Ancient wizards return to Hogwarts

Chapter 377 Christmas of Three Old Fools

Facing the blessings of two old friends, Rowena's facial expression management was almost out of control. The reason is also very simple. Although she is already in ghost form, she is much more powerful than ordinary ghosts and can even touch the physical body, but she is still in spirit form after all. Let alone enjoying the food, she can't even smell much, even the usual food. The tea and snacks served when entertaining guests were all tricked out with magic - what I said to Salazar before about "you can feel the taste" was just a mouthful. In fact, she had almost lost all her sense of taste. Before she died, she focused most of her energy on how to retain her magic power. She really didn't think too much about things like taste.

It's like a patient who can't eat after surgery, and then her two disabled friends each hold a family bucket and show off next to her hospital bed.

Les just glanced at Rowena's face and knew what she was thinking. Then he smiled and told Rowena that he had made some interesting gadgets recently.

"Memory potion!" He took out a crystal bottle that emitted colorful light.

"Oh?" Rowena frowned. She knew that Salazar would most likely be able to solve the problem of ghosts not being able to smell. He was not a random person.

"We only need to extract the memory of tasting food and add it to this potion. Then you can apply it on your body and you can feel the aroma of the food!"


Helga: (.-ω-)

Rowena always felt that something was wrong, but being able to feel the aroma of food again was the highest priority, so she deliberately didn't think about it in detail.

Les put his wand against his temple and extracted a silvery memory from his mind.

With a snap of his fingers, the stopper of the crystal bottle popped up, and a small ball of medicinal liquid floated out.

The liquid emitting colorful light floats in the air, taking on irregular shapes under the dual effects of gravity and magic. It looks fantastic and weird. People who don't know the truth will definitely feel awe when they see this scene, but this is essentially a "ghost feeder".

After the silvery white memory and the colorful droplets were combined, after a burst of shining light, it turned into the color of the tequila sunrise concocted by Rice. Rowena just looked at it and seemed to see a rising sun rising slowly.

"Try the wine I mixed?" Les waved his hand, and the droplets floated towards Rowena.

Although according to Salazar, Rowena could feel the taste contained inside when she applied the liquid droplets anywhere on her spirit body, she still controlled the liquid droplets to float toward her face and mouth, allowing the liquid droplets to interact with her. lips touching.

The next moment, Rowena read and took out the memory carried in the droplet. A long-lost throbbing came from the depths of her soul, causing a slight change in the color of her spirit body.

After closing his eyes and thinking about it for a long time, Rowena opened his eyes, looked at Les and said, "Salazar, that's wonderful!"

Les raised his eyebrows: "Of course, I am the best potion master in the world."

Neither Helga nor Rowena refuted Salazar's arrogant "boast" because they were stating facts.

Of course, not refuting does not mean not adding obstruction. Helga must take the opportunity to give Salazar a "slap in the head".

So she asked deliberately: "Really? Great, Mr. the world's number one potion master, can you make me an elixir of immortality?"

This is not a problem for Les. He agreed immediately and said that he also asked the lady to bring her own ingredients for the magic potion. What he wanted was not much, a magic stone was enough.

As long as she provides the magic stone, he will immediately make the elixir of life for her for free.

Rowena stood aside and quietly watched the two old friends bickering. This scene made her vaguely return to the past. The two of them used to like to find fault with each other like this.

"One more drink." After the aftertaste of the memory dissipated, she couldn't wait to order another glass of Tequila Sunrise.

"I really don't know how to describe your invention. The name Memory Potion is really terrible." After taking the second "cup" of Tequila Sunrise, Rowena began to think about whether to help Salazar's invention. a new name.

"Look, this liquid looks like a bubble when it floats, and it contains memories. Why not name it a memory bubble?" Helga put forward her own suggestion, and both Les and Rowena My eyes lit up - this name is quite good.

"That's it!" Les made the final decision and named the product of mixing memory potion and memory "Memory Bubble".

After that, Rowena eagerly ordered several other flavors of memory bubbles, including the spirits provided by Helga, and some food provided by Hogwarts during the Christmas banquet.

"Happy!" After taking more than a dozen memory bubbles in a row and "enjoying" several dishes and drinks, even Rowena, who was always known for his profoundness, couldn't help but praise his old friend's invention.

"For ghosts, this is simply the number one invention. If wizards outside know that there is such a good thing, I'm afraid more people will choose to become ghosts, right?" Rowena drank the third " Cup" Tequila sighed after sunrise.

In fact, every wizard can achieve immortality in a certain sense - except those who make Horcruxes, that is, when death comes, they do not get on the car to the afterlife and look back.

When the souls of the dead return to the living world, they automatically become ghosts. They can wander around the places where they lived during their lives, and even talk to the living.

This is actually another form of immortality. Helena and Barrow have "lived" from the era of the Big Four to the modern age in this way.

So what is the price? One of them is that you will never be able to smell the smell of food again in this life. Ghosts even need to deliberately let the food spoil so that they can smell a little bit of the smell. That kind of rotten smell is avoided by any living person, but ghosts are looking forward to it.

What's more terrifying is that choosing to become a ghost is a road of no return. Once you set foot on it, you can't turn back. You can't reincarnate just because you want to. You will always be a ghost that is neither alive nor dead.

After seeing the real living conditions of ghosts in school, basically no wizards are willing to choose this path.

However, if Salazar's invention is promoted, it may make the option of "becoming a ghost" extremely tempting.

Les shook his head and did not comment on Rowena's sigh.

Stop it! Do you really think this potion is easy to make? Ghosts have no money, why would a potion master make this potion for ghosts for free? Do you really think that all potion masters are philanthropists?

