Ancient wizards return to Hogwarts

Chapter 446 Salazar: Godric, you don't really think I can do nothing about ghosts, do you?

Looking at the familiar market around him and Salazar's overly young face, Gryffindor felt as if he had gone back in time, taking him back to the days when he traveled around with his three friends.

However, after looking down at the big beard on his chin and his real and illusory body, he gave up this ridiculous idea.

Obviously, there is no turning back the clock.

Um? Godric suddenly remembered the "Contest" that his old friends had mentioned repeatedly before, and his brows suddenly wrinkled: This couldn't be the venue for the Contest, right?

After throwing out the doubts in his mind, he was indeed affirmed by Salazar.

"Hey! This arena is spacious enough. Where did you decide the venue for the competition?" Being interrupted by Salazar, Godric threw away the idea of ​​scolding Salazar. Now he just wants to know the specific situation of the competition.

This is so interesting! Why didn't he come up with such an interesting idea back then?

"In Hogwarts."

Godric:? ? ?

Salazar's words confused him. He looked around and found that the surroundings had nothing to do with the appearance of Hogwarts in his memory. Could it be held in a town near Hogwarts?

"Rowner did something big." Les told Gryffindor everything Rowena had done.

Godric:! ! !

"You made an alchemy world specifically for this game?!" Godric couldn't believe his ears.

"It's like this," Les rubbed his forehead, "Rowner has made amazing progress in alchemy..."

It just caused a little mess and needed someone to help clean it up.

"Can I confirm again, a vast world that is no different from the real world?" Even though Salazar was sure, Godric couldn't help but ask again.

"Yes, the life in the small world is no different from the life on the earth. It has its own wisdom. Although I have not actually inspected the area, it feels that it is at least similar in size to the British Isles, and may even be wider."

"Hiss..." Hearing his friend say this, Gryffindor suddenly took a breath: Rowena has grown to this point? It really impressed him.

But he suddenly realized one thing: According to Rowena's past characteristics, did her growth this time have any negative impact?

In other words, it's...

"And what's the price, Salazar?"

Les was silent for a moment.

"The price is...I am here now."

"Huh?" Godric's eyes widened. It took him two seconds to react, and then Godric's shadow burst into a burst of piercing laughter.

Looking at Godric, who was laughing so hard that his spirit body was a little unstable, Les's face gradually stiffened.

"Are you done laughing?" Seeing that Godric seemed to be unable to stop laughing, Les interrupted forcefully.

"I'll stop right now, haha ​​- right now, right now!" After promising that he would stop right away, Godric laughed for about another minute before barely stopping.

With a thick smile on his face and the corners of his mouth that couldn't stop turning up, Godric finally regained his ability to communicate.

"Salazar, I almost forgot, you are now a student of Hogwarts! So you have to participate in this game instead of a student of Hogwarts!!!" Godric stared at Rice and said in a tone of voice Said excitedly.

"Ha! The children participating in the competition are in trouble this time, because they have to compete with the legendary wizard, Salazar Slytherin!"

Les Rage: +1

As if he didn't see his old friend's blue face, Godric continued to talk: "A thousand years have passed since we were active. It's time for the little wizards around the world to meet the founder of Hogwarts. The style!”

Les Rage: +7

"Speaking of which, since Salazar is participating, isn't Hogwarts' championship position secure? Oh, I don't want to go back now. I want to watch you lead Hogwarts to win the position of the number one magic school. !”

Les Rage: +13

Gryffindor's words came from the bottom of his heart, and that was what made Les so angry.

Almost every word of Godric's words hit his target accurately, and Les couldn't help but suspect that this guy did it on purpose. But considering this guy's nature, Les felt that Godric probably didn't mean it.

But this made me even more angry.

"Godric, do you think that now that you have become a ghost, you can be unscrupulous?" Les narrowed his eyes, with a dangerous light flashing in his eyes: "You don't really think that I can't do anything about ghosts, do you?"


"Eh? Have you discovered anything new?" Gryffindor's curiosity was suddenly aroused: "I really haven't heard of any attack methods against ghosts. When you say that, I really Want to try it.”

There was a rustling sound coming from Les's sleeves, and Les understood that it was the snake king he had brought in who was preparing to move.

When fighting the Fallen Star Dragon King just now, the Snake King huddled in his robe and pretended to be dead. Now after the battle, it came back to life.

Speaking of which, does the snake king's gaze have an effect on ghosts? Les had a strange idea: What effect would a basilisk gaze that could cause immediate death have on a dead ghost? He has never done such an experiment.

Will it be the only known way to destroy ghosts, or will it only petrify them, like just looking at the basilisk indirectly?

However, although there happened to be a talkative ghost at hand, Les did not intend to use Gryffindor for experiments, because the risk of this experiment was a bit too high.

Godric is not an ordinary ghost. It would be funny if he was really killed by the basilisk.

Why do you need the basilisk to punish Godric? I have too many corresponding potions.

After flicking the basilisk's head to make it quieter, Les took out a small jar of potion.

This was one of the remaining potions he used to clean the dirt in Rowena's soul before, and now it can be used to open Godric's eyes.

Godric, let me show you the power of potions! I am also growing up!

Looking at the potion that Salazar took out, Gryffindor blinked: he suddenly had a bad premonition.

"Sigh, I've changed my mind now, can I--"

"No." Les clenched the potion bottle in his hand.

At this time, you still expect me to stop? Since the crossbow arrow is already on the string, there is no reason to put it down!

Before Godric made any further moves, Les pulled open the lid of the jar, and with a wave of his hand, the liquid medicine inside turned into a cloud of mist, covering Gryffindor's head and face.

