Ancient wizards return to Hogwarts

Chapter 419 This child fits the Slytherin stereotype too well

Looking at the pale-faced girl lying on the bed, Rice couldn't help but sigh: Little Astoria is also a wizard with a domain, so she should feel much better now, right?

He knew very well that the girl had always felt inferior because she had not awakened her domain, but he had no way to deal with this, so he could only cut off a part of his domain and give it to them, hoping that they could understand something from it.

Now it seems that after such a long period of training, Astoria finally has some enlightenment.

More importantly, according to the situation at the scene, what Astoria has comprehended is not some messy thing, but the blood domain!

This is a sub-domain of the liquid domain that is so pure that it cannot be purer, which also makes Rice happy from the bottom of his heart.

However, since Astoria has awakened this domain, it is hard to say what her future style will be...

But it is a good thing to be able to comprehend the mystery of the domain.

As the blood flowed out, Astoria's face gradually changed from pale to pale, looking like a corpse. However, her chest was still rising and falling regularly, indicating that the girl was still alive.

Astoria's blood did not flow freely, but gathered at her side, forming a charming and strange blood-colored river, which was dotted with stars, like the stars in the Milky Way.

The long river of blood seeped out of the girl's skin, circled around the ground, climbed up to her seven orifices, and then poured back from the seven orifices, repeating the cycle.

Seeing that the cycle was completed, Les was relieved: At this point, Astoria was no longer worried about her life, and the worst thing was that she missed the domain.

About a quarter of an hour later, the long river of blood gradually dried up, leaving a brown mark on the ground, just like a riverbed after the flow was cut off.

The girl's face also left a brown mark. Although her face was still pale at this time, it was much better than the paleness of a corpse just now.

A few seconds later, Astoria's long eyelashes trembled twice, and she regained consciousness.

As soon as Astoria opened her eyes, she saw Les sitting not far from her bed, with a warm smile on his face.

That expression... a bit like the expression of a fruit farmer looking at a fruit-laden fruit tree? The deans at the Hogwarts graduation ceremony seemed to have the same expression.

"Congratulations, you have now entered the threshold of the field." Rice's words rang in Astoria's ears, which reminded the girl of what had just happened.

Suddenly, a burst of joy rushed to Astoria's eyebrows, and her breathing became a little faster: she had wanted a field for too long, and it was simply crazy.

It was difficult for her sister, Granger, Diggory and other people with fields to imagine her mental state.

"It's blood, right?" Astoria vaguely knew what her field was.

Rice nodded.

"A relatively subdivided field, but it has extremely powerful power after careful development." Rice said with a smile.

Astoria's field is actually not superior. In terms of scope and influence, it is not even as good as the clouds, fog, frost, etc. under the water field. The quality of Aries' field can suppress her, but the power of applying it is also extremely powerful-Rice demonstrated it last night.

A single encounter can kill more than a dozen well-trained wizards, and it is not inferior to other domains in full-strength battles, not to mention the promotion path such as domain awakening.

Astoria understood the trick, but she still nodded happily.

She looked down at the bloodstains on her body beside the bed, and then began to call on the power of the domain. Soon, all the dried bloodstains on the ground trembled, and they gradually floated in the air, forming a dark brown dust belt.

Astoria carefully manipulated them and gathered them together. After some effort, the bloodstains were gathered into a dark ruby ​​the size of a grain of rice.

"Too small." Astoria was obviously not very satisfied with her work. She scratched her clavicle with her fingertips, and a string of round, crystal clear blood beads oozed out from the snow-white skin.

Each drop of blood was as dazzling as a ruby.

"The purest blood." Astoria looked at the blood taken out of her body, her eyes blurred, as if she was infatuated.

Les: ...

Her appearance is too much in line with the stereotype of Slytherin College. Les dare not think about what kind of weird reputation Astoria will have after fighting with others in the future.

Blood Witch Astoria? Scarlet Witch Greengrass?

A few strange titles flashed through his mind, and then he took the initiative to drive her out.

After condensing a quail egg-sized ruby ​​with blood, Astoria took out a silver necklace from her bag and hung the gem on the chain to make a ruby ​​necklace.

After putting on the necklace, Astoria looked in the mirror and smiled with satisfaction.

"Go out, I'm a little hungry." After packing and dressing, Astoria said with her eyes downcast. In the process of awakening the domain just now, her consumption was extremely amazing. At this time, Astoria felt that she needed to replenish some energy. She was very hungry now, so hungry that she even had some strange thoughts and desires...

Les glanced at her.

Astoria couldn't help but shudder. She felt that her inner thoughts were seen through by Les.

"Interesting, your blood domain is a little different from what I thought. Is it the remaining influence of the blood curse?" Les began to mutter to himself: "I originally thought that the blood domain was about controlling blood, but now it seems that I still have some It's superficial... You are different, Astoria, I may have called the name of your field wrong..."

Astoria lowered her head. She couldn't quite understand what Les said, which made her feel a little uneasy.

"Hey, do you want to do an experiment?" Les walked to Astoria's side and asked softly.

"What experiment?" Astoria's throat rolled, and she vaguely guessed what Rice wanted to do.

Les did not answer her directly, but asked her another question: "You just had the urge to suck the blood directly from my veins, right?"

"No, absolutely not, how could I-"

"Under the jaw on both sides of the trachea, about two fingers apart from the Adam's apple, is the carotid artery, one of the most important arteries in the human body. About eight liters of fresh, hot blood flows through it every day..."

Astoria couldn't help but swallow, Rice's description made her hungrier.

Les laughed.

"Look, you should face your heart sincerely."

Astoria was silent.

"It makes me feel like I've turned into a monster."

Les laughed.

"This is a bit far away from monsters, even further than the distance between humans and snakes - in the eyes of Muggles, wizards are also monsters, and in the eyes of wizards, we who have domains are also monsters. In the eyes of wizards, we who have domains are also monsters. In an instant, the essence of life has changed, but we are still the same. As long as the thought in the soul remains, people will not change. "

Les's explanation made Astoria feel a lot better.


I’ll update one chapter first, there will be more tonight, good night everyone~

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