Ancient wizards return to Hogwarts

Chapter 451 Godric Resurrection Project Team is established!

After a sharp pain in his navel and a few seconds of dizzying spinning, Rice was back on the Hogwarts Quidditch pitch.

In front of and behind him, little wizards fell from the sky one after another and landed on the land of Hogwarts.

Thunderous applause erupted from all around.



Praise for the players came like flakes of snow. The onlookers include not only Hogwarts students, but also visitors from outside.

The competition venues provided by Hogwarts gave them a little bit of the shock of a thousand-year-old school.

Is this arena setting really man-made? ! Did your Hogwarts secretly open a space passage to the magical continent of another world?

The extremely realistic world background also makes this game very valuable. The principals present are even already thinking about the candidates for the next competition, because everyone can see that this kind of competition can greatly help the growth of students.

There is no doubt as to where the next competition will be held, it will definitely be held at Hogwarts. Unless any school can provide a competition venue comparable to this competition venue.

After a while, the applause died down. Viewers also noticed that several contestants did not return to Hogwarts, and only returned with their crystal balls, or fragments of crystal balls.

The fate of these people is self-evident.

Many people felt a chill in their hearts, and couldn't help but think of the words that Principal Dumbledore and Mr. Henry repeatedly emphasized before the game started: the game is life-threatening.

This also diluted the excitement in the field a little.

But Mr. Henry's behavior soon made them forget this unpleasantness.

He took a roll of parchment from Dumbledore, then walked to the commentary table on the Quidditch pitch and began to announce the list of people who had passed the first stage of the competition.

Although in Rowena's eyes, she set the pass conditions to be extremely simple, two-thirds of the contestants still failed to pass the preliminary round.

The difficulty of hunting down an adult fire dragon is still too high, and not everyone has strong social skills and can get help from the natives of the alchemy world. The crystal ball will indeed help the little wizards group up, but finding teammates is not that easy.

There are also some players who do not take the laws of the alchemy world into consideration when entering the competition. In their eyes, this is a game almost like a reality show.

They also paid a price for this. Not everyone can come and go as invincible as Rice. They either stayed in the cell for a full month, or they were directly knocked out of the crystal ball's defensive magic and were forcibly sent back to Hogwarts.

The eliminated contestants can choose to go home or stay in Hogwarts to continue watching the game. Anyway, Hogwarts doesn't lack them a set of knives and forks, and they also have enough accommodation.

While announcing the roster, Mr. Henry waved his magic wand, causing the scores of the players to appear on the big screen in the stadium.

Since completing the main mission does not award points, a very strange phenomenon has occurred, that is, the scores of individual players who have passed the first stage of the assessment are lower than the scores of eliminated players.

Les is one of the odd ones.

Since he was neither knighted nor joined by any of his teammates, his score was zero. But when he hunted the three Dragon Kings behind him, he had the heart to keep them, so he really completed the main mission.

Rice didn't feel disappointed because he scored last. He didn't care about that, he cared more about Hogwarts' ranking.

Fortunately, the contestants from Hogwarts did not disappoint him, and Hogwarts' score ranked first in the standings. Although there is not much gap between them and the following ones, that is because in the first stage of the competition, players from various schools are allowed to mix and complete tasks, and there is also a big loser like Rice who is holding back behind.

After the individual standings and overall standings appeared, the entire stadium was immediately enveloped in a "buzzing" sound. It can be seen that everyone is very interested in these two lists.

Mr. Henry stood in front of the commentary table and waited quietly for more than ten seconds. Seeing that the stadium was not quieting down, he flicked the microphone in front of him, and the microphone made a sharp blast, and the stadium suddenly became quiet. .

"Next, the competition will enter the offseason. The contestants can arrange their own time. Professor Dumbledore of Hogwarts asked me to give you a message: He welcomes everyone to stay at Hogwarts to visit and study. , everyone is a distinguished guest of Hogwarts. The second phase of the competition will be held on New Year's Day, which is January 1st next year. Please don't forget the start time. Okay, this is all I want to talk about. Now let’s save time for the post-game carnival!”

After these words, the Quidditch pitch at Hogwarts turned into a sea of ​​joy.

The little wizards of Hogwarts poured into the stadium from the stands, and walked out surrounded by the contestants from each school who had passed the first stage of the test.

As you walk, use your magic to shoot out strings of sparks, or take out fireworks and light them.

Next, there was an even grander celebration waiting for them in the lounge.

Students from other schools are no exception. After all, there is only a slight difference in points between the top players, so it is not difficult to overtake the opponent in the second stage of the game.

Les knew that there were two lonely old men still waiting for him, but he really didn't want to miss the carnival of Hogwarts students.

He felt that the children of the new era seemed to have come up with a lot of novel gadgets, and he had to go and see them to open his eyes.

Of course, he didn't expect the guys from Slytherin to have any interesting carnival. He could even predict what the students in the college would do as accurately as a prophet: the girls would offer a bunch of rainbow farts to the Greengrass sisters, and then take the opportunity to drag down other contestants. The boys would try every means to get close to Daphne and Astoria, and would like to kneel down and lick their feet. After a lot of meaningless greetings, it was the so-called noble ball.

