Ancient wizards return to Hogwarts

Chapter 418 The Dark Lord and Blood Field of the New Era

Witnessed by two piles of minced meat, Bagman readily paid off the gambling money that should be paid to Rice and the Weasley brothers.

With Rice present this time, Bagman naturally couldn't do any tricks to confuse the real with the fake. But he never stopped trying to persuade the three to turn the money into his gambling to earn more profits.

"You don't need to do anything, just wait for the dividends..."

Rice interrupted Bagman.

"I have no intention of participating in your investment. As for the two of them, it's their freedom if they want to participate."

Rice knew very well that Bagman had no relatives or friends with him, and his true identity had not been revealed, so why would such a good thing of sitting and sharing money come to him.

Fred immediately said: "Thank you for your kindness, we don't have this idea either."

He was a smart man, and seeing that Rice was not interested at all, he didn't have any ideas at all.

Bagman wanted to say something, but Rice glanced at him, and the pair of black eyes made him think of the bottomless black lake in Hogwarts.

He shuddered and closed his mouth.

By the time Bagman came to his senses, Rice had already led Fred and George into the shadow of the woods.

"I feel that the conditions he offered are actually not bad? The share is quite reasonable..."

"Then you go back to find him? I promise to send you to him."

Fred was choked by Rice's words.

"Mr. Bagman seems to still owe the goblins money. The group of short-legged vampires just now came to collect the debt." Rice continued.

"How can he, a dealer who opened a gambling game, lose money?" George frowned, feeling confused and puzzled.

The dealer earns commission money. Even if he, Fred and Rice are included as variables, Mr. Bagman should hardly lose money.

"Is there a possibility that he owed the goblins a large sum of money before holding this gambling game?" Rice felt that the goblins' visit to Bagman had nothing to do with his gambling game tonight.

"Doesn't that mean-"

"Mr. Bagman's capital chain has been completely broken?"

Fred and George immediately came to a conclusion. Thinking of this, both of them broke out in a cold sweat: if they hadn't followed Rice to stop Bagman tonight, they would have lost everything.

The attitude of the goblins had made it very clear that Bagman's current financial gap was no longer something he could make up for.

With a fearful mood, the two returned to the camp with Rice.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked curiously.

"Check out." Fred's face was full of smiles again. Opening a prank shop was his and George's dream since childhood, and now was the moment closest to the dream coming true.

The two groups of people present were all acquaintances. After chatting for a few words, everyone simply gathered together for tea and supper - the clever Mrs. Weasley prepared super rich food for her husband and children.

"So after this job, you have saved enough money?" Rice asked in a low voice.

Fred first glanced at his father and found that he was discussing what happened tonight with Bill and Charlie - Percy didn't come to watch the World Cup finals at all, and was said to be participating in a top-secret mission in the Ministry - Fred believed that his brother must have gone to investigate the smuggling of flying carpets.

Seeing that his father's energy was not on him, Fred quietly told Les that he and George's funds were actually a little short of opening a store.

"If you want to open a store in Diagon Alley, you must prepare at least 1,000 Galleons, and the minimum cannot be less than 800, otherwise the capital chain will be very dangerous. We obviously can't open a store in Diagon Alley - Knockturn Alley is cheaper, but Mom will come and smash our store when she finds out." Fred made a serious business analysis for Les.

The two of them placed a total of 42 Galleons, 15 Sickles, and 3 Knuts at Bagman. Bagman promised them a super high odds of 10 to 1, so the two of them got back a generous return of 428 Galleons afterwards.

But this money was obviously not enough for the two to open a store in Diagon Alley.

"But the reappearance of the mysterious man tonight may cause panic in the market, which will lead to a drop in the rent of Diagon Alley-"

"Don't dream," Fred rolled his eyes at George, "We can't pin our hopes on this kind of thing, not to mention that I heard that the mysterious man was driven away by another mysterious person, I don't think there will be any panic."

