Ancient wizards return to Hogwarts

Chapter 292 Helga: What kind of things are there in the Forbidden Forest?

Chapter 292 Helga: What kind of cuties are there in the Forbidden Forest?

Helga's applause brought the students present out of their thoughts.

"Mr. Lint is right. If you want to resist dark magic, you must know something about dark magic - otherwise it will be like this." Hufflepuff ducked and took out a cage of rats from under the podium.

Seeing the cage of lively rats, Les raised his eyebrows: Look, the fates of rats and mice are different. Some "rats" can lie comfortably in cages and sleep peacefully every day under the influence of magic potions, while others will become teaching materials for the old witch.

Seeing the cage of big mice, Daphne shrank back calmly.

Hufflepuff didn't show any disgust at the rats in the cage - where was that? She had made roasted field mice back then, and it tasted pretty good.

She pulled out her wand and tapped the cage, and the door popped open.

Daphne shrank back a little more, trying to distance herself from the podium as much as possible.

The mice in the cage seemed to be aware of the free air and suddenly became active, but how could Hufflepuff let them do so? After using a floating spell to take out a fat and big mouse from the cage, she closed the cage door to prevent the experimental materials she had finally collected from escaping.

"Watch..." Hufflepuff poked the mouse with the tip of his wand, then threw it to the ground.

After realizing that he was free, the mouse ran directly towards the classroom door without any hesitation.

The students in the classroom were in a panic. The girls quickly put their feet on the stools, and some even jumped onto the table. Some boys quietly lifted their feet off the ground, while others drew out their magic wands, preparing to "bring the escaped mice to justice."

"Let it run." Hufflepuff stopped the students who were about to cast spells.

After the mouse ran a few steps, something strange happened to its body. Its already round body bulged up like a balloon.

The faces of the surrounding students changed drastically, and they vaguely foresaw an unpleasant scene. Many people stood up slightly, ready to run to the side if the situation turned bad.

At this time Hufflepuff took action, and she cast a petrifying spell to freeze the mouse that was trying to escape towards the door. Then she summoned the mouse back to the podium with a flying spell.

"You are right, this rat will explode into pieces if it takes a few more steps - now I ask you, do any of you know how to deal with such a spell?"

The little wizard in the audience was silent. They don't even know what spell Professor White used, so how can they crack it?

"This is today's homework, to find out what spell I used through any means, and find a way to undo the spell." Hufflepuff still had a warm smile on his face: "I will randomly select it in the next class. A student comes to try and break my spell."

Les, who was sitting in the audience, smiled. He naturally knew what spell Helga used.

This spell is quite cruel. Once the person under the spell moves, his body will expand involuntarily, and the more terrifying flow of magic power is also considered as "moving". Therefore, wizards who do not understand this spell blindly use it to break the spell in panic. It will only speed up your own death.

As for why Les is so familiar with this spell...because he invented this spell, and the one used by Hufflepuff is actually a weakened version.

The complete version of this spell needs to be used with a magic potion. Sprinkle the magic potion on the person who is cursed. When the person who is cursed explodes and dies, he will turn into a cloud of poisonous mist. People who inhale the poisonous mist will also be poisoned. curse, triggering an extremely terrifying chain reaction. This curse will not stop transmitting until the effects of the potion are exhausted.

This spell is particularly useful for eradicating the belief in Nordic false gods.

Les originally wanted to further modify the potion so that the potion could reproduce in the host's body in order to greatly extend the effective time of the potion. However, the other three old friends jointly stopped it. In addition, the raw materials of the potion It was difficult to find, so Rice gave up on improving the spell.

The little wizards in the audience all wrote down the homework assigned by Professor White on the parchment. Les glanced at them sympathetically. It was not easy to find this spell from various records.

Next, Hufflepuff took out the rats in the cage one by one and showed the students various jinxes in turn - most of which were invented by Rice and Rowena. When the bell rang, the cage had just run out of rats, but there was not even a rat corpse in the classroom.

"Okay, that's it for today's Defense Against the Dark Arts. This class showed you a little bit of black magic. In the next class, I will show you how to defend against black magic. get out of class is over! Don't forget the homework I left. , I will do a spot check next class!”

Helga gave an order, and the first Defense Against the Dark Arts class of this school year ended. The little wizards filed out and had a heated discussion with their friends about the proposition proposed by Rice in class today and endorsed by Professor White.

How should we think about black magic?

This topic stirs up ripples like a stone dropped into a pond, destined to spark deeper discussions.

However, the initiator of the topic did not take the coming storm to heart at all. Hufflepuff did not rush to have lunch after class, but walked out of Hogwarts Castle with a basket in her arms.

She planned to go around the Forbidden Forest twice to see how the Forbidden Forest would be different a thousand years from now and whether there would be any more cute little creatures.

Helga walked into the forbidden forest with brisk steps. On the way, she also met Professor Lupine and his assistant Hagrid. She greeted them warmly, and then politely declined their offer to go together.

For Helga, even though the Forbidden Forest has changed a lot after thousands of years, entering it is still about as easy as going for a walk in the back garden.

She soon entered the depths of the Forbidden Forest and encountered a group of unicorns in a glade.

It was a unicorn family consisting of one male unicorn, three female unicorns and two cubs.

After seeing these unicorns, Hufflepuff's eyes lit up: Very good, you are lucky today! Unexpectedly, there are still unicorns in the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts. This is really not easy.

Seeing a stranger approaching, the male unicorn snorted loudly and warned Hufflepuff, who was approaching, but Hufflepuff didn't care.

She completely ignored the unicorn's warning and walked towards a female unicorn with a bulging belly.

Seeing that the warning was ineffective, the male beast decided to show off the intruder and opened a hole in her body. But just as it was about to take steps, it found that its limbs were already stuck in the soil.

"Old Viper's magic is quite useful." Hufflepuff walked to the female beast, reached out and touched her belly, and then showed a satisfied smile.

"Please let me borrow some milk. Don't worry, I will make it up to you." She squatted down.


Here comes the second update, tomorrow’s update will be at midnight~

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