Ancient wizards return to Hogwarts

Chapter 201 Snape VS Lupine

Daphne guessed correctly, the professors soon appeared. Flitwick, Lupin, and Snape lined up on the round platform.

The audience was completely silent. Everyone was excitedly waiting for the professors to start tonight's performance.

Lupine and Snape were both dressed as usual, one was wearing simple robes, and the other was dressed like a big bat.

Flitwick was dressed very unusually. He usually wore a tuxedo and was dressed like a band conductor. Today he put on a vest, shirt and overalls, looking extremely flexible and capable.

It can be seen that dexterity and dodge are also extremely important attributes in duels. You either have to be as resilient as Hagrid, or you have to be as flexible as Professor Flitwick.

Seeing that the students calmed down very consciously, the three professors on the stage were also very satisfied.

The three of them each faced one direction and bowed slightly to greet the students. Then Professor Flitwick opened the first meeting of the Duel Club on behalf of the three.

Children, come closer... Oh! Mr. Weasley, you are so close! You are only half a step away from going on stage. Miss Parvati in front of you looks suffocated - if this continues, I will Gonna switch places with Severus.

Seeing Professor Flitwick say this, Fred and George took two steps back in perfect agreement.

I don't expect every student to see me, but can everyone hear me?

There was a low laugh from the crowd.

Seeing the reactions from the students, Professor Flitwick also began to introduce the reason why the Duel Club was founded.

As Professor Flitwick explained, the faces of the young wizards gradually became solemn: Who on earth dares to try to sneak into Hogwarts? Are they the remnants of that person? But haven’t the truly crazy people loyal to him been captured in Azkaban?

Some young wizards with complex family backgrounds even plan to send letters home to ask their father if he and his old friends have done anything recently.

I believe that everyone can learn useful knowledge in the club. I personally hope that you will never need to use this knowledge, but if you need to defend yourself one day in the future, what you learn in the club may come in handy.

The students began to applaud the professors.

Okay, next I want to introduce my assistants - Professor Snape and Professor Lupin. They are both very good duelists. Please let us give them a small demonstration before we start. Come on, we will demonstrate the process of a complete duel for you.

According to Flitwick, it was enough to have Lupin, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, as his assistant. But before the class started, Snape found him and expressed his wish to become an assistant.

Flitwick thought for a moment before agreeing. He knew exactly what Severus was thinking, but Flitwick felt that with his participation, the start of the Duel Club would be much more exciting.

What's more, a duel does require a referee.

After seeing the malicious smile on Snape's face, many students secretly felt worried for Professor Lupin.

Too bad... Merlin is the best, I hope Professor Lupine can win. Ron muttered.

Fred and George, standing in front of him, looked at each other and smiled after hearing what their brother said.

Lupine has been at Hogwarts for some time, and anyone who is not blind can see Snape's attitude towards him - on Snape's blacklist, if Potter ranks first, then Lupine Definitely second place.

Amidst the whispers of the students, Snape stood opposite Lupine. At this moment, Snape's expression was terrifyingly cold, but Lupine still had a smile on his face.

Duelists bow to each other! Flitwick shouted, standing between the two.

Snape and Lupine bowed to each other.

Three, two, one, start! Flitwick gave the order, and the duel began.

They both jerked their wands over their shoulders at the same time—


Armor protection!

A dazzling red light flashed from the tip of Snape's staff, but it was deflected by a translucent shield conjured by Lupine. Lupine prepared to fight back, but Snape's second spell arrived.

A stream of black smoke came out from the tip of his staff, and the black smoke condensed into a large snake and rushed towards Lupine.

There are many obstacles!

The big snake seemed to have hit a transparent wall, stopping halfway and unable to move.

Seemingly to take care of the little wizards present, the two professors initially used very basic spells. However, after two rounds of fighting, the two gradually became more angry.

Snape cast a spell and blasted a large crater into the ground at Lupine's feet. The flying rocks hit his thigh. Lupine retaliated. With a wave of his wand, Snape's face seemed to be invisible. He punched him hard with his fist, and nosebleeds flowed directly from his big hooked nose.

The Upside Down Golden Bell!

A look of sullenness flashed across Snape's face as Lupine shouted the spell. Just when he was ready to defend against this spell, he discovered that Lupine did not use this spell, but took the opportunity to throw a black egg-shaped object next to him.


The black egg exploded, and a strong stench suddenly enveloped Snape.

He could dodge curses or deflect incoming spells, but he was unable to deal with such domain-type attacks in a hurry.

Wonderful! Just as Snape steeled himself and prepared to hold his nose and fight back, Flitwick decisively stepped in, intervened in the duel between the two, and put an air wall between the two, forcibly ending the duel.

Excellent on-the-spot reaction! Students, if there are no rules prohibiting it in advance, you can use magic items in a duel. Flitwick's eyes swept across the faces of Fred and George: If I guessed correctly, just now That must be a shit egg, right?

The little wizards in the audience burst into laughter.

Snape stood to Flitwick's right hand with a sullen face and a foul smell. He obviously wanted to continue fighting, but he didn't expect Flitwick to forcefully stop the duel.

So he also made a choice: not to deal with the filthy smell on his body - it was the hem of his robe that was stained anyway, and Flitwick felt even worse than himself.

Sure enough, the expression on Flitwick's face suddenly froze. He did not continue to speak, but took out his wand and used a cleaning spell to clean Snape's robes.

It wasn't until Snape stopped smelling bad that Lupine limped to Flitwick's left side with a smile on his face.

Don't laugh, Flitwick tried hard to take two breaths of fresh air before continuing: If Professor Lupin had just created a poisonous mist, the outcome of the battle would have been decided already. Children, this really makes us What a fruitful battle!”

The audience burst into applause for the two professors.


The second update is here!

New 𝗑.𝖼𝗈𝗆

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