Ancient wizards return to Hogwarts

Chapter 338 Helga: The old viper ruined my life!

Sirius: Huh?


Both of them were stunned. Les's move was too sudden and too unexpected.

Les looked calm. In his opinion, it was better to erase the memory that he shouldn't have heard than to let Harry fall into meaningless mental infighting here. Once Sirius is cleared of his grievances, everything will be fine.

After Sirius was stunned for a moment, anger rose in his heart: Les! How dare you attack Harry!

But before he could get angry, Harry turned around. Considering that Harry was still at the scene, Sirius could only use his remaining rationality to control the anger in his heart, planning to wait until Harry left before talking to Harry again. Si settles accounts.

"No, I forgot to bring some butterbeer for Ron!" Harry slapped his head and realized that he had forgotten to pack a butterbeer and take it back for Ron to try. When he drank butterbeer in the store, he was amazed by the drink. He thought about taking one back for Ron to try, but he was in such a hurry when he came out that he forgot about it. .

"Are you okay? Ron has a permission form to enter Hogsmeade. Can't he just buy it himself?" Les' tone was full of confusion and confusion.

Harry was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized: Yes, that guy Ron is different from him. He can enter Hogsmeade!

"I must have drunk too much butterbeer and lost my mind. Didn't I say that this beer has almost no alcohol content?" Harry smiled awkwardly and continued walking towards Hogwarts Castle.

"Maybe your drinking capacity is really bad?" Les quickly caught up and came to Harry's side, talking and laughing with him.

Looking at Harry's smiling face, Sirius thought thoughtfully: It seems that what Les did is not bad?

It will take a long time for him to regain his innocence. During this time, Harry will probably be immersed in the pain of his godfather betraying his parents. Instead of making him feel so uncomfortable, it would be better to temporarily erase his memory and make him live a happier life.

Daphne, who was holding Sirius's hand, was also thinking about what Les had just done. She felt more and more that Les had done the right thing. She would also learn from Les in the future and practice the Forgetting Charm well when she got back. Speaking of the Oblivion Curse, I wonder how Lockhart is doing now. I hope he can get used to the Azkaban cell.

With different thoughts, several people returned to Hogwarts and then parted ways.

Harry was heading back to his Gryffindor common room, Rhys and Daphne were heading to the library, and Sirius was planning to stay at the Shrieking Shack - since bumping into Lupine and Hagrid at the Three Broomsticks. And after knowing that they had been working together recently, Sirius decided not to go to Hagrid's hut to eat and drink, because it was too dangerous, and he would be in trouble if he met Lupin.

At that time, I don’t know if my old friend is willing to listen to my explanation.

If Les knew about Sirius's inner troubles, he would definitely pay it forward: he is too familiar with this situation. It's best not to overestimate the sanity of his old friends. They won't give you a good beating when the time comes. I will calm down and listen to you.

Whether Sirius has a chance to prove his innocence depends on how strong he is in resisting beatings.

Rice has extensive experience in this area.

When Les entered the library, he was surprised to find Helga there. She was sitting opposite Hermione, with a stack of books in her hand.

Obviously, the little girl Hermione was not very comfortable with the fact that a real professor was sitting opposite her.

"Let me see your Transfiguration notes, okay?"

"Of course, no problem!" Hermione quickly took out a leather-covered notebook from her schoolbag and handed it to Helga respectfully.

Helga took the notebook and opened it. Lines of neat, beautiful and concise class notes came into view. Helga's eyes quickly filled with admiration.

"It's so well written."

"Thank you for the compliment."

"Granger, you are from a Muggle family, right?"

Hermione nodded in confusion and Helga sighed.

"What a pity, why did you go to Ravenclaw? It would be great if you were a Hufflepuff."

Hermione:? ? ?

Listening to the conversation between the two, Les curled his lips: Helga is so shy, maybe she has fallen in love with Rowena's student? I need some face! He is a student of Ravenclaw College! ! !

He pulled Daphne's sleeve nervously and dragged her to the corner of the library to avoid being seen by Hufflepuff. Helga was so crazy about taking on a disciple that she didn't even want to lose face. She had to keep Daphne and the others away from this guy.

They didn't explicitly stipulate that the heir must be selected from their own college - who would have thought of this? Just like some countries do not specifically state in their constitution that "criminals cannot be president", they did not expect that in later generations, founders would try to abduct students from other colleges to be their heirs!

Helga, where did your status and magnanimity as a great master go?

Rhys underestimated Hermione's attraction to Helga. In Helga's opinion, Hermione actually met the admissions criteria of Hufflepuff House better.

First of all, this girl has no background at all. Being born in a Muggle family means that she has no chance of being a Slytherin. She attaches so much importance to school rules, which is inconsistent with the style of Gryffindor House. In the end, her grades seemed very good and she seemed like she should go to Ravenclaw. However, her good grades were the result of hard work, and her spiritual core was actually a perfect fit for Hufflepuff.

So in Helga's view, Hermione was one of the students who was sorted into the wrong house by the sorting hat.

Faced with Professor White's strange question, although she didn't look like she needed an answer, Hermione hesitated for a moment and said, "Actually, I wanted to go to Gryffindor at first."

Helga:? ? ?

This answer really shocked her. Aren't Gryffindor and Slytherin the first options you eliminated?

"Because at that time everyone said that Gryffindor was the best house - Professor Dumbledore graduated from Gryffindor, so I wanted to go to Gryffindor at first, but Les told me After explaining the nature of admissions to the four major colleges, I changed my mind.”

"Oh?" Helga raised her eyebrows: "There is actually something about Les in this?"

"Yes." Hermione told Professor White about the types of students that Rice told her about the four colleges that they wanted to recruit.

"After listening to it, I felt that I might be more suitable for Ravenclaw."

Helga was silent.

The old poisonous snake ruined my life! She complained angrily in her heart: Can't you use some nice words to describe Hufflepuff House? !

But now it's too late to regret it. Hermione Granger is already a Ravenclaw, and she can only sigh with joy. Fortunately, there are good talents in Hufflepuff House.


Today’s first update is here!

The second update will be at night, please watch it after you get up~

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