Ancient wizards return to Hogwarts

Chapter 393: Les: I'll lend you something

Hermione left the lounge and took away a whole load of energy potions from Les.

Obviously, the little girl wants to develop her field.

Naturally, Les had no objection. He also wanted to see the complete library field.

After Hermione left, Astoria couldn't wait to get closer. She had a lot to say to Les.

"What happened to the phantom that Granger mentioned?"

Les blinked: "I think it's the image left by the person who entered her domain."

"But she just said that your phantom was greeting her!"

"Yeah." Les lowered his head and fell into deep thought: The information Hermione brought out this time was really amazing. It seems that as the number of times I enter the field increases, the marks I leave in the field are also "evolving".

The shadow last time could only repeat its actions, but this time it could say hello to Hermione. Then if I go in twice more, will the image become able to talk to Hermione? Even if you go in too many times, can the shadow copied from the domain still cast magic?

I wonder what is the upper limit of the strength of the phantom that Hermione's domain can copy? If his combat power could be fully reproduced, it would be a little too outrageous.

He even imagined for a moment the scene when Hermione summoned the shadows of the four of them at once.

If it can really be achieved to that extent, then the potential of Hermione's field can be said to be infinitely high, but it only exists in theory. Rice didn't think Hermione's field could support the four of them with all their strength.

There is also a very crucial point. Is the phantom a copy of himself, or is it Hermione's impression of herself - in other words, is it the embodiment of Hermione's memory?

Rice feels that remains to be seen. The gap between these two points is quite large. Since Hermione has never seen herself attack with all her strength, the strength of the phantom she transforms is absolutely different.

After sorting out his thoughts, Les shared his thoughts with Astoria.

"Obviously, the phantoms in Hermione's field are growing. As the number of times we enter increases, the phantom's ability to act autonomously also increases. In the future, I think the phantoms of others composed of Hermione's memories should be able to She can move freely within her domain and can even use magic. It is a very growth-prone domain.”

Listening to Les' introduction, Astoria was enveloped in surprise. Her mouth opened slightly, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Granger's domain sounds so powerful!

"Then has my shadow been included?" She suddenly thought of such a question.

"Of course, every time we use the field together with Granger, it is a reinforcement of her field, and our phantoms in her field will become more complete."

After hearing what Rice said, Astoria even didn't want to use Hermione's field anymore, but Rice hadn't finished speaking yet.

"The benefits of using her domain are also obvious. We can get a few more hours every day. Maybe not out of thin air, but it is exciting enough." In Rice's view, using Hermione's domain is a win-win situation.

They were given extra time and Hermione strengthened her field.

Why not?

"Then..." Astoria hesitated.

"When Granger comes over, we will enter the domain with her." Rice looked at the hesitant girl and said this in a playful manner.

"You can still go behind your sister's back and sneak in Granger's territory, right?"

Astoria was immediately moved.

I am already far behind my sister, so through Granger's field, can I narrow the gap with my sister? Even...overtaking in corners!

Now she was determined to use her domain with Hermione.

At the same time, she couldn't help but look forward to what her own field would look like.

The desire for the realm once again arose in her heart.

In the following days, Hermione would find Les and pull him into the field every time when her energy was almost restored.

In order to facilitate his communication with the girl, Rice also gave her a crystal ball for communication. This way Hermione can find him in time.

With the addition of times, Rice's phantom in Hermione's domain became more and more vivid.

Now the Phantom can not only greet Hermione when he sees her, but can even have simple communication with her.

Like answering questions or something.

As time goes by, the N.E.W.T. and O.W.L.s exams are gradually approaching.

Professors like Helga are also busy - her student Cedric is also taking exams this year as a fifth-year student, so she can also be called a stakeholder.

"Salazar, how is your plan going? Are you preparing for the final trial?"

One Friday evening, Helga cornered Les in the auditorium, who had become increasingly arrogant recently, and took him back to her office.