More importantly, unlike Rowena, most ghosts cannot touch those real objects, so can they still be fed by others every time?

Rice seems to have provided a solution to the problem, but in fact, just like the cancer-specific drugs that Muggles spend millions of dollars per injection, it is basically only for individual ghosts.

With Rice's personality, he can only provide memory potions for Rowena, Barrow and Helena at most. He is not familiar with the remaining ghosts and really has no patience.

Moreover, this potion may be out of print, because the last ingredient of this potion is the herb that Helga gave to Rice, which has been extinct for thousands of years - compass grass.

This plant was basically declared extinct before Rome split into two parts, East and West. Rice can make potions with compass grass in modern times because he accidentally took Helga from a thousand years ago.

If Rice's compass grass revival plan fails, then Rowena will drink one less drop of this potion.

But there was no need to tell Rowena about these things, so as not to disturb her interest.

In the next half an hour, Rowena tasted almost all kinds of food and wine, and the potion in the crystal bottle was almost empty.

After drinking Tequila Sunrise again, Rowena squinted her eyes: as the number of times she took it increased, the shock brought by the memory bubble was gradually fading, as if she was numb.

Rice noticed the change in Rowena's expression, so he took out a bottle of forgetfulness potion at the right time.

Not so shocking because of too many times? Then can't you just forget that you drank it? It's equivalent to drinking this drink again.

And Rice's potion is specially customized for powerful wizards like Rowena.

When she handed the potion to Rowena, a look of surprise appeared on her face. She stuffed the droplets into her head, and then gathered all the memories about Tequila Sunrise and let the forgetfulness potion absorb them.

After the last bit of memory was absorbed, the droplets of liquid medicine flew out of her spirit body and fell to the ground with a strong aroma of alcohol, and Rowena had forgotten the taste of the cocktail.

It's a brand new experience again!

Rowena became happy.

This year's Christmas was indeed wonderful.

After a "big meal", Rowena chatted with two old friends. , Then she learned a shocking news from Helga: Salazar awakened for the second time.


But she didn't feel too strange, because she felt that the first one to awaken for the second time among the four was either her or Salazar before she died. After Salazar became a child with his memory, it was normal for him to awaken for the second time under the effect of his fresh flesh.

Because the fresh flesh brings a completely different psychological state, it is relatively simple for the domain to awaken again under the effect of this flesh.

As for old Deng like her and Helga, it is difficult to awaken for the second time. The domain has become a part of their souls, and it has been integrated into their souls like their own organs. It is very difficult to produce a major qualitative change.

However, this did not prevent her from being curious about Salazar's domain after the second awakening, and she wanted to know what form her old friend's domain would take after the second awakening.

Les simply explained to her that before, the scope of his scope was only "water", but now it covers all liquids.

"My Salazar is amazing!" Rowena was amazed at Les' progress, and at the same time, she had some ideas in her heart. The second awakening of her old friend inspired her and gave her some clues about the second awakening of her own domain.

"Oh, by the way, how did you achieve the second awakening of Salazar?" While generating a hint of inspiration, Rowena was also very curious about how Salazar did it-it can't be that he automatically awakened after sleeping for the second time, right?


Helga: Phew.


Confused eyes swept across the faces of the two, and after a few seconds, Rowena's face showed a look of sudden enlightenment.

"So that's how it is... haha." She couldn't help but laugh out loud.

She bet that the reason for Salazar's second awakening was definitely related to Godric. Considering the state of her old friend and the fact that Godric had been missing, Rowena felt that the root of the problem was most likely his little apprentice.

Salazar had brought her to meet her before, and Rowena had a very "Adrian" impression of that little girl, so it was probably Salazar's Adrian syndrome.

"What are you laughing at? What's so funny!" Les was angry: "Now magma is also within my jurisdiction, and my students are still my students."

Rowena, Helga: Hehehe.

Salazar's behavior is like his wife giving birth to a child with dark skin and then tanning his skin himself, just covering his ears and stealing the bell.

"So-" Rowena said halfway, and the smile on her face suddenly froze.

"Did you just say magma?" She reacted suddenly.

Les: Hehe~

"That's right."

The smile on Rowena's face disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

What does Salazar mean by this...? She suddenly thought of a very scary possibility.

"Your student has awakened the magma realm???" She shouted in an unbelievable tone.

Rowena couldn't be blamed for being shocked, because the news was too shocking - how old was Greengrass, how could he have awakened the realm? !


Rowena breathed a sigh of relief at Salazar's words, but before her heart could settle back down, Salazar added: "She just touched the threshold of the realm."

Rowena: ! ! !

It's actually true! Salazar has quietly trained his students to this level! Considering her almost laissez-faire attitude towards Hermione, Rowena felt a sense of urgency in her heart.

Fortunately, Helga hasn't accepted any students yet, so she is at least not the last among the three... She thought so fortunately.

However, the sharp and wise Ravenclaw soon noticed something wrong: Helga's emotions were too stable! And she seemed to know that Salazar's students had touched the realm earlier than she did.

Rowena remembered that Helga had shown a strong willingness to accept a disciple last time, which was very strange.

Based on Rowena's understanding of this old friend, if Salazar's students had already learned the chapter on domains, but she had not even accepted any students, and there was an extremely grand competition next year, then Helga's behavior was really abnormal.

So Rowena Ravenclaw asked without any hesitation: "Helga, your students must be in the domain of earth, right?"

"Haha, of course--" Helga was caught off guard and blurted out the truth.

Rowena: !!! !!! !!! !!! !!!


The update is here!

I wish you all a happy Children's Day in advance!

Don't forget to give the characters a heart~

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