Ancient wizards return to Hogwarts

Chapter 203 Daphne: Les, please get up first and meet everyone here.

Chapter 203 Daphne: Les, please get up first - everyone here is rubbish

The interesting spell is the magic of 'making people spit out slugs'. ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ ██ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ Les smiled and shook his head, and at the same time he was happy for Daphne's behavior.

What a good student who knows to be on the teacher's side. It's much better than the guy who laughed out loud when his teacher was beaten by a sword filled with flames.

After getting along with Adrian for a long time, Les would reflect on whether he owed him anything in his previous life. After getting along with Daphne, Les was sure: he didn't owe Adrian, he was the one who owed the debt! Why else would Daphne be sent to pay off the debt?

It has to be said that even if they have the same surname and live in the same manor, the gap between people is greater than that between a person and a Flobber caterpillar.

Flitwick, who was on the stage, noticed the small commotion in the auditorium. He and Snape walked off the round stage together and walked quickly to Malfoy.

Ugh... In front of the professors, Malfoy spit out two more slugs.

Flitwick frowned, conjured a large bucket and stuffed it into Malfoy's hand.

Spit it in here, it'll be fine if it's all spit out.

Malfoy:? !

He wanted to yell and ask Flitwick to provide him with a more reliable treatment plan, but Flitwick was a senior professor after all, and Malfoy did not dare to prick him, so he could only look at him with pleading eyes. Snape glanced at him, hoping that Professor Snape, who had always been partial to him, could do something.

Snape thought for a moment and recalled how Lucius had taken care of him during his time at Hogwarts, so he took out a small bottle from his robes.

Drink it, it will make you vomit faster. Snape still looked expressionless.

There is no way, there are dozens of slugs in Malfoy's stomach now, and the best way to deal with it is to spit them out.


Seeing that his backer said the same thing, he could only swallow the bitter pill - but these bitter pills could not be swallowed until he had finished spitting out the slugs.

While Malfoy silently held the bucket and expelled the slugs from his stomach, other students were practicing the disarming spell enthusiastically.

Snape's medicine was very effective, and after about a quarter of an hour, Malfoy stopped vomiting and emptied his stomach of slugs. Most of the other young wizards have also mastered the disarming spell.

Professor Flitwick saw that most of the young wizards could knock the wooden sticks out of the wooden man's hands, so he started the last stage of the Duel Club's activities tonight: the student duel.

Okay kids, it looks like you've all mastered the disarming spell, great! Now we can get to the most exciting part of the night!

Seeing what Professor Flitwick said, the little wizards present had some suspicions in their hearts.

Any student who wants to duel can come on stage and duel!

Everyone cheered, and the sound almost lifted the ceiling of the auditorium.

Professor Flitwick also talked about a series of rules and incentives. Tonight's student duel is similar to fighting. The more games you persist on the round platform, the richer the rewards will be. However, each student only has one chance to participate in the challenge. If you are beaten down or have not defeated the challenge master, you will not be able to win. The duel continued on stage.

Flitwick also hinted to the students that the final grand prize would be extremely attractive, but no matter how much the students in the audience begged, Flitwick refused to reveal the contents of the grand prize, which immediately piqued the students' interest. .

Many young wizards shouted loudly, hoping that Professor Flitwick could arrange for them to be the first to go - their wands were already thirsty.

Don't panic, let us draw lots to decide who will be the first student to take the stage tonight. Flitwick took out a lottery box from nowhere and shouted to the students in the audience with a smile.

The students fell silent, quietly waiting for the results of Professor Flitwick's draw.

After groping in the lottery box for a moment, Flitwick took out a small roll of paper. He glanced around at the students below, with a faint smile on his lips.

Then, he unfolded the scroll and read the name on it aloud: Daphne Greengrass.

Snape and Lupine, who were standing behind him, could see clearly that there was not a single letter on the scroll. Apparently, the first student to take the stage was carefully selected by Flitwick.

Flitwick has been paying attention to Slytherin's Daphne Greengrass for a long time. He felt that this little witch was extraordinary, so he simply took the opportunity of hosting a duel club party to call her up and touch her bottom. .

If she is really special, then she needs to talk to Dumbledore - students like her have a huge impact on the magical world, and they must cultivate the correct outlook on things.

Slytherin can't afford another You-Know-Who.

After Daphne heard her name, the excitement and eagerness on her face could not be concealed. She glanced at Les beside her, stood on tiptoes and whispered into his ear quickly: Well, please Don’t be the first to challenge me, okay? The opportunity is too rare...

For most of the students at Hogwarts, the little witch was confident that she could win. No matter how bad she was, she was still 50-50. But against Les, she felt that she couldn't hold on for even a minute. She was a real loser. Ten open.

She doubted Les could easily defeat her without a wand.

She finally had such an opportunity to play, and she didn't want it to end as soon as she appeared on the stage.

Of course. The heat brought by Daphne's breath rushed into his ears, and Les couldn't help but frown, and stepped away a little distance. He really didn't want to go up to the ring. If Rowena found out, it would be a black history that couldn't be erased.

More importantly, he also wanted to know what grade Daphne's current combat power was equivalent to that of a young wizard.

After all, Les had never played against young wizards of all ages at Hogwarts, so he didn't know what their level was. He wanted Daphne to serve as a quality inspector for Hogwarts students, with Daphne as the basic combat unit.

Of course, judging from the scene at the students' disarming spell practice tonight, the children's actual combat abilities may not be optimistic.

After receiving Les's assurance, Daphne happily ran to the stage. Astoria saw the opportunity and immediately squeezed in beside Les.

Watch me knock my sister down in a moment!

Don't go on stage yet, let Daphne try out the students. Les glared at Astoria, telling her to be honest and not to affect his test.

Okay, Miss Greengrass, since you are the first student to step onto the stage tonight, I am willing to give you a little privilege. You can choose your opponent for the first duel. After Daphne came on stage, Foli Vee puts the choice in Daphne's hands.

After hearing Professor Flitwick's words, Daphne tilted her head, a thoughtful expression on her delicate face.

Finally, she spoke softly: Anyone can come. With all due respect, everyone present... is very weak.


The auditorium exploded like a frying pan with a bowl of ice water poured on it.


This is the second update. The next update will be at midnight~


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