Ancient wizards return to Hogwarts

Chapter 309 Helga: It’s decided, we will use black magic on students

In the end, he quietly increased Professor White's salary by five galleons.

Although the increase may not seem like much, it is still 5% in proportion, which is an additional income of sixty galleons in one year. Hufflepuff is still very satisfied.

Dumbledore paid the price for his mouth. But think about it from another angle. It only costs less than two thousand galleons to hire a founder-level person to do the work for you for a year. This is really cost-effective. If an organization like the Secret Order had connections, they would have to hire someone for fifty years first.

In other words, if Dumbledore can afford the money, just enjoy it secretly. How many people want to spend money but don’t have a way to do it!

After meeting Professor White's request, Dumbledore began to seriously think about the content of the prophecy.

The first half of the prophecy is quite gratifying: Voldemort is currently in a desperate situation of betrayal and separation from his relatives, but the rest of the prophecy is very sad: he seems to be making a comeback, and this time he will be even more powerful.

Dumbledore was mentally prepared for Voldemort's return, so the focus of the entire prophecy lies in the change in Voldemort's identity and the rope that pulls him in the prophecy, which may imply something.

With his intelligence, Dumbledore only needed a moment's thought to understand that as of now, Voldemort had most likely escaped, but he had paid a price for it - he had become a "puppet" of another organization.

It may be an exaggeration to say that he is a puppet, but his fall from "boss" to "worker" is still very appropriate.

Thinking about it this way, the content of the prophecy is that an organization with ulterior motives has resurrected or attempted to resurrect Voldemort, and then plans to use him to accomplish some ulterior motives.

Dumbledore thought of the organization he had encountered before called the Secret Order.

He frowned: This feeling is really terrible. I originally thought that the only enemy was Voldemort, but now it seems that Voldemort is just the beginning, and his time is running out.

Dumbledore couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency in his heart.

Helga, who was standing aside, was keenly aware of Dumbledore's emotional changes, so she took the opportunity to propose further lifting the ban on the teaching content of Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Helga has long been dissatisfied with the current Defense Against the Dark Arts—students have never seen black magic, so how can they defend against it? Students don't know much about black magic, so how can they defend against it?

So she believes that if you want to defend against black magic, you'd better know black magic better than the dark wizard opposite.

Unfortunately, the mainstream thinking in the contemporary magical world has some slight conflicts with her ideas, which also makes it difficult for her to carry out her work. But at this moment, Dumbledore's change of mentality gave her a chance.

At this moment, after being persuaded by Professor White, a small hole appeared in Dumbledore's psychological defense.

He began to seriously examine Professor White's suggestion, and then realized that this might be the best way: take advantage of the few years he still has to cultivate a "golden generation" that can stand on its own to face the next crisis starting with Voldemort. challenge. And with me here, I can also control the teaching content of Professor White very well, so that she will not overdo it.

So he agreed to Professor White's application and agreed to relax control over Defense Against the Dark Arts. However, for most of the dark magic spells, he still only allowed White to conduct theoretical teaching and did not allow students to conduct actual spellcasting training - otherwise, that would be Black magic is taught on a large scale.

Hufflepuff blinked: "Then can I use dark magic on students?"

A question mark slowly appeared on Dumbledore's forehead: Professor White, do you want to listen to what you are saying? !

Seeing that there seemed to be some misunderstanding, Helga quickly explained to Dumbledore that she just wanted the students to see what black magic looked like, and would definitely not harm them, nor was she abusing black magic for fun in the name of class.

Dumbledore felt that what she said made sense, so he allowed her to do so without harming the students' bodies and minds.

After getting Dumbledore's permission, a smile appeared on Helga's lips: This is really, really great!

After the serious business came to an end, Hufflepuff began to observe the principal's office, and then she saw the phoenix squatting on the branch of the sycamore tree behind the door.

"It's called Fawkes, and he's my friend." Dumbledore introduced his phoenix to her.

"A very rare magical animal. I didn't expect you to be recognized by the Phoenix." Helga clicked her tongue in surprise.

The phoenix is ​​a powerful magical animal that few wizards can tame. Or when they use the word "tame," they can never tame a phoenix. Only by sincerely treating Phoenix as one's friend and partner can one have any chance of gaining Phoenix's recognition.

Dumbledore didn't answer, but it was easy to see from the sparkle of pleasure in his eyes that he was indeed happy about this.

Helga took two steps in front of Fox. The big golden-red bird, which had been sleeping with its head buried in its wings, suddenly woke up and stared at her with burning eyes.

Dumbledore showed a smile: "It seems that you haven't established trust with it yet. You are in a relatively good situation. Fawkes will scream loudly whenever he sees Mr. Ollivander."

Ollivander, the wand maker, only uses three magic materials to make the core of the wand. Unicorn tail feathers and fire dragon heart nerves are easy to solve. Phoenix tail feathers can only be "purchased" from Dumbledore, so Fox has no shortage of them. Conflict with him.

Looking at the phoenix in front of her, Helga inexplicably thought of her old friend Salazar.

His method of eternal life is similar to the Phoenix's Nirvana, but the time period has been stretched too far.

"The phoenix after nirvana, is it the original phoenix or a new phoenix that carries the memory of the previous phoenix?" she couldn't help but ask.

Dumbledore thought about this question carefully, and then told Helga that he thought Fawkes would still be Fawkes after Nirvana.

"As long as it inherits the previous memories and retains the previous emotions, it is the same phoenix. I believe that the core of humans and creatures is the soul. The carrier of the soul is not that important, and the soul is composed of pieces of memory. ”

Helga acknowledged Dumbledore's words.

Before leaving the principal's office, she took another look at the portraits left by past principals, but there was no one she knew among them.

it `s just normal. Not every principal will choose to leave a portrait, especially during the period when the school was just founded. Many successors choose to be like the founder and leave no portraits or statues - the so-called portraits and statues of the founders currently in Hogwarts were made by later generations based on their legendary appearances, and they are the same as those of the founders. My appearance is very different.

"Have you seen your principal?"

"I said, I never went to Hogwarts." Helga left the principal's office after leaving such a sentence.


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