"Ah--" Gryffindor, who was splashed with the liquid medicine, screamed, and several wisps of white smoke instantly came out of his body.

He was now like being poured with a basin of hot water, his whole body was burning-this was because Les was "merciful", otherwise he would have something more powerful.

"How is it? This is just an appetizer, I have something more powerful, do you want to try it?"

"No need!" Godric waved his hands again and again, hurriedly stopping Salazar from taking further action.

After more than ten seconds, he gradually recovered and looked at the empty jar in Salazar's hand with lingering fear.

I didn't expect that my old friend actually developed a potion that can harm ghosts, but why did he come up with such a thing? !

Rice understood Gryffindor's eyes.

"I'm not that idle. This is for Rowena." Rice told Godric again that Rowena's soul was polluted and lost consciousness because she stayed in the dungeon for a long time.

"These potions are used to wash away the dirt in the soul. But Rowena was unconscious at the time, so I didn't consider the user experience. I used strong medicines, just to make a brick fly."

In order to treat Rowena's illness, Rice really wanted to peel off a layer of skin from Rowena's soul.

Godric: ...

What else can he say except calling the boss awesome?

"But I have good news to tell you. According to your performance just now, your soul is very clean and not too polluted. Otherwise, the smoke that just floated out would be black." Rice also gave Godric a physical examination.

Godric didn't even know how to respond to this.

At this time, he caught a glimpse of the wand stall from the corner of his eye. He immediately widened his eyes and motioned Salazar to look quickly.

"Why does this stall look so familiar to me? I remember-"

"Helga ordered a wand from the Ollivander's stall, and the family kept it for her for thousands of years. I just went to help her pay the balance and pick up the wand a few days ago."

Godric's eyes flashed with surprise: I didn't expect that the stall that looked fake at first glance was actually open for a thousand years. Could it be that the Ollivanders really started making wands in the Roman era?

Rice didn't care what Godric was thinking. He just said to himself: "Rowana should have referred to the memory of the year when creating this world, so this kind of store appeared in such a small city."

"Did she make these streets one by one?!" Godric's pupils trembled. In his opinion, the workload was already incredible.

Rice shook his head.

"She doesn't have that kind of leisure. These cities were built spontaneously by alchemical life forms, but because these life forms are inextricably linked to Rowena, many things and customs will develop according to Rowena's subconscious."

Speaking of this, Les remembered the discrimination against snakes by humans in this world, and his face darkened again.

"Is that so..." Gryffindor breathed a sigh of relief. If every street here was made by Rowena herself, he would be scared to death.

"After chatting for so long, it's time to find a place to have lunch." Les looked around and soon found a tavern at the corner of the street.

He strode towards the tavern, and Godric followed him - as he said, he didn't want to disappear for the time being, he wanted to see Salazar's performance.

"By the way, do you have the currency of this world?" Godric asked him such a question just before Les pushed open the door of the tavern.

Les: ...

If I had known, I would have robbed those people I just met. They are all well-dressed and must be rich.

But not having money is not a problem.

Les snapped his fingers, and a purse of some unlucky guy flew into his hands.

It is so easy for a wizard to get money when he is away from home.

"Tsk tsk." Godric, who witnessed everything, made an incomprehensible sound.

"Humph, if you knew what Rowena asked me to do, you would realize that the evil I am doing now is just a trivial matter." After talking to Gryffindor without thinking, Les pushed the door and walked into this unusually lively tavern.

Many people have gathered in the tavern, and everyone is talking about the earthquake and the change in the sky just now.

The distance between here and the Dragon Forest is more than 100 kilometers, but everyone still felt the obvious tremor and saw the two meteorites falling from the starry sky.

For the citizens whose lives are boring, this phenomenon is worth discussing. So the churches and taverns in the city have become overcrowded.

Les pushed through the crowd and came to the front desk.

"I want a glass of beer, a roast chicken with honey on the skin, a thick soup and a vegetable cheese salad." As he said, Les took out a few silver coins from his purse and slapped them on the table.

"No need to change, hurry up."

After ordering a sumptuous meal, Les found an empty table in the corner and sat down.

With the help of silver coins, Les's dishes were served quickly.

Soon, a glass of foamy beer, a bowl of chowder in a hard bread crust with the bread core dug out as a container, and a plate of cheese and vegetables were placed on the table. As for Les's roast chicken, it will take a while because of the process problem.

The bread core dug out was not wasted, and was put in a bowl as a gift and sent to Les's table.

Les didn't even look at it, and directly took out a piece of bread made by Helga from his small leather bag as the staple food of this meal.

People who have the honor of tasting bread made from fine flour in the modern world cannot accept the bitter and hard black bread in the Middle Ages.

There are too many suspicious things mixed in those black breads: bran, stones, sawdust...normal people don't like that stuff.

Even the nobles find it difficult to taste modern white bread because of the poor flour screening process.

Of course, Godric, who has lived in the Middle Ages for most of his life and has not seen much of the world, is very attractive to him, especially when the hot and fragrant roasted fat chicken is served.

Les is also quite satisfied with the roasted chicken, because unless you have a good relationship with Hagrid, you can't eat chicken of this quality in modern Hogwarts.

Although there is a Statute of Secrecy separating the two worlds, the meat in Hogwarts is undoubtedly "imported" from Muggles, all of which are quick-grown meat, which is not as good as this fat chicken that has been raised for several years with grains.

Looking at the salivating Godric, Les laughed: "Do you want to sit down and eat together?"


Update is here, good night everyone~

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