Ancient wizards return to Hogwarts

Chapter 279 Why does it feel like there are Animagus everywhere?

Les is a man of action and will not delay when he decides to go. After leaving a note for Daphne, he left Greengrass Manor and set off for Harry's home.

According to Harry himself, he lived on Privet Drive in Devon, so Les went to this address.

Even an old wizard like Les had never seen the protective spell on Harry. He was very curious about this and wanted to study it carefully, so he couldn't miss the opportunity.

"No. 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging." Reciting Harry's address, Les stood on the street and felt worried: Although he knew Harry's specific address, Little Whinging was not a small place. Still very inconvenient.

At this moment, Les felt a wave of magic power.

In the gathering area of ​​Muggles, this undisguised fluctuation of magic power was particularly conspicuous. Lester's eyes suddenly lit up: this wizard was most likely the Harry he was looking for.

But why is this guy so brave? Does this mean you don't take the "Secrets Act" seriously? He dared to explain the law outside the school because he was sure that the Ministry of Magic could not catch him. What confidence did Harry have?

Following the traces of magic fluctuations, Les arrived at Privet Drive with ease, and then he saw Harry rushing out of a small single-family villa dragging his suitcase and holding a birdcage under his arm.


Harry:? !

The two looked at each other and were stunned at the same time. Les also heard a sound like a howling ghost coming from the villa behind Harry.

"Wait a minute." Les rushed into the house.

Les, who rushed into the house, found the source of the chaos just by the sound: a round, spherical creature floating in the Dursleys' restaurant. A closer look revealed that it was an old and ugly woman. Harry's uncle was holding on to the woman's legs to keep her from drifting out.

Les understood what the magic power fluctuation was about just now.

He looked around and saw that no one in the kitchen noticed him at all. Les didn't do anything. He just secretly fired a spell at the woman who turned into a ball, ending her expansion state, so as not to let her expand. She drifted out of the window.

It was in Harry's interest to keep the chaos within the Dursleys - there was a completely different punishment for using magic in front of his uncle's family than for using magic to cause hundreds of Muggles to see things they shouldn't.

For more things, Les would not be able to take action. When Harry chose to cast spells outside the school, things were already irreversible. The Ministry of Magic must have received an alert, and local officials might arrive at the scene in a few minutes. All Rice could do was help him reduce the impact.

After walking out of the Dursley's house without looking back, Les looked at Harry who was in a daze on the roadside.

Harry raised his head and said in a very bitter voice: "Les, I'm afraid I'm going to be expelled."

Les shook his head. No one will expel you from Hogwarts. Dumbledore pays special attention to you. However, it was not convenient for him to say these words to Harry, so he just told him that the matter was not as serious as he thought. The Ministry of Magic would not fire the Boy Who Lived over such a trivial matter.

But looking at Harry, he didn't seem to believe what he said. This is normal. After all, he is still a little wizard who is not even in third grade. He is still deeply afraid of the laws of the Ministry of Magic and does not have a clear understanding of his identity.

"What do you mean, do you have any plans next?" Les felt that after doing such a "big thing", Harry might not want to stay at the Dursleys' house.

Les' question cleared Harry's head. He has no Muggle money at all, only a few wizard coins, and the inheritance left to him by his parents is all stored in Gringotts Wizarding Bank...

So no matter what he did next, he had to go to Gringotts and withdraw the money.

"I'm going to London, Gringotts." Harry said with great certainty.

"Okay." Les thought this was a good idea. Going to Diagon Alley was safer than going to those nooks and crannies.

Les took Harry to a nearby street, then took out his wand and summoned the Knight Bus.

"What the hell is this?!" Harry was stunned as he looked at the giant three-decker bus that appeared out of thin air.

"The Knight Bus! Emergency transport for witches or wizards in distress. Just stick out your wand and step on, and we'll take you wherever you want to go—" Conductor Stan Sand Parker answered Harry's confusion.

Harry struggled to carry his suitcase and owl cage onto the bus. Les wanted to follow him, but he suddenly changed his mind because he found that he and Harry were being watched from the dark by some kind of creature.

He turned his head and saw an amazingly large, dirty black dog squatting on the corner of the street staring at them.

Les blinked: Good guy, why are the streets full of Animagus? Why do modern wizards like this useless curse so much?

"I wish you a safe journey." Les stood outside the car door and waved to Harry.

"What?" Harry turned around, with a hint of panic in his expression: Les's departure made him feel like a drowning man losing the last straw.

"I still have something to deal with. Don't worry, you just need to sleep on the bus and you will arrive in Diagon Alley when you wake up. I will wait for you there." Les gave Harry a pill. Reassurance.

As for waiting for him in Diagon Alley, Les might have to break his promise, because he dared to bet a thousand galleons that Harry would be blocked by people from the Ministry of Magic within three minutes of entering Diagon Alley. This kid doesn't understand the secrets of absconding after committing a crime!

But anyway, it's not a serious crime. It's over and done with. Dumbledore probably won't even bother to deal with it.

After sending Harry away like this, Les looked towards the place where he had just seen the black dog and found that it had disappeared without a trace.

"Are they employees of the Ministry of Magic? But it doesn't seem like it, otherwise we should have been stopped here." Les muttered something in a low voice and walked towards the Dursley's house.

He also wanted to study the magic attached to the house, but he acted in a hurry and didn't have time to take a serious look.

At the Dursley's house, Les made a new discovery: there was a layer of magical power attached to the house, which seemed to be inextricably linked to Harry. The two formed an extremely magical magic circuit that even Les had never seen before.

After studying it carefully for a while, Les felt that the function of this charm should be to prevent people who did not trust Harry from finding the house - which was an eye-opener for Les.

After writing down the magic circuit, Les heard several crisp explosions, and he understood that it was the staff responsible for the aftermath of the Ministry of Magic arriving.

After casting a Disillusionment Charm on himself, Les was about to leave, but was stopped by a conversation between Ministry of Magic staff.


The second update is here, the next update will be at midnight!

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