After refuting George's fantasy, Fred said: "Then we thought of Hogsmeade Village, which is obviously a good choice, but the rent in Hogsmeade is not low..."

"How much budget do you need?" Astoria, who was sitting next to Les, interrupted and asked.

"If you want to open a store in Hogsmeade, it will cost at least 700 Galleons-"

"I'll pay for it. 400 Galleons, just give me 30% of the shares." Astoria reported her conditions.

Fred's heart suddenly began to beat faster: the white, rich and beautiful girl made a move!

Astoria's terms were fair. Although she paid nearly half of the money, she was not involved in the operation and the products in the joke shop were all Fred and George's ideas, so it was reasonable for her to only take 30% of the shares.

With Astoria's investment, Fred and George could even open the shop now. He originally planned to save money with George for two years at school - their prank products were quite popular in Hogwarts, and it would be no problem to save a hundred Galleons before graduation.

Fred was immediately tempted.

He didn't really want to continue studying at Hogwarts. He and George had already passed the O.W.L.s, so it wasn't a big deal if they didn't take the N.E.W.T.s.

"Okay, it's a deal!" Fred and Astoria reached a verbal agreement.

"Where are you going to open the store? Diagon Alley or Hogsmeade Village?" Daphne also participated in this interesting conversation.

Fred was a little hesitant. Originally, he was short of funds and could only think of a way in Hogsmeade. But now with Astoria's investment, he can consider opening a store in Diagon Alley.

Compared with Hogsmeade, Diagon Alley has a higher rental cost, but the customer flow is obviously larger...

"I have an idea." George leaned over and whispered in Fred's ear for a while, and Fred's eyes lit up: George's idea is really good!

"Let's open it in Hogsmeade." Fred made a decision.

Astoria didn't care. She didn't plan to interfere with the operation of the joke shop anyway.

"I'll pay 200, and you can give me 15% of the 30% shares~" Daphne also wanted to invest, so she had her sister's idea.

"Okay." Astoria naturally had no objection.

A group of people gathered together and chatted around the campfire until late at night.

Many people in the camp were queuing up, hoping to get a door key to go home early, but Rice and the Weasley family were not in a hurry. They planned to camp here with their friends for a while.

The next morning, Sirius moved his tent over and next to the Weasley family's tent. Cedric and Hermione simply stayed here, and a group of people camped together lively.

"Look, this is how to use matches."

In the early morning, Hermione was patiently teaching Mr. Weasley how to use matches. Sirius, who had just set up the tent, stood aside and yawned.

"Mr. Black, do you want to learn how to strike a match?" Hermione turned to Black and asked him if he wanted to learn something new.

Sirius laughed as if he had heard something very funny.

He did not take the matches from Hermione, but took out a box of antique matches from his arms. He held the matchbox with one hand, bent a match with his thumb and pressed it on the box, and then struck it very casually, and the match was lit. [Note]

Although it was not very practical, it was 10,000 times cooler than the way to light ordinary matches. Mr. Weasley, who was sitting in front of the fire, was stunned.

"One-handed matches are very popular with Muggle gangs because they only need one hand to light them, and the other hand can be free to hold weapons." Sirius blinked at Hermione: "And just call me Sirius. Mr. Black makes me feel like I'm already sixty years old."

Hermione raised her eyebrows.

"Sirius has been playing with all kinds of Muggle items since his school days." Harry explained to Hermione on the side.

There was even a poster of a Muggle girl on the wall of Sirius' bedroom. Harry was shocked when he saw it. Sirius was really brave to post this thing in a family that believed in pure blood and wizard supremacy.

Mr. Weasley took the one-handed match from Sirius with great expectation, and as expected, he burned himself and screamed.

While others were playing with matches, an owl landed in front of Les and provided him with a copy of today's Daily Prophet

Les took the newspaper from the owl's mouth with great expectation, and then spread it out impatiently. But when he saw the headline on the newspaper, he was stunned.

