Ancient wizards return to Hogwarts

Chapter 190 Riddle: I don’t even know how to lose

[Snake King, you finally answered my call! 】

After failing once, Riddle also slightly corrected his position - before, he really regarded himself as the master of the snake king, barking and drinking at it. However, after being ignored once, he learned better and treated it better. The snake king also respected him.

【Hungry! ! ! 】

The basilisk didn't really want to talk to Riddle, but Rice's order had to be carried out, so it simply shouted out its truest thoughts.

Riddle suddenly realized: So, the reason why he failed to drive the Snake King before was because he did not provide enough benefits to the Snake King!

It all made sense to Riddle.

[I am willing to offer sacrifices to you, please forgive me for being rude. 】

He immediately began to draw cakes for the basilisk.

Don't tell me, this cake is quite delicious. The basilisk felt that there was a sacrifice to eat, and it was willing to chat with this little guy for a while even without Rice's order.

So it immediately hit the snake and stuck it on the stick, indicating that it agreed with Riddle's proposal and that they could go back to the secret room to discuss it in detail.

Riddle naturally had no reason to refuse. However, he was still a little confused about who to sacrifice, because Ginny had not been squeezed out by him, so it seemed a pity to leave it to the basilisk, but he couldn't care about so much at the moment. The most important thing was to appease the snake king. Ginny could do it There are as many children as you want who have been deceived.

He directly controlled Ginny to walk towards the girls' bathroom on the first floor.

While Riddle was chatting with the basilisk, Rice had already locked his position. When he saw that he was walking towards the bathroom, Rice suddenly remembered a trivial thing...

Riddle quickly walked to the girls' bathroom on the first floor of the castle.

Decades ago, he opened the door to the secret room here and accidentally killed a stupid girl. Fortunately, he was smart enough to let the stupid man take the blame and make all the professors except Dumbledore believe his words.

However, only that damn Dumbledore didn't want to believe in himself!

Why? Why? !

Even after such a long time, Riddle still couldn't let it go: he was born in a poor family but was very smart, his parents were both dead but he was both wise and brave, and he was a prefect with excellent morals and academics. The other person is clumsy, trouble-making, gets into trouble every other week, and likes to raise all kinds of dangerous magical animals. Why did Dumbledore choose to believe the latter?

Of course, it is a bit far-fetched that a silly guy like Hagrid is the heir of Slytherin, but this is already the most reasonable explanation!

Since Dumbledore tightened his surveillance on Riddle after the accident, he had to terminate his plan to open the Chamber of Secrets and continued to pretend to be a model student in an attempt to paralyze Dumbledore. But in the next two years, Riddle did not do nothing. He made his diary into a Horcrux, retaining the sixteen-year-old himself in the diary. In this way, one day, he can guide another person to follow his footsteps and complete the unfinished business.

Riddle shook his head to expel those messy thoughts from his mind, and read the password to open the secret room in Parseltongue.


The bathroom was quiet, nothing happened.

Riddle frowned and read the password again.

But still nothing happened.

A trace of confusion and confusion flashed in Riddle's eyes: Why has everything changed?

The basilisk that followed Riddle and rushed nearby heard everything that happened outside, and then it suddenly remembered that its owner seemed to have sealed the original exit. Although it did not affect its travel, normal humans could not pass through.

It forgot to tell the little guy outside about it.

This is not to blame the Basilisk, after all, this matter actually has little to do with it.

It recalled the locations of other entrances left by its owner, and then told Riddle the location.

Riddle:? ? ?

【What's going on here? 】

He couldn't help but ask.

The basilisk ignored him, but swam silently into the secret room, and then told Riddle to hurry up and come over, and it would wait for him in the secret room.

Regarding the Basilisk, Riddle also had no temper now and could only turn around silently, preparing to enter the secret room through the entrance the Basilisk told him.

After turning around and walking out of the bathroom, Riddle's eyes lit up: he saw a lone boy walking towards him!

He recognized him, that boy was the Les who ruined his good deeds before!


Riddle couldn't help but feel happy: Wouldn't there be a sacrifice for the basilisk now? And it happened to be Les who had interfered with his affairs before. This was a double happiness!

So the moment he saw Les, he pulled out Ginny's wand and used a disarming spell on Les.

Just as he expected, Les's wand flew out in a swirl.

After succeeding, Riddle smiled proudly.

So what do you want to do? Les didn't look very panicked. He just stood there calmly, looking at Riddle as if he was watching a child playing tricks.

This look made Riddle quite unhappy. However, he was relieved when he thought that he was talking to Les through Ginny's skin: a little witch of Ginny's age was indeed very deceptive.

But Les Lint, an excellent wizard, will not let down his guard against anyone! This is the first lesson I teach you, senior, learn from it and use your life as tuition! Riddle smiled ferociously inwardly.

Although Rice was disarmed, Riddle did not relax his vigilance. He conjured another rope and tied Rice's hands.

Want to know what I'm doing? Then come with me. He pointed his wand at Les, forcing him to follow him.

To his surprise, Les was surprisingly cooperative along the way, neither resisting nor asking questions.

‘Are you pretending to be calm, or do you think you are playing house with a child? ’ Riddle was a little confused, but these things didn’t bother him at all.

In his opinion, Les lost his wand and had his hands tied. He didn't even know how to lose! As long as you keep a distance from Les and don't let him attack you physically, you will be safe.

In this way, Ginny, who was possessed by Riddle, took Les into the secret room according to the instructions left by the basilisk.

Although the entrance method has changed, Riddle had to admit that this new entrance was much more respectable than before.

Riddle became excited when he stepped into the Chamber of Secrets again: he felt that he was about to realize the ideal he and Slytherin shared!

This excitement made him ignore some subtle changes in the secret room: for example, the lighting here has improved a lot, and the sanitary conditions here have also improved a lot...

There was still no reaction from Les who entered the secret room. In Riddle's opinion, this poor little guy must have been frightened by the magnificent sight in the secret room, right?


Here’s an update, the second update will be later.

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