Ancient wizards return to Hogwarts

Chapter 433 Ravenclaw shares with Gryffindor the little secret that Slytherin is unwilling to reveal

"Eh? Ah, you are——? Okay, I may have misunderstood..." Godric, who seemed to be woken up from the bed and was angry, suddenly became depressed after seeing the face of the person opposite him.

The person who called him out was not his old friends, but a strange woman.

However, he noticed that the woman was holding the resurrection stone ring in her hand. So he had a connection with this ring, which led to the fact that anyone who used the resurrection stone could summon him out? Godric quickly analyzed the current situation in his heart.

"No misunderstanding, Godric." Rowena said calmly.

Hearing the woman in front of him calling out his real name, Gryffindor narrowed his eyes immediately.

"You are...?" Godric scratched the back of his head.

Very annoying, I feel like I need to grow a brain.

He used the elimination method to first exclude Salazar, and then based on the little information contributed by Salazar, he excluded Helga - Salazar told him that Helga still retained her original appearance, but was a little older, and the woman in front of him looked too young.

"Are you Rowena, or Rowena's descendant?" Gryffindor used his brain and came to a conclusion.

"It's me, Rowena Ravenclaw."

Godric: !!!

"No... you're going too far, aren't you? Is that how magic is used?" Gryffindor couldn't help but complain about his old friend. In his opinion, Rowena obviously changed her appearance through magic, turning herself into a young and beautiful girl - this is indeed something she can do.

Rowena: ...

"I possessed this little girl, so I was able to get out of the seal of the dungeon." In order to maintain her image, Rowena had to dispel the rumors.

She told Godric seriously that she didn't use magic to change her appearance, at least she didn't do so after becoming a ghost.

"This magic sounds very evil." Godric's words made Rowena fall silent again.

This person is so annoying! Is there any magic that can hurt ghost phantoms?

"She volunteered to give up her body. I will provide her with free shelter. Her soul itself is not dead, but has fallen into a deep sleep." Rowena defended herself after sorting out her words.

"Isn't your soul fused with hers?"

Rowena changed the subject: "Are you bound to the resurrection stone? Why can I summon you even if I turn the stone?"

"Don't change the subject!" Godric widened his eyes: "Don't think I don't know that it's so easy to separate souls after fusion?"

"Why does this phenomenon occur?" Rowena suddenly developed a strong interest in Godric's life form.

As for the matter of soul fusion, she didn't take it seriously. Let's see what happens in the future. If Salazar is free, let him do it and separate her soul from Aries's. Anyway, according to him, he has done a similar operation once before. Once is raw twice is familiar. Rowena believes that Salazar's success rate will be very high.

If Salazar is not free, she has her own way to deal with it, but for someone like Godric, her operation is indeed a little dark.

Seeing that Rowena seemed determined not to continue discussing the topic of soul fusion, Godric had no choice. He was just a summoned shadow, and he couldn't even cast a spell, so what else could he do?

If the person in front of him was Salazar, he would still be confident that he could convince the other party through words, but the other party was Rowena.

"Can you tell me in detail what your last memory is?" Rowena began to ask about the details before Godric's death.

"Okay." Godric spread his hands and shared the last memory of his life.

"I have some understanding of the field..." Rowena narrowed her eyes: "But I gradually "fell asleep" during the understanding. Well, it's a bit interesting..."

"When I woke up, I saw Salazar - he became very young, almost the same as when I first met him." Godric fell into memory.

The scene of his first meeting with Salazar was quite interesting. Later, they fought side by side, and then they embarked on a journey together. Now looking back, it's really full of stories!

Rowena didn't care about the story between Salazar and Godric, she only cared about how Godric "died".

According to his description, it seemed that something went wrong during the second awakening of the domain, but it didn't seem quite right - if the awakening really failed, Gryffindor should have merged with the elements between heaven and earth.

Although Rowena had never seen the failure of the second awakening of the domain, she had seen the state of the awakening domain failure, that is, the whole person was directly and completely integrated with the domain, and could never be separated.

If his domain was a ball of fire, he would become a wildfire, burning all over the mountains and fields until it was extinguished by rain. If his domain was soil, he would merge with the earth, and even his soul would be consumed by the power of the domain. It was very rare for Godric to be able to be summoned.

Was it because he already had a domain? Rowena thought it was unlikely, because it didn't make sense in principle.

So there is only one conclusion left: Godric did not die as everyone thought, his second domain awakening was neither successful nor failed, which made him almost "stuck".

Rowana's powerful imagination instantly constructed a scene in her mind: Godric was stuck in a hole in the floor, holding his hands on the ground, and shouted: Slytherin, I'm stuck!

She immediately shook her head and drove this weird scene out of her mind.

Sometimes it's not good to have too much imagination.

Thinking of this, Rowena asked Gryffindor for some reason: "Godric, what do you think of the stairs I designed in the castle? Is it a good design?"

Rowana's thoughts were jumping. She associated the staircases with Hogwarts characteristics from being stuck, and then remembered Aries's sharp comments on the stairs she designed.

Finally, she decided to ask again to see what others thought of her design in their hearts.

"Do you want to hear the truth?"

"Of course."

"I feel really stupid." As if he felt that he was dead, Godric simply let himself go and gave Rowena a sharp comment that he dared not say when he was alive.

Rowena's face gradually turned the color of the wind.

