Ancient wizards return to Hogwarts

Chapter 367: Leslint, the most conscientious teacher in the world (more)

Chapter 367 The most conscientious teacher in the world - Les Lint (Additional update)

"Why don't we let our students make doll accessories?!" Les made a deafening sound, and his words really shocked Helga - how could a person be so lazy?

She decided to scold the lazy Salazar and let him know that students are not to be ordered around like this.

"Helga, I know you have a lot to say, but don't be in a hurry." Seeing that Helga was about to start a lecture, Rice quickly cast a spell to interrupt: "Let me explain!" "You think these dolls of yours will be handed over to Hogwarts for maintenance in the future, right? What does maintenance require?" Rice persuaded Helga and successfully turned her attention to a strange place: "They need to understand dolls, make doll accessories, and even launch newer and stronger upgraded models. Who is more suitable to undertake this task than those who participated in the initial production of dolls? And as our students, they are more reliable, aren't they?" Helga frowned, always feeling that something was wrong, but there was no suitable speech to refute him. Although Rice's words were very reasonable, in the final analysis, wasn't it still letting the students of the two people work for themselves? This old venomous snake has become very good at telling lies, what's the situation? "Salazar, have you read any strange Muggle books recently?" Helga asked curiously, she also wanted to see what book Sara was looking at. "What are you talking about!" Rice righteously retorted: "Think about it carefully. We have taught students new skills, skills that they rely on to make a living and make a lot of money, and we have borne their training costs - including the materials that were damaged by their practice, but we didn't charge them a single knight. Isn't this the love that teachers have for their students from the bottom of their hearts?"

Helga: ...

Finally, with Rice's promise to "make parts with the students", Helga reluctantly agreed to his proposal.

"Okay, since you agreed, let's call Daphne and Astoria over, and your Cedric, let's make parts here together!"

Helga glanced at Salazar with a complicated look, saying that she wanted Cedric to have a peaceful Christmas.

"Okay, you are right, but after the Christmas holiday, Daphne and Astoria will probably be able to master the production of doll parts. At that time, for the sake of being heirs, let them train Cedric." Rice accepted Helga's proposal, but his light words made Helga unable to sit still.

Let two little girls teach their students? How can this be done?

While Helga said "OK", she secretly made up her mind to write a letter to ask Cedric if he had time during the holidays and whether he wanted to learn some new knowledge.

Seeing Helga's reaction, Les was happy: he knew Helga too well, and the four of them were good at manipulating each other.

Helga could use her loopholes to force him to work overtime for her during the holidays, and he could also let her voluntarily hand over her disciples to share the pressure with him, and pass on her puppet knowledge to his students.

Although Daphne and Astoria looked pitiful to work during Christmas, there was no doubt that they had gained extremely valuable puppet making knowledge. If it weren't for Les's joke just now, this knowledge would have been circulated among the heirs of the Hufflepuff family as an absolute secret, but now it can let his students share a piece of it.

A thousand years ago, even if you were to kneel down at someone's doorstep with your butt sticking out, you would never be able to learn this level of knowledge. Daphne and the others made a great profit.

Rhys couldn't help but feel happy, and he felt from the bottom of his heart that he was the best teacher in the world.

He wanted to reconnect to the Floo network and call Daphne and the others over immediately. What Rhys didn't know was that the girls were already changing clothes, and they had decided to come to the office on their own.

Meanwhile, in the Gryffindor common room.

Harry had opened all the packages, and only the last letter was left unopened.

He was a little confused: Who would send a letter to himself during Christmas? If it wasn't a letter, then this Christmas gift was too shabby - he had already opened and seen the Christmas gifts from the Dursleys, so it couldn't be sent by his uncle's family.

Harry picked up the letter and found that it was clearly written on the envelope that it was a letter from Sirius Black to him.

This made him even more confused, because he asked himself, it seemed that he had nothing in common with Sirius Black? He only knew that this guy was a poor man who was wronged by the Ministry of Magic. He had caused a big disturbance in the summer vacation before, and even caused the big incident of Dementors surrounding Hogwarts.

With curiosity, Harry opened Sirius' letter. After reading only two lines, his eyes widened: Sirius said he was his godfather. If you don't believe it, you can verify it with Lupin!

After getting straight to the point and giving Harry a big shock, Sirius spent a lot of space to describe to Harry the happy times he had with Harry's father James Potter at school. He spent a lot of time teasing Snape, which made Harry feel very happy, and at the same time he understood why Snape always had a hard time with him.

To be fair, Harry felt that if he met Malfoy's son in the future, it would be difficult for him to keep a normal heart and look at him, especially when he looked and behaved very similarly to Draco Malfoy.

Harry's mood fluctuated with Sirius's words. When he saw him recalling that he and his father teased Snape, Harry was very happy. When he saw him talk about Peter betraying his parents, Harry felt angry and sad.

When he read the end of the long letter sent by Sirius, Harry was left with endless emotion and a wonderful feeling: he had a godfather.

[By the way, I found that the compensation from the Ministry of Magic was enough to buy a good enough flying broom. I heard that you are as good at flying as your father, so I bought you a Firebolt as a Christmas gift. Unfortunately, it was delivered a day earlier than I expected. I hope you don't mind, and I hope you like it.]

Harry's breathing became heavier: it turned out that the Firebolt was a gift from Sirius to himself!

After a brief excitement, Harry thought about Sirius again. In his opinion, Sirius was wrongly imprisoned for more than ten years, during which time he had no income at all, and the compensation after his innocence was all used to buy a broom for himself, so would his life be affected?

Harry hurriedly sat down at the table and began to write back to Sirius.


Continue to update!

Magical extra update!!! Debt-1

There will be more in the evening, but it will definitely be late at night, everyone go to bed first~

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