a very noisy sound: everyone was shocked by the effect of the potion.

Even if the subsequent humanoid restoration spell has no effect, the invention of this wolfsbane sustained-release potion is enough to be called epoch-making. With this potion, werewolves can remain harmless on full moon nights, which is great news for wizards.

Henry Greengrass made a please gesture to Lockhart, then stood in front of the wolf that Lupine had transformed into, took out his wand, and used the Restoration Charm on him.

Under the influence of the spell, the thick hair on Lupine's body faded little by little, and his limbs gradually turned into human form. After about a minute, Lupine returned to his human form.

Even under the moonlight, he did not transform.

The stadium erupted in cheers.

Next, thousands of eyes were fixed on Lockhart, making Lockhart's hair stand on end. He bit the bullet, held his wand tightly, and then used the Restoration Charm on the wolf on the ground in a similar manner.

Nothing happened.

Lockhart was completely frozen in front of him. He waved the wand in his hand mechanically, and tried to use the Restoration Charm for the second and third time.

Although wizards are all atheists, if given the choice, Lockhart would still choose to worship the goddess of luck at this time.

It's a pity that even if the illusory gods really favored Lockhart, it was not the goddess of luck who smiled at him, but the god of mischief.

Lockhart's spell took effect, and the wolf on the ground suddenly opened its eyes.


Rice in the stands was also stunned: This is too outrageous. The effect of his wolfsbane slow-release potion can actually be dispelled by a curse? !

The wolf, awakened by a spell that Lockhart himself could not explain, immediately locked onto the human closest to it, Lockhart.

It bared its fangs, jumped up, and lunged straight for Lockhart's throat.

The next moment, it was tied tightly by several ropes that appeared out of thin air and fell heavily to the ground.

Dumbledore, who appeared in the center of the field, glanced at Lockhart, then flicked his wand——

Look, this is how the humanoid restoration spell works!

The werewolf lying on the ground, twisting and struggling, suddenly stiffened, and then his hair disappeared little by little, and finally returned to the appearance of the submissive employee of the Ministry of Magic.

The audience in the stands finally reacted. While they applauded Dumbledore, they looked at Lockhart with strange eyes.

From this day forward, Lockhart's fame will spread throughout the wizarding world in ways he least expected.

Lockhart fell straight to the ground, but no one cared what he was doing at this time, because Dumbledore spoke.

After attaching an amplifying spell to himself, Dumbledore said loudly: Ladies and gentlemen, now we have proved that the humanoid restoration spell provided by Mr. Henry is effective!

Thunderous applause erupted in the stadium, but Dumbledore's next move made everyone subconsciously stop what they were doing: He stretched out his hand and took the initiative to scratch Lupine's teeth hard. Blood flowed from the back of his skinny hands.


The second update is here~ Good night everyone!

Interesting pictures in each chapter - If Harry Potter were the Japanese comic Bella of the early 20th century


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