Ancient wizards return to Hogwarts

Chapter 381 Dangerous Time Converter

"Miss Granger, can you explain why you were not absent from Defense Against the Dark Arts this morning?" Les had a playful smile on his face: "Could it be that you have also mastered the method of making automatic dolls and have Successfully hid it from Professor White, who made his fortune as a producer?"

Hermione fell silent.

The facts presented by Rice left no room for her to refute.

After a moment, and after a fierce psychological struggle, she told Les that she could tell him the truth, provided that Les swore to keep what he saw and heard today secret.

Les was stunned for a moment, and an unpleasant memory came to his mind.

It can't be that thing...

Thinking of that possibility, Rice's pupils dilated slightly for a moment.

Hermione didn't notice the change in Les's expression. She reached into her collar and took out a very long and thin gold chain. A shiny mini gold timer hung under the gold chain.


It’s really such a crappy thing!

"Why do you have this thing?" Les asked in surprise.

How come the modern magical world has become so open that even such a dangerous thing can be handed over to a third-year student?

"You actually know what this is?" Hermione was even more surprised than Rice.

She originally thought that not many people knew about this kind of magic prop that required a lot of applications from school professors to borrow, but to her surprise, Les recognized it at a glance.

Les pouted: How could he not recognize this thing? Although it was tied with a gold chain, he was very familiar with the timer at the end of the chain.

Not only did he know what it was, he also knew who made it.

Rowena Ravenclaw.

She was the one who finally made the Time Turner take shape, and was also the first to abuse it, leaving a deep impression on Salazar and the other three.

"The time turner was mentioned in the book." A trace of solemnity flashed in Les's eyes. He looked at Hermione and asked in a calm and somewhat curious tone: "What do you do with it?"

Hermione didn't notice anything strange about Les, she was just surprised that he even knew about such an unpopular thing.

"Just use it for class..." Hermione spread her hands and said that she wanted to take any class, which resulted in her class schedule being changed.


"You just use a time turner to do this?" he couldn't help but ask.

Hermione's use of the Time-Turner feels like a weird comic use of time-stopping powers. Some people can transcend the world by virtue of their ability to stop time, while some people can only transcend the world...

This little girl got the time turner and actually just turned back time to go to class. Now Rhys understood why the school and the Ministry of Magic were willing to approve Hermione's use of the Time-Turner.

She is suitable for using it.

Even if Fred is as studious as George and Hermione (the possibility of this situation is zero), Professor McGonagall will never let these two people have access to the time turner. She is probably unwilling to tell them that there are still other things in the world. There is such a thing.

"What else?" Hermione asked confused: "I applied for this thing just because I couldn't schedule my classes. To be honest, this thing is really troublesome. I can't let my former self see it, and I have to I tried my best not to expose it in front of my friends. Fortunately, no one noticed me - Lessie was the first one."

Les felt speechless for a while: Are the students of Ravenclaw House a little too indifferent to each other? It's a bit outrageous that Hermione could persist in this state for half a semester without being exposed.

While complaining about Ravenclaw's school atmosphere in his mind, Rice kept perfunctory: "Indeed, this is a good way to solve the conflict in the class schedule."

Les didn't dare to let Hermione think too much. It would be terrible if she and her teacher found a "new way" to use the time turner. It would be enough to experience such a thing once.

'Hermione would be best advised to return the Time-Turner at the end of this term. ’ Les thought. At first, Rowena just wanted to use the time turner to spend some time reading and studying magic, but then it gradually got out of hand.

When she was at her craziest, she even attempted to use a time turner to achieve immortality, causing countless troubles for the three of Rice.

But they don't blame her, after all, no magician can resist the temptation of time magic. But this field is like the golden apples in the Garden of Eden. It is very tempting on the surface, but it is actually wrapped in extremely poisonous poison.

Even Helga, wasn't she brought to a thousand years later by an accident of time magic? In the face of time magic, wizards are like dolls that others can manipulate.

"But I can't hold on any longer." Hermione suddenly said this without thinking.


"I'm too tired...I'm really too tired. I have to take twelve classes at the same time..." Hermione gradually lost her highlights, and infinite fatigue appeared in her eyes.

Les thought for a while and took back the energy potion that slipped to his cuff - this thing only treats the symptoms but not the root cause, and the energy it inspires is just a "loan", which must be repaid after all.

"A mature wizard should learn to skip classes on his own. Some classes are just not necessary." Les gave himself an example. In his opinion, the most important classes that cannot be missed are Potions, Charms, and Transfiguration. Compared with Defense Against the Dark Arts, herbalism can barely be considered - but generally speaking, if you learn potions well, herbalism will be by analogy.

As for the remaining classes, they are actually optional, especially Divination and Muggle Studies.

It's not that these two classes are unimportant, but Divination is too talent-based, and there are big problems with the syllabus of Muggle Studies.

Rice actually attaches great importance to Muggle Studies. He is now concentrating on studying the knowledge of Muggles, and almost puts all his energy on it.

If he were to write the syllabus of Muggle Studies, he would definitely make major changes to the textbooks of this course and make it a compulsory course.

In fact, if he still wants to stay in Hogwarts to teach as Rice after graduation, he is actually more inclined to stay as a professor of Muggle Studies, rather than a professor of Potions - of course, the position of Slytherin Dean still needs to be fought for. At worst, Severus will be the principal and the position will be vacated for himself.

Anyway, he will not be the principal - Helga is still alive, and Rowena is still sober! He will only be a principal if he is crazy.

While Rice's mind was drifting, Hermione was thinking.

After a long while, she sighed and agreed with Rice's suggestion.