As soon as the office door closed, Helga couldn't wait to ask about Les's preparations for the final trial.

Seeing Helga advance this, Les's face froze: It was like the end of the semester was approaching, and his team members who had not shown up for half a semester began to ask about the progress of his project.

Although he didn't write a word, you didn't do anything either!

Faced with Helga's questioning, Rice just said that he would definitely prepare. It's just that he's been busy recently and delayed. When the time comes, he will naturally go out.

Helga was full of suspicion: Salazar, are you serious? Are you perfunctory? This school year is almost over!

Eh? Isn't this guy secretly arranging trials for his students and giving them special treatment?

But on second thought, Helga felt that Salazar should not be that kind of person. He should really just be a little busy - after this kind of thing was exposed, how could he still get along in front of herself and Rowena? I'm afraid he will be laughed at for more than ten years!

"I really don't know what you, a student, are busy with." Helga complained in a low voice.

"You still have the nerve to say it?!" Rice jumped up like a snake that was stepped on: "Do you want me to give you a list of puppet parts that I made for you recently?"

Helga smiled and closed her mouth.

Salazar is quite talented in making puppet parts. The parts are made quickly and well, and one person can do the work of three people. In addition, the children had to review for the exam recently, so Helga added more burden to Salazar.

Seeing that Helga had given in, Rice stopped asking about her preparations.

"I'm ready." Helga took out her wand and pointed at the closet behind her. The door popped open and a doll stood quietly inside.

The doll had been put on a chain mail.

"A top-of-the-line automatic combat doll, plus Godric's armor. Even if Voldemort, as they say, comes, I have the confidence that I can kill him with just this doll." Helga proudly introduced to Rice the automatic combat doll she had prepared specifically for the final exam.

Compared with the version sold to the public, the service mode of this doll has been removed, and the extra space is all used to carry the combat module.

In Helga's opinion, such a doll, coupled with the Godric's armor, is enough to defeat all the professors at Hogwarts except her and Dumbledore.

There is a hole in the neck of the puppet, which is the gap reserved by Helga to store the "good stuff" that Les will bring later.

Such a powerful puppet seems to be a little powerless in the face of their students, because it has no domain.

What Les has to do is to make up for this shortcoming for it, and add a little killing intent to it. And all these raw materials must be sponsored by the Secret Society.

"It's better to do it today than to wait for a day. I'll go today." Les felt that it would be better to do it by himself if it was delayed until the end, so it would be better to get it done early and let Helga arrange the follow-up operations.

"Okay." Helga called Salazar over today for this. Seeing that he finally gave in, she was overjoyed.

She had already discussed with Salazar that the Secret Society must have the ability to detect the exposed God's bones. All they have to do is wait and see, and directly open a seal that buries the God's bones to lure the monks of the Secret Society.

And the monks who were caught are the props they use to strengthen the puppets.

"What about the time?"

"After the final exams, I'll ask Henry to ask Dumbledore out - it's time to talk to him about the Multi-Power Tournament."

This trial might cause quite a stir, so Dumbledore had to be sent away. If Dumbledore suddenly appeared and killed the trial puppet in one second when Daphne and the others were fighting, it would be a bad scene.

Helga nodded.

"I'll trouble you to arrange these things."

Rice stopped talking nonsense and walked out of the office directly.

This time he didn't go back to the lounge, but left the school and headed north, finally arriving in Finland before midnight.

"It's been so long, it's really hard to find." Night had already fallen, and the countryside of Finland was pitch black. After some twists and turns, Rice found a small hill where the remains of the gods were buried.

A spell crossed the night sky, and the hill trembled suddenly. The earth and rocks collapsed, and finally a stone slab was revealed.

There were four animals carved on the stone slab: a lion, a snake, a crow, and a badger. Rice reached out and poked the snake relief on it, and the snake relief moved, twisting its body and disappearing into the soil.

