Ancient wizards return to Hogwarts

Chapter 332 Hufflepuff: Can I not know whether that set of cups is worth three thousand galleons? !

"How much?" Lucius once thought there was something wrong with his ears.

"Three thousand galleons. If you want to continue to prepare more, you will have to continue to pay more." Helga's tone was full of confidence. She knew that these pure-blood families were rich, so naturally she wanted to harvest them severely.

As for the Ministry of Magic, she will definitely not ask for it, but will quote a reasonable price that is acceptable to the Ministry of Magic.

However, the Ministry of Magic officials who were present were shocked by Helga's price: three thousand galleons, or the starting price? ! The cost of making four dolls alone exceeds 10,000 Galleons. How could the ministry come up with such a large budget?

After hearing the offer, Lucius wanted to sit back in his seat directly, but the number three thousand touched his sensitive nerves. He remembered a set of "goodies" that were gathering dust in his family's treasure house.

"Three thousand galleons is a bit too expensive." Lucius said in his slow voice, but before Hufflepuff could refute, he changed the subject and told Professor White that he had a collection of treasures at home. I bought it for exactly 3,000 galleons back then. I wonder if I can exchange it for a doll.

The "treasure" Lucius was referring to was naturally the set of Founder's Gold Cups.

He is shrewd. That set of cups is difficult to sell, and even if someone takes it over, you will lose a lot of money. It is more practical to exchange it for a doll to look after the home.

"Oh?" Hufflepuff's interest was piqued. She really thought Lucius wanted to barter for the family's ancestral treasure.

"That's a good thing left by the founder of Hogwarts..." Seeing that Professor White seemed to be moved, Lucius immediately copied Mr. Borkin's original words intact.

But halfway through, he suddenly frowned: Who did Bojin get this set of cups from? He remembered that Bo Jin had mentioned that person's name to him before...

Looking up and making brief contact with Professor White's eyes, Lucius Malfoy suddenly remembered that this set of cups was sold by Professor White in front of him! His son mentioned her name to Bo Jin, but he didn't take it to heart - he spent all his energy arguing with Bo Jin, and then he forgot about it!

He was completely embarrassed now. For a moment, he could only recite Bo Jin's slogan mechanically, and even he himself didn't know what he was talking about.

Hufflepuff was quite interested at first, but the more she listened, the more silent she became: Isn't this the same set of cups I sold?

She glanced at Lucius, was she planning to sell the things I sold back to me at a higher price?

Helga decisively interrupted Lucius' introduction to the cup.

"Mr. Malfoy, this set of cups was indeed made by Helga Hufflepuff, but it is obviously not worth three thousand galleons."

Professor White's words immediately silenced Lucius, and he didn't know how to complain for a moment.

In Lucius' ears, this was like a slap in the face, telling him that the treasure he spent a large sum of money to buy was actually a fake. When he thought of this, he really had the urge to stand up and give this guy a curse, but his reason controlled him.

If there really was a commotion, if she told some "truth", the price of her set of cups would plummet, and the Malfoy family would become a laughing stock.

No matter what, he will bite the bullet that that set of cups is the real thing!

"You are joking, that is Hufflepuff's work, how can it not be worth three thousand galleons?" Lucius forced a stiff fake smile on his face, and then tried to bargain with Professor White.

Helga: Can I not know if that set of cups is worth three thousand galleons? !

She did not continue to talk to Lucius, but just told the people present that she would make a prototype and have the puppet go to the Ministry of Magic on its own before Christmas. Wizards at the Ministry of Magic can test it to see if it is what they say it is.

When the wizards present heard this, their thoughts gradually subsided. They decided to wait until they saw samples of the doll before making a decision.

Starting from three thousand Galleons, even if you can use magic props and collectibles to offset part of the money, it's not a small amount, so you still have to consider it carefully.

Having said that, the business is finally settled.

Parents and officials received quotations and performance parameters of the doll from Professor White. Professor White also promised them that samples would be made before Christmas, so we will have to wait until Christmas to find out.

Parents filed out and rushed to the auditorium. It's still early to go have lunch and take a look at your kids.

Only the square-jawed witch who kept asking questions remained.

"Is there anything else? If you don't go to the auditorium, you can only have dessert. Did you ask your child to pack some food for you?" Helga glanced at her, not knowing what she wanted to do.

"I have no children." She shook her head: "I only have one niece who studies in Hufflepuff."

"Oh!" Helga felt much better after learning that her niece was in Hufflepuff.

"Then do you want to go to my office for a drink? I believe you must have something else you want to talk to me about?"


The two walked towards Helga's office together.

On the way, Hufflepuff learned that the tall, square-chinned witch in front of him was Amelia Bones, the current Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, and he probably guessed the purpose of her private discussion with him.

As soon as she entered the office, Helga asked her to sit down and served her a plate of snacks and a copper wine glass.

After witnessing the water turning into lemon tea in the wine glass, Bones raised her eyebrows. She probably guessed what happened to Lucius's set of wine glasses.

"Let's be frank." After drinking the lemon tea in the cup, Bones bluntly stated his purpose: "The price of three thousand galleons is really too expensive. Such a high budget department It’s very difficult to get through.”

"But I firmly believe they are worth the money." Hufflepuff calmly took a piece of bread, spread a thick layer of liver pate on it, then squeezed some salad dressing on top, and finally put some salad dressing on it. Topped with pickles. After finishing a sandwich that was bursting with calories and deliciousness, she looked up at Bones and asked if she wanted one too.

"I don't need it. I didn't expect you to have a good appetite." Bones' eyes shone with envy.

"The main reason is that I am drinking a magic potion that enhances digestive function." Helga also smiled sheepishly. If it weren't for the potions that Salazar customized for her, she wouldn't have such a good appetite.

"I won't lower the price of the dolls," Hufflepuff changed the topic back to the original issue, "but I can accept installment payments - you only need to pay a small deposit, or even no deposit, and then press Just send me some money every month.”

A thoughtful light flashed in Bones's eyes: This request seems very feasible!


Here’s an update~

There’s still time before midnight.

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