Ancient wizards return to Hogwarts

Chapter 357: Compressed Field

Les studied Helga's insights carefully and came to the conclusion that Helga's role in Cedric's awakening to the pseudo-realm was like the foam on butterbeer, only it seemed like a lot.

Thinking of the three days of hard work in Helga's office for such a "humorous" document, Les' body temperature was rising rapidly.

"H-er-ga-" He yelled at the guy sitting in the office chair, but Helga ignored him completely and just sat quietly on the chair.

Les rushed to her in one stride, grabbed her by the skirt, and found that the person in front of him was no longer breathing.

"This is an insult to people's IQ." Les sneered and used a "Thunderbolt Explosion" directly on the Hufflepuff in front of him.

The human body in his hand was blown to pieces, but no blood flowed from the broken body, but a lot of dust was raised. Hufflepuff knew that Les would be angry after reading the record, so she had already fled.

A piece of paper flew out of the dust, and it read:

[Salazar, don't make a big fuss, otherwise it will be bad to attract Dumbledore - you don't want the professors at the school to know your true identity, right? What's more, I think this experience of mine can really help your two precious disciples awaken their realms, so hurry up and try it~]

Les narrowed his eyes: Helga, great!

As soon as he waved his hand, the note turned into ashes.

Looking at the burned note, Les just felt that if he continued to get along with this group of people, there would be no problem in awakening another field related to fire or pressure.

He also had to admit that Helga was right, he couldn't make too much noise in her office, but not making any noise didn't mean that he wouldn't do any damage.

Les sneered and snapped his fingers, and large drops of water began to appear on the ceiling of Helga's office. The water droplets became more and more abundant, eventually forming rainfall in the office.

The rain became heavier and heavier, and soon a layer of water accumulated on the floor. Les did not waver at all, and stood in the center of the office to control the weather here.

When the water was deep enough to cover people's waists, Rice left through the window.

When he floated out of the window, the rainwater that had previously touched him automatically fell off of him and flew back to Helga's office.

Mop the floor, Hufflepuff!

Les left here with a bad breath. Shortly after he left, Helga returned to her office.

Seeing the waist-deep water, Helga's face twitched twice, and then she began to silently clean up the mess left by Salazar. Fortunately, it is not too difficult for a wizard to deal with this situation, and it is even shorter than the time it took for Les to turn this place into this.

Les returned to the Slytherin lounge, where Daphne and Astoria were huddled in the corner of the lounge doing homework.

"Les, are you back?" Daphne looked up and saw Les appearing in the lounge, and couldn't help but shout happily.

In the past few days, Les had been going out early and coming back late. He left the common room before dawn and didn't come back until late at night. Except for a few classes during the day, he was nowhere to be seen.

This made Daphne a little curious and wanted to know what Les was up to.

"I'm helping Professor White develop dolls." Les didn't intend to hide it, and directly informed Sister Daphne of his movements. "I suggest you buy one or two top-quality dolls. The dolls this time are well made."

It’s not that Les was bringing goods for Helga, but he truly believed that her doll was enough to be passed down as a family heirloom.

Not to mention the waffling afterwards, he and Helga really put a lot of effort into this, and even the service model that Les particularly wanted to complain about could still complete the housework well.

"Really? Then I'll write to dad and ask him to order a few." Daphne knew that Les wouldn't lie about this kind of thing, so she immediately made up her mind to buy a few automatons for her family.

"Well, you won't regret it." Les nodded and lay down in the armchair - he was exhausted from the past three days.

While huddled in the soft armchair, Les was also thinking about the experience Helga had given him.

Once she said it, she also pointed out a new path for herself.

'Would you like to take Daphne and Astoria to try it? Although it was a stroke of luck, maybe the two of them could be like Cedric? ’ An idea popped into Les’ mind, but he pushed it out of his mind.

He didn't quite agree with Helga's approach. He felt that Helga's behavior was a form of manipulation and stifled Cedric's possibility.

If he were allowed to try to awaken the realm on his own, he might awaken in other realms, but because of Helga's actions, Cedric would only end up in the earth realm in the future.

Although this is also a top-level field, it does not conform to Rice's philosophy. Between letting students go their own way and letting students find their own path, Rice prefers the latter.

However, Helga's approach also inspired Les, who thought of a more feasible method.

Helga's path is more like relying on the students' talents, while he is truly on the path of guiding students to awaken their fields.

After thinking of this, Les jumped out of the armchair, ignored Daphne's inquiry behind him, and rushed directly to his secret room.

Les's idea was also very simple: Although Helga didn't do much, she also guided Cedric by her own example, so he could also learn from her to guide Daphne and the others, so that they could see with their own eyes how the field was. Forming. The more times you watch it, the higher the probability of awakening.

However, it is difficult to replicate my own path, because who among the powerful people in the world is willing to worry about doing such a thankless job?

After arriving in the secret room, Rice directly expanded his domain.

The chamber soon filled with murky lake water.

After letting his domain cover the entire secret room, Rice began to compress his domain bit by bit, draining out the "impurities" in the domain and making the magic power as solid as possible.

After refining it over and over again, the water level in the room dropped a lot, leaving only a thin layer of clear water on the floor.

The remaining water is crystal clear, seemingly without any impurities, and is filled with astonishing magic power. It seems that as long as it is driven by magic power, it can open up an extremely broad area.

Looking at the "compression field" in front of him, Rice showed a tired smile: He was half successful.

He collected the "water" on the ground and formed a water ball half a person's height in front of him.

Les took out a piece of amethyst from his arms, tapped the wand, and turned the crystal into a hollow water droplet, with a traceless expansion spell attached to it.

When he was done, Rice "cut" a football-sized piece from the water polo and stuffed it into the crystal.


The second update is coming~~~

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