As the snake sculpture disappeared, the reliefs of the other three animals also disappeared.

With a casual knock, the stone slab turned into a pile of debris, revealing a deep cave entrance. A strong smell of blood rushed out of it and rushed into the sky.

As the cave entrance opened, a rustling sound came from the depths of the cave. Ten seconds later, a bunch of blood-red insects crawled out of the cave entrance.

These insects were all insects that already existed in the cave. They were eroded by the blood of the divine skeleton and mutated. Each one was dozens of times larger than an ordinary insect and blood-red all over.

Rice ignored the intention of these insects, because they had actually died long ago, and the only thing that supported their actions was the resentment that escaped from the divine skeleton.

Driven by resentment, the bugs will try to stay away from this cave, but when the resentment dissipates, they will also disappear.

The real thing to deal with is the big guy that will come out next.

As the bugs gradually disappeared, a strange friction sound was heard in the cave.

Before it showed up, Rice fired several attack magics into the cave, and the cave suddenly became quiet.

"Can't you just lie in the mud and rot..." Rice sighed, feeling a little dissatisfied.

The remains of the false gods who were killed back then still have resentment after thousands of years. Even though most of their divinity has dissipated and their bodies have decayed, they still moved as soon as the seal was opened, trying to get out of the seal and find their enemies for revenge.

Unfortunately, even if he did nothing, these remains would collapse on their own when the sun rose tomorrow morning - unless they were replenished with fresh flesh and blood.

After doing this, Les found a stone to sit on, cast a few hidden spells on himself, and quietly waited for the arrival of the secret order monks.

Les did not wait too long.

When a trace of fish belly white appeared on the horizon, accompanied by three explosions, three people in hooded robes appeared on the hill.

The three people walked hurriedly and did not notice Les sitting on the side, hiding his figure.

"It should be here."

"Be careful, the God's remains inside may not have completely lost their activity."

"Really, there are enough God's remains in the organization, why do we have to come here to collect God's remains! This is simply working for the Finnish Ministry of Magic..."

The three people complained while slowly approaching the cave entrance.

The closer they got to the cave entrance, the more solemn their expressions became. The Secret Society has collected many God's remains, and all kinds of unexpected situations can almost write a book, so they can't be careless.

"It's exciting, and my blood is boiling..."

"Yes, I also feel my heartbeat is so fast. This is my first time to collect God's remains."


The leader of the trio changed his face, and a layer of gravel appeared on the surface of his body instantly, but it was too late.

"Do you people in the Secret Society like to act in groups of three so much?" Les's voice sounded behind him.

The leader immediately rushed into the cave. He has a sand and soil domain, and instinctively wants to run to a place with a thick soil layer.

His choice was correct. The sand did save his life and suppressed the restless blood in his body, but his two companions were not so lucky.

The two of them froze in place, and their skin began to bulge with large and small lumps, just like boiling water.

Bo, Bo!

With two explosions, two balls of red liquid came out of their bodies. The two secret order monks who had not awakened their domains turned directly into mummies.

Blood is also liquid.

"It turned out to be a domain powerhouse... I warn you, if you leave now, I can pretend that nothing happened, and the things here belong to you. But if you insist on doing it, you will provoke an organization you shouldn't provoke!" The secret order monks deep in the cave have already known the situation outside. After seeing Les's actions, he immediately realized that the one who was eyeing him was a strong man with a divine domain.

He didn't want to conflict with such a person - he had a bright future, so he didn't want to fight with others.

However, what he didn't know was that in Rice's cognition, the mentally retarded had no right to bargain in front of the strong.

Rice tilted his head, looked at the deep cave, and said: "Okay, leave the divine bones on your body and report to me, and you can leave."

Monk: ...

Leave the divine bones? ! This is killing him!

Facing the reality, he decided to give it a try, but at this moment, a turbulent water flow poured back into the cave. It hit him with overwhelming force, and he was immediately knocked unconscious.



Good night, babies

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