"Thank you. If you have nothing else to do, you can leave." Rowena said in a hard tone.

Godric: ...

What kind of person is this! Don't you want to hear the truth? I can't afford to play with you!

Just leave, who's afraid of who? Anyway, no matter how powerful you Rowena are, can you beat me? But before leaving, he really wants to find out something.

"Don't worry, what time is it now?"

"Eleven o'clock at noon."

Gryffindor: ...

"I won't make trouble with you. It's September 4, 1994."

Gryffindor counted on his fingers and found that it seemed that it had not been long since he was summoned last time.

"Salazar told me before that you are going to hold a super large-scale competition? How is the progress now?"

Mentioning the Global Young Wizards Championship, Rowena's interest was high.

"It hasn't started yet, but other schools have received invitations and are on their way. I have prepared several projects for them, and they will definitely be satisfied."

"Great." Gryffindor smiled brightly: "Our ideal is about to come true."

Rowana nodded. Founding the world's number one magic school is the common ideal of the four of them. In order to achieve this goal, the four of them have been working hard on their own paths. Although it is hard to say who is the most successful, it is clear who is the most unsuccessful.

"I, Helga, and Salazar's heir will win the honor she deserves for Hogwarts."

Gryffindor scratched his head: I always feel that there is something wrong with what he said?

He narrowed his eyes, and then keenly realized that Rowena seemed to be missing a certain college in her words.

"Ahem!" Godric coughed twice, "Gryffindor College will also play a vital role, right?"

Rowana felt that she just needed to keep smiling at this moment.

Gryffindor: ? ? ?

Now there is only one academy among the four major academies that does not have the founder's heir. Godric, guess which academy it is?

Gryffindor pulled the beard on his chin, and then remembered a school situation that Salazar once told him: the current Hogwarts has eliminated the knowledge of magic flow, which means that the soil for the birth of domain wizards has been completely destroyed.

It would be fine if everyone fell to the same starting line, but Salazar, Helga, and Rowena secretly ran ahead and gave their students a special treatment! This widened the gap in high-end combat power between the academies.

Gryffindor Academy, which did not have a founder giving a special treatment, obviously could not become the protagonist in this competition.

Godric's brows frowned all of a sudden: This seems a bit embarrassing.

Gryffindor said helplessly: "I thought Anna would train an heir for me in my exclusive classroom-"

"Anna and Adrian had a fight and left Hogwarts together. This happened not long after you left." Rowena explained to his old friend the reason why his inheritance was interrupted.

"It's a good thing that there is no heir. Anyway, I feel that Salazar actually envies you - he probably doesn't like those guys who claimed to be the heir of Slytherin in the past."

"Oh?" Godric was excited. This was something Salazar hadn't told him, and he wanted to hear Rowena's details.

"It seems that Salazar is quite tight-lipped! But all his things were discovered by Helga - do you know how bad the reputation of Slytherin College is now?" Rowena blinked, and a happy look appeared on her face that only appeared when sharing gossip.

"Hmm?" Godric's curiosity in his eyes was about to overflow. He begged Rowena to keep it a secret and tell him the little secret that Salazar didn't want to reveal.

As for the "misfortune" of Slytherin College, Les naturally kept silent. Even when old friends occasionally asked why Slytherin College's reputation was worse than before, he would just brush it off with vague words such as "the college took some detours", "it's all Voldemort's fault", "there's a big problem with the sorting hat's sorting model", and then change the subject.

But he overlooked one thing, that is, Helga is now working at Hogwarts, and has been working there for a full year. Although she was busy with doll making most of the year, she still had a lot of fragmented time, such as lunch time with other professors at noon.

When she had lunch or dinner with other professors, she heard a lot of gossip.

Then she learned about the magical legend: the heir of Slytherin and his chamber of secrets.

Except for Snape, the other professors agreed that the legend of the chamber of secrets seriously damaged the reputation of Slytherin College - of course, those pure-blood supremacists also contributed to it. The two complement each other, a bit like fire and oil. Pure-blood supremacy needs a gimmick like the chamber of secrets, and Slytherin's "heir" also needs the support of pure-bloodists to increase his value. The two parties hit it off and made Salazar Slytherin's reputation, which was not very good, fall into the abyss.

At first, Helga thought these people were making a fuss, as if none of them had a chamber of secrets. As a result, when she learned about the slogan of "Purify Hogwarts", she was stunned.

Is Salazar's heir playing such a big game? She instantly understood why Salazar had such a bad reputation, and he deserved it.

Who made him fail to discipline his heir?

Hearing this, Godric laughed so hard that his phantom became unstable.

"Purify Hogwarts? This is so funny! How dare they? I dare to bet my sword. Salazar must have fainted when he heard this slogan!

It's a pity that I didn't see Salazar's expression when he heard this slogan."

"Hey, wait a minute!" After Godric laughed enough, he suddenly noticed a blind spot: Why didn't others leave an heir, but Salazar's heir was retained? Although this didn't seem to be a good thing for him.

Hearing Godric's question, Rowena's expression management gradually got out of control.

"Helga told me that she also felt strange at the time, so she conducted an in-depth investigation. She found an opportunity to block the little girl named Daphne from the Greengrass family. She was the heir chosen by Salazar, and then got a very, very, very interesting thing out of her..."

"The so-called Slytherin heir was an imposter!"


His face kept changing, and finally-



Godric couldn't hold it anymore.


Update is here, good night everyone~

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