"I think Divination and Muggle Studies are really unnecessary..."

"Then be bold and tell Professor Flitwick. After dropping these two courses, your schedule will probably return to normal and the pressure will be much less."

"One third of this school year has passed. Can I really drop the course?" Hermione looked at Rice suspiciously.

"Of course you can." Rice really hoped that Hermione would drop the redundant and useless courses so that she could return the time converter.

Before she found the correct use of the time converter, let her hand in this dangerous little thing.

"Okay, you make sense." Hermione was convinced by Rice.

She walked out of the library quickly. Perhaps it was an illusion, Rice felt that her steps were much lighter when she walked out.

"You know, she has that thing."

"I know." A figure emerged from the bookshelf opposite Rice. It was Rowena Ravenclaw, who used the alias Spite.

"Aren't you afraid that she will repeat the same mistake?" Les raised a sarcastic smile.

"No." Rowena looked calm, as if she had already taken Les.

"If she can figure out the wonderful use of the time converter, I will tell her where the limit is." Rowena was still calm.

"Then I will definitely not come out to clean up the mess. You can try." Les sneered.

Do you really think Hermione is my student? There is no such thing as an unlimited bottom line.

"It is very beneficial to use the time converter properly. You can get several more hours out of thin air every day. If you are brave enough, you can have forty-eight, seventy-two, ninety-six hours in a day..."

"Then make a big mess and waste several days to make up for it, right?" Les interrupted Rowena's words without hesitation.

"No one has guaranteed that the time converter will not be damaged, especially if you use it repeatedly to return to the same time point." Les pointed out the fatal weakness of the time converter.

Rowena had suffered such a big loss before, and the time converters that are now preserved in the Ministry of Magic are all antiques. God knows when they will be scrapped, especially when the user is a wizard like Les.

This is just like a fat man riding a dilapidated helicopter. It may be convenient, but once an accident occurs...

"It's still time to catch up now. Go out and find Granger to borrow the converter from her. You need it, Salazar." Rowena said quietly on the side.

"Don't call my name outside." As for the topic of borrowing the time converter from Hermione, Les avoided talking about it.

This is like a Pandora's box. Once it is opened, it cannot be closed.

As for the time converter, Les thinks it is better not to use it as much as possible. Because he dare not bet whether he will be obsessed with the feeling of using it.

It is really difficult for wizards like them to resist the temptation of double or even several times more time every day.

The reason why Hermione felt so tired was that she had not found the real way to open the time converter. She only went forward one or two hours each time, and only went back two or three times at the same time. The real use is to go back twelve to twenty-four hours at a time, and then go back repeatedly, and allocate the extra time reasonably, one part for rest, and the other part for research and study.

This is the real use of the time converter!

It allows the user to master a new spell in a very short time, or to skillfully prepare a new potion, or to finish reading a book.

"I actually still have one in my private classroom, do you need it?" Rowena whispered beside Les.

Les did not answer. He decided that if Rowena really brought the thing to him, he would destroy it with a spell as soon as possible.

The corner of the library returned to peace.

After a while, Hermione came back with a relaxed step-her neck was empty, obviously she returned the time converter.

"Professor Flitwick agreed to help me drop those two courses!" Hermione's tone was full of uncontrollable ease and joy.

When the time-twister was removed from her neck, she felt as if a huge burden had been lifted off her shoulders.

"Congratulations." Les smiled, and he didn't mention the conversation he had just had with Rowena.

"Let's read." Rice took out a copy of the Encyclopedia Britannica from his backpack and started to browse through it with great interest. Hermione sat opposite him and took out a book she had just borrowed from the library and started to read.

Rice flipped through the book very quickly. He only skimmed through most of the content and only read a few of the content that interested him carefully and repeatedly.

While flipping through the encyclopedia, he was also thinking about the possibility of building an Internet within the Hogwarts campus.

"This is impossible." After Rice tentatively discussed the possibility of building an Internet with Hermione, Hermione rejected Rice's idea.

"No electronic devices can be used within the Hogwarts campus." Hermione moved over what she had read in "Hogwarts: A History of the School".

"Oh? Why?" Rice was a little curious. When they set up various defensive magics around the school, they didn't consider any electronic devices - there was no such thing at that time.

Hermione: ...

She was stumped by Rice's question.

In the end, she could only stammer that electronic devices would fail within the school.

"Then is this the work of a certain headmaster? According to the time when electronic devices appeared, it must be the last two or three generations?"

Hermione couldn't answer at all, but Rice felt that his speculation made a lot of sense.

They have an advantage in exploring the answer to this question, because Dumbledore lived too long! He graduated from Hogwarts in the late 19th century, and then became the headmaster of Hogwarts in the mid-20th century, which coincided with the time when electronic devices developed rapidly.

If it is said that a headmaster set up magic to interfere with electronic devices around the school, then even if it was not arranged by Dumbledore, he would probably know about it.

Les decided to send Helga to find out.

He thought and did it, and he left the library directly and went to Helga's office.

"Electronic equipment interference?" A trace of confusion appeared on Helga's face, "First of all, what is an electronic device?"

Helga's question made Rice's breath stagnate.

Then he had to patiently explain to Helga what electronic devices are, which inevitably involved the popularization of concepts such as electricity, and Helga nodded repeatedly.

"Muggles have come up with a lot of new things over the years." Even Helga had to admit that the area outside Hogwarts has become too strange.

"So you should go to Dumbledore to find out. I'm very curious - this is very important for building the Internet in Hogwarts."

"What is the Internet."

Les: ...

He even had the urge to drink the Polyjuice Potion and turn into Helga to ask Dumbledore.


Update is coming~

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