Ancient wizards return to Hogwarts

Chapter 420 Ravenclaw's New Partner

Seeing that Astoria's mentality returned to normal, Rice continued to analyze the pros and cons of this experiment for her.

"I suggest you think carefully before answering. Don't rush to agree to me. This experiment may be very dangerous." Les said seriously: "Because even I can't predict what will happen after you drink my blood. ”

Astoria did not hesitate and immediately expressed her willingness to become Rice's experimental subject.

"You have never harmed us, so I trust you." Astoria's words caused Les to fall into silence for a short time.

"It's different. After you drink my blood, there will be no turning back. I'm sure you only have a faint desire for blood now, but after you really drink blood, you may not be able to live without it in your life. ." Les hesitated unusually. Astoria's trust made him restrained.

He is even a little regretful now, why Astoria is not an enemy like Aries, so that he will not have any burden when doing experiments.

"It's nothing. The Greengrass family has a big business, so it's no problem to get some blood to support me." Astoria's tone was full of pride: "What's more, you gave me my life. For me, every extra day I live is a gain.”

Seeing that Les was still thinking, Astoria added: "You said that I only have a faint desire for blood now, but can you guarantee that this desire will not become more intense in the future? Rather than being unable to help but drink it in the future. It’s not clean blood, it’s better to use yours from today on.”

"Okay." Les hesitated no longer and made a cut on his palm.

The blood flowed from the wound, but before it fell to the ground, it was gathered under the control of Rice, forming bright red beads like grapes.

Rice glued the beads together so that they really looked like a string of red grapes.

"I thought you would let me come up and suck you." Astoria didn't hide the regret and desire in her eyes, while Les smiled and shook his head.

"Be decent, Astoria." He handed the blood grapes to Astoria's hand.

Astoria picked up the "grapes" and put them into her mouth one by one. The "grapes" turned into a pool of juice as soon as she took her mouth, and the rich smell of blood immediately filled the girl's mouth.

But Astoria didn't feel anything strange. Instead, she just felt like she was eating the most delicious food. The surging magic power contained in her blood quelled the hunger in her belly.

Astoria increased her eating speed, but her movements were still graceful, and there was not even a trace of blood on the corner of her mouth.

After eating the blood grapes, the girl's face turned rosy again.

Les looked at her expectantly.

"Do you feel anything different?"

Astoria was stunned for a moment and shook her head slowly. She did not notice any obvious changes. If she had to pick one thing to say, it was that she felt warm in her stomach, as if she had drank some hot water.

"Wait!" The girl finally found the difference: she found that her control over the blood seemed to have improved.

"So your control over the realm has increased?"

Astoria nodded.

"That's not bad." Les was very satisfied with the current situation. He knew that there might be changes in the future, but this would not be an immediate effect.

"Okay, it's time for us to go out. Your sister will be anxious if we don't go out." With that said, Les turned around and opened the tent door.

When Daphne saw the two people coming out of the tent, she was stunned for a moment, and then her eyes locked on the ruby ​​necklace around her sister's neck.

"Astoria has also stepped into the threshold of the realm." Les quietly told Daphne the good news.

"This is great!" Daphne's face also burst into joy, obviously feeling happy for her sister's progress.

"It's blood." Astoria also briefly introduced her field, which made Daphne look surprised.

"So you got the idea from last night?"


"That's great - breakfast is ready, would you like some?"

Even though Astoria wasn't very hungry at the moment, she still got some garlic bread and grilled sausage.

The atmosphere in the camp was cheerful and joyful. Voldemort suddenly made a comeback last night as if he didn't exist and did not put too much pressure on everyone.

After all, as soon as he appeared this time, he was beaten violently by the mysterious visitor and fled in panic. As a result, a lot of the power he had accumulated before was dissipated.

Take his Death Eater servants as an example. On the night of the incident, they gathered together to discuss a wave of future countermeasures. During this period, no one proposed to take the initiative to find their master. Everyone could see that the master was already in decline the moment he made a comeback, and no one wanted to take a huge risk and take sides.

When everyone was enjoying a sumptuous breakfast together, Les sat next to Aries - they had always explained to the outside world that Aries was their new friend, so she was treated exactly the same as everyone else, and she had a share of the breakfast as usual. .

Seeing Les coming over, Aries immediately put down the dinner plate in his hand and quietly looked at the young wizard with uneasy eyes.

She knew that the young man in front of her was the talker among the group of little wizards. The two silver-haired witches obeyed his words, and the curly-haired little witch could directly summon the shadow of this person in her domain. She was obviously from his sect. people.

His destiny is largely in his hands.

"I have a lot of information about the Secret Society..." Aries whispered.

Rice waved her hand. The information she had was probably worthless, but it wouldn't waste time to listen.

"Do you know the location of the Secret Society headquarters?"

Aries was stunned and shook his head. The location of the Secret Society headquarters was very mysterious, even monks at their level didn't know it. Every time Polaris held a meeting, it was in the form of a door key, and they didn't know where the meeting place was.

"Then I have nothing to ask, let's eat first." Rice signaled Aries not to be so nervous and fill his stomach first.

After Aries cleared the food on the plate, Rice told him how he would deal with Aries.

"I'm going to take you to a friend of mine to take care of you, and I hope you can be reborn there."

The friend Rice mentioned was naturally Rowena in the dungeon. He would hand Aries to Rowena and let Rowena take care of her, or use her.

It depends on what Rowena thinks. At least it can help her relieve her boredom and prevent her from being too bored.

This is also Rice's punishment for Aries. As someone who has seriously injured Astoria, he would never hand her over to Dumbledore or the Ministry of Magic.

Aries didn't know the ins and outs of it, and nodded happily. She almost smelled the breath of freedom.


The second update is here~

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