Ancient wizards return to Hogwarts

Chapter 177 Raindrops and Eyeballs

Squibs are recognized as an incurable disease in the wizarding world. The so-called squib study classes offered in various tabloids are basically all immoral things designed to defraud money. As a result, Les said that this thing could be cured, which had an extremely severe impact on the two of them.

Rice's long-standing image convinced the two that he was not just talking nonsense, but that he actually had a cure.

Then what if... Astoria meant that if Rice taught Filch how to control magic, wouldn't he be able to regain his magic ability?

If Filch shed his status as a Squib, would he become more peaceful and less harsh on his students? After regaining a new life, shouldn't we focus on studying magic?

Les and Daphne glanced at Astoria in sync, and then Les glanced at Daphne again, feeling the gap between the two.

Astoria is well taken care of by her sister and father!

Okay. Les thought for a while and replied simply: But I don't have that much energy. I can only teach two students at the moment. You and Daphne can discuss it and see who will not come to my class in the future?

Astoria closed her mouth.

As long as it doesn't harm her own interests, she doesn't mind pulling Filch's hand, but if it comes at the expense of her place to learn from Rice, then she will definitely stand by and watch.

What Les didn't tell the Greengrass sisters was that even if he regained his ability to cast spells, Filch's achievement limit was still locked. No matter how hard he tried, he could only become a poor wizard because Squib was born with it. Defects cannot be made up for by teaching methods.

For someone like him, even if I can restore his spellcasting ability with a wave of my hand, I won't do it. Les said sternly.

Les did not dare to trust the mental state of the Squibs. They were likely to gradually become psychologically distorted or even abnormal after being suppressed for a long time. After suddenly gaining the ability to cast spells, their behavior was unpredictable. The destructive power of such a person to the magical world may be so shocking that it is unexpected.

In Rice's view, hiring a squib as a janitor is wrong, but again, the current headmaster is Dumbledore, and he is willing to respect Dumbledore's choice.

If he, the founder, had to interfere in every detail, then Hogwarts would truly be finished. In fact, he is not so afraid of future generations making mistakes. What he is afraid of is not daring to do anything - of course, don't make too big a mistake, there are some things that he cannot control.

Yes, Squibs are very dangerous. Astoria, don't have any weird sympathy for them. Daphne also warned her sister.

Huh... Les leaned on the railing, stretched his hand out of the window, and let the rain drip on his palm.

There is actually no difference between people and raindrops. You see, some of the rainwater falling from the same cloud falls into the black lake and merges with the other trillions of water droplets; some falls on the eaves and rolls down, halfway down. It was absorbed by the wall; some water droplets fell into the grass, became dirty, and became part of the mud... A few lucky little guys were caught by me and fell into my palm. Les will He retracted his hand from the window, and the raindrops that fell into his palm gathered into a ball, slowly rose up, floated into the air, and changed shapes at will under his control.

You see, it's the same rain, but the final outcome is completely different due to the tricks of fate. The water mass above Les's palm turned into a piece of crystal clear ice, and then turned into a snake spitting out letters. .

Les waved his hand, and the ice snake exploded into thousands of fragments and quickly disappeared into the air.

But there are always some people who can decide the fate of others, just like you can decide the fate of these raindrops. Daphne replied to Les with a smile.

In her opinion, she is the luckiest raindrop, which may have been determined since birth. And in the future, she will also be destined to be the [person] who decides the fate of [Water Drop].

It's not determined at birth. Les said softly, as if he had seen through her brain.

Some water droplets, even if they fall on the muddy ground, can still make themselves conspicuous through their own efforts- Les stretched out his hand and caught a few drops of rainwater in the courtyard of the castle not far away. .

A very subtle magic, come near Hogwarts, launch your own magic into the clouds, form small streams of magic 'reunions', and then let these reunions drift with the tide, the rain falls, your magic is attached to The water droplets fell into the castle without anyone noticing. What a good trick and creativity! Rice looked at the water droplets in his hand that seemed to be alive, and admired the intruder's imagination.

This requires very high magic control ability, and the perception ability cannot be too weak, so either the spy can form a resonance with something in the castle, or its personal strength is extremely strong. Rice leans toward the former, given the way it blends into the school.

‘Is it the same divine skeleton? ’

If the divine bones are taken from the same god, it is very normal for them to resonate with each other.

Les decided to help this child and artificially speed up the process.

Under the influence of Rice, the rain outside suddenly became heavier, and the water droplets possessed by magic also landed near Hogwarts Castle at a faster speed.

The few water drops that Les collected before have merged together and attracted other water drops.

Les first cast a disguise spell on himself, Daphne, and Astoria, and stood aside watching the crystal in front of him gradually grow in size, gradually forming the shape of an eyeball.

After the eyeball was completely formed, it started to rotate smoothly, and then several small tentacles sprouted from the lower part.



Daphne and Astoria both showed extremely disgusted expressions.

By this time, Les was already sure that this was a spy from the Secret Order spying on Hogwarts with the help of the power of the divine skeleton. The eyes in front of him had a very familiar feeling, similar to that of the Sagittarius god. The bones are very similar.

Come on, let me show you a unique skill. Les decided to show off his skills to Daphne and the others.

This intruder sent one of his eyes into Hogwarts through a specific method. This can have a very good detection effect, but it also exposes his own weaknesses. This is simply perfect. Attack vector. As he spoke, Les took out his wand, revealed himself, and pressed the tip of the wand against the eyeball.

After the tip of the stick was placed on the eyeball, bulging bubbles appeared on the surface of the eye, as if the liquid inside was boiling.

Les exerted a little force, and his eyeballs exploded into pieces. At the same time, a wizard sitting in the corner of the Hog's Head pub in Hogsmeade, wrapped tightly in a robe, let out a scream. This wizard has only one eye, and there is only a dark hole where the other eyeball is. At this moment, large streams of blood spurted out from his empty eye sockets like a fountain. After spraying for a while, the guy collapsed on the ground without making a sound, except for his hands and feet that were still twitching from time to time.


Hey, the second update is here!

Here comes Beauxbatons' Luna!



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