[The position of the devil changed! The mysterious man returned but was beaten and fled in embarrassment]

Les rubbed his eyes, took another look at the headline on the newspaper, and then made sure he was not wrong.

The second half of the sentence was a statement of fact, and he could accept it, but what did the first half of the sentence mean? !

I am a wizard, not a dark devil!

To be honest, Les did not feel happy when this title was put on his head, but felt insulted.

Daphne and Astoria came over and couldn't hold back after taking a look at the headline on the newspaper.

"Rice, you seemed to say yesterday that you were trying to save the reputation of Slytherin College? How did you save it? Did you snatch the title of the Dark Lord from Voldemort?" Daphne asked Rice with a red face, trying to suppress her smile.

Rice felt the blood surging in his chest and his head was buzzing.

Astoria also suppressed her smile and took the newspaper from Rice.

Unlike Rice and her sister, she took a serious look at the content reported in the newspaper.

It was almost the same as what Rice described, but what was surprising was that this reporter seemed to be very courageous. He actually came to the top box of the stadium and filmed the battle scene that night.

The scene of more than a dozen "Death Eaters" all bursting under Rice's action was photographed by the reporter and played repeatedly in the newspaper in the form of animated pictures. Seeing this scene, Astoria's heart moved, and she felt something vaguely.

She was actually at the scene that night, and her perspective was much better than that of the reporter.

Astoria began to seriously recall the scene she had seen. As she recalled, she felt her heartbeat getting louder and louder, and the blood seemed to be constantly beating in her eardrums. She could even hear the sound of blood rushing.

Throwing the newspaper on the table, Astoria tiptoed back to her tent. She lay down on her bed, closed her eyes and fell into a state of selflessness, with only the rushing blood in her heart.

Les and Daphne did not notice Astoria's abnormality.

"This is a bit too much," Les said dissatisfiedly: "How can I become the new generation of Dark Lord in the eyes of these reporters?"

Daphne pondered for two seconds, and then told Les that even Voldemort had no record of killing so many wizards in one breath.

If you want to find an example in history, you have to go back a few decades to the time of Grindelwald, when the Dark Lord once killed more than a dozen Aurors from the Ministry of Magic in one breath.

Les: ...

"But they are secret order monks... Well, you have a point." Les is now glad that he is calm enough and did not leave any identity documents. Otherwise, his peaceful life will not continue.

Then he discovered a more regrettable fact. The reputation of Slytherin College seemed to be further tied to dark magic and dark wizards by his actions.

"It shouldn't be that bad, right?" After hearing the worries in Les' heart, Daphne didn't care much: "Voldemort has already tied them tightly, and your actions have not deepened the impression."


"Eh? Les, have you received today's Daily Prophet?" Hermione remembered what Les said last night, so she temporarily shifted her focus from the match and asked Les if the newspaper had arrived.

"No." Les lit the newspaper in his hand without hesitation and stuffed it into the stove beside him.

"Okay." Hermione didn't see Les's little move, she shrugged her shoulders and continued to deal with Mr. Weasley.

"The road to reviving the reputation of the college is a long and arduous journey..." Les sighed.

It was not until then that he realized something was wrong: where did Astoria go?

Les looked around and smelled a faint smell of blood near their tent.

"Hmm?" Les's expression changed, and he strode into the tent, and then he found Astoria lying on her bed, covered in blood.

Les was overjoyed: he was familiar with this scene, and Astoria had also found the edge of the domain!

He immediately turned around and found that Daphne was fiddling with the fire to prepare breakfast. Les acted decisively and immediately closed the entrance of the tent and sealed it off.

When awakening the domain, no interference is allowed.


Updated, good night everyone~

Note: The matches that Sirius used to show off look like this-

The advantage is that it can be lit with one hand, which is more handsome, but the disadvantage is that it is easy to burn your hands, and the matches themselves are soft.

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