If he could sum up Curse Breakers in one sentence, Les would choose: How dare you?

In his opinion, the curse breakers were just testing the waters on the verge of danger. Even though they didn't have much strength, they still wanted to commit suicide in the ruins.

It would be okay if we went to the kind of medieval wizards or the ruins excavated by medieval wizards, but if they were to unearth ancient ruins thousands of years ago, it would be too dangerous. If he accidentally or deliberately dug up the things he and his old friends buried, it would be even more troublesome.

But Les's opinion cannot affect Gemma's expectations for the job of Curse Breaker.

Faced with Les's kindness, Gemma just said that she would pay attention to safety.

Seeing Gemma's insistence, Les said no more. He just wanted to send more letters to this senior sister in the future, lest she really get into any big trouble - if she found the ruins from thousands of years ago, It’s not impossible to explore the ruins on your own.

Excuse me, where did you get the dust you used on the night of the duel? It seems magical. Les changed the topic to the topic.

Oh? You know the goods! Gemma praised Les. Most students didn't notice the sand and dust they used, but he discovered that this child's observation skills were indeed keen.

I happened to find that when I traveled to Egypt last year - I suspect there may be an undiscovered ruins there. Gemma gave Les the details.

When he heard Egypt and ruins, Rice's eyes lit up: Isn't this interesting? I don’t know if Gemma is willing to share her position with him.

It's probably difficult, and Les understands the rules of this business. An unexplored ruins can last a lifetime for a person like Gemma Farley who aspires to be a curse breaker. He doesn't think he can find out in one sentence, even if he actually knows the ruins. There is not much interest in the possible treasures.

Seemingly seeing the desire in Les's heart, Gemma rolled her eyes and told Les that she would take him to explore the ruins after he graduated.

You can't do that now. You are too young. Expeditions to ruins are very risky. Gemma Farley made a very good excuse. She used her age as an excuse to refuse to disclose further information. After Rice graduates, he may not He is still interested in this ruins. Even if he is still interested, Gemma has been exploring there for several years in advance and has the first-mover advantage.

At that moment, Les wanted to forcefully read Gemma's memory and find the location of the ruins. He could even use the Forgetting Spell to make Gemma forget all about it afterwards, but he eventually gave up on the idea.

First, Gemma's ruins may not have anything to do with Hufflepuff; second, this really breaks the rules. After a wizard breaks through the bottom line once, the bottom line will be lowered again and again, and eventually he becomes that A despised dark wizard.

He is the founder of Slytherin House. How could he do this to the students of his own house just because of some interests and baseless conjectures?

He decided to take an honest approach.

So where exactly did you find it? Les asked, looking a little unconscious.

Gemma Farley frowned.

I can give you a piece of information in exchange.

What Junior Lin Te said next slightly eased Gemma's unhappiness: At least Junior didn't have sex for free. But what information can be compared to an unexcavated ruins? It’s better to think about how to decline politely.

That is a palace left by the Nordic gods. It has most likely never been discovered.


Her eyes widened in surprise: If what the junior said was true, then that ruins must be more precious than the ruins she was holding in her hand. Although the history of Egypt is older than that of the Nordic gods, things like relics do not necessarily get better the older they are. This is related to the identity of the owner of the ruins and the number of times it has been developed.

But the Nordic gods are myths and legends after all...

Gemma hesitated.

It's a very reliable source, Rice added.

Gemma was moved now, but she would definitely have to listen to Les talk in detail before she could make a judgment.

My family has collected many letters between ancient wizards, and some of them are extremely precious. They are letters between the founders of Hogwarts. Les continued to use wizard letters as a panacea to convince Gemma.

Didn't the four giants founded Hogwarts together? They lived in the same castle and still sent letters to each other? Gemma immediately found the flaw in Rice's statement.

They run a school together, not go to jail together. Rice couldn't suppress his desire to complain.

Why do some people feel that they are sealed in a school after they founded it? ! Can't they just leave Hogwarts to do something?

It's normal for Gemma to have this illusion, because now the deans of Hogwarts are really as if they are locked up in the school. There is a heavy pressure to teach from Monday to Friday. After grading homework on the weekend, there is not much free time. It would be nice to go to Hogsmeade, they rarely even go to Diagon Alley.

Okay, keep talking. Gemma shrugged and continued to listen.

The letter mentioned the aftermath of Ragnarok in the Nordic Gods. The founders sealed the main battlefield of Ragnarok, but the gods retained many other traces, such as their temples and residences. These things should not be To continue to remain in the world, Salazar Slytherin is the one among the four responsible for eradicating the traces of the existence of the gods. He destroyed a large number of sacrificial places and hid the palaces of the false gods with magic.

Les told the truth.

After Ragnarok ended, they indeed spent a lot of energy to clean up the mess, otherwise the corpses of the false gods and the battlefield where the environment had been contaminated by magic would bring huge trouble to future generations. The wonders left by the false gods cannot be preserved, lest the belief in the gods revive. Indeed, some of these palaces are hidden by magic.

Les thought he could pick out a harmless palace and give it to Gemma. The most immediate benefit of this approach is that it can control the behavior of the future curse-breaker lady, so as to avoid digging up things that should not be dug up.

Les's words sounded very reasonable at first, but after Gemma thought about it deeply, she felt that it had no credibility.

The Nordic gods are just myths and legends, right? How can there be any gods in the world? She doesn't believe there are gods in the world, and she also has doubts about the so-called Twilight of the Gods.

Les raised his eyebrows: This little girl has pretty good values.

Normally he would have strongly praised Gemma's point of view, but now he had to convince her.


The second update is here, good night everyone~

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