These things didn't have even the slightest attraction to Rice.

So he quietly slipped into an inconspicuous corner, cast an illusion spell on himself, and then squeezed into the Gryffindor team.

When it comes to fun and making fun, it must be these overly energetic little lions who are good at it. He has seen many people take out the wonderful little props that they will use in a while from their robes.

Gryffindor (lounge), I'm coming in!

Mixed in the Gryffindor team, Rice and the happy little lions entered the Gryffindor common room together.

Compared with a thousand years ago, the changes here are not big, there are only more decorations and portraits, but the overall style has not changed. This gave Les a sense of misplaced familiarity.

The tables and chairs in the lounge were piled with mountains of cakes and snacks, as well as pots of iced juice and butter beer. As soon as Lee Jordan came in, he couldn't help but set off a lot of Filiba fireworks, making countless stars and sparks flashing in the sky above the lounge.

"These are all sponsored by Fred and George!" Jordan also advertised the Weasley twins, which was also a small condition attached to the gift of this pile of fireworks.

"Where did they go?" Harry shouted at the top of his voice.

Since he saw the two brothers on the Hogwarts Express on the first day of school, he has never seen them again. Even Ron didn't know where they went, only that they went to "realize their dreams."

"Secret, you will know soon!" Jordan kept it a secret.

Dean Thomas, who is good at painting, waved his wand and hung several huge canvases on the walls of the lounge. Most of them depicted the highlights of Gryffindor contestants during the competition, and a small part was a scene of Cedric controlling the earth giant and the fire dragon fighting.

It must be said that Cedric is the only heir who chose to live broadcast his own battle scene. That wonderful fight scene made him gain a lot of fans.

Even the students of Gryffindor College had to admit that Cedric was really powerful.

Then, Jordan began to distribute various prank toys to everyone, which opened Les's eyes: he saw nougat that would keep bleeding in rainbow-colored noses after eating it, biscuits that would turn into canaries with just one bite, syrup that would make people roar like a lion after drinking it, and small peppers that would spray flames in their mouths...

Les found that many people like him had also mixed in, and the students of Gryffindor College didn't care much.

After carefully experiencing a wave of carnival atmosphere, Les left the Gryffindor common room and went straight to Helga's office.

When he pushed open the office door, Rice saw the two of them sitting together enjoying afternoon tea.

"I told you he would come to see us." Rowena said in a tone of "as expected".

"I just went to attend a wave of celebrations. You two should really go there, don't stay in the office like an old woman every day drinking tea." Rice pulled out a chair and sat on it, "Spend more time with young people, and your heart will become younger."

Helga rolled her eyes: "But I am an old man now!"

Rowena nodded. She couldn't be older.

Rice didn't know how to respond to them, so he had to put the various prank toys he took from the Gryffindor lounge on the table and motioned Rowena and Helga to take a look.

"Interesting little things." Helga became very interested in these things, and Rowena's expression seemed to say: I didn't expect you to be such a Salazar.

Helga swallowed a hot pepper into her stomach, and then suddenly spit out a string of flames.

"Cool!" After the effect of the candy disappeared, Helga couldn't help but give it a thumbs up.

Rowena winked at Rice, signaling Rice to leave Helga alone and tell her about the gains in the alchemy world first.

When it comes to this, Rice is very excited.

"Royena, what did you do? There are many more powerful people in your small world than I thought!" Rice told Rowena that he had killed four dragon kings, several human strongmen and a god.

"It seems that the situation is out of control more serious than I thought." Rowena's reaction was very flat, perhaps because she was not the one to clean up the mess.

"Your regular [cleaning] is not very effective." Rice shared with Rowena the definition of "world-destroying catastrophe" by alchemical life.

Rowena frowned slightly.

"I told you that I have basically lost control of that world. That's why you have to destroy that world. They know too much."

Les resisted the urge to scold Rowena and handed over the world origins he had collected to Rowena.

"These are not enough."

"I know." Les waved his hand impatiently, "I will kill a few more gods during the second stage of the assessment."

After handing the origin of the world to Rowena, Les opened the main topic of today - if it weren't for this, he wouldn't bother to come here.

"I used the resurrection stone in the alchemy world to summon Godric. His attitude has loosened and he is willing to revive again."

"That's great!" Helga couldn't help but smile when she heard the good news brought by Les.

She was very sad when she heard that Godric didn't want to revive. But fortunately, Salazar was powerful enough and successfully persuaded Godric.

Rowena's reaction was quite flat. In her opinion, Godric's return is simply an inevitable event, sooner or later, and it is not worth being surprised.

But as soon as Les said the next sentence, she immediately raised her long eyebrows.

"He will return as his true identity!"

"Oh?" Rowena's eyes flashed with a playful light, "You mean Godric will return as [Godric Gryffindor]?"

"Yes!" Les nodded excitedly.

At this moment, Helga also reacted: Gryffindor is actually willing to return to Hogwarts with a real name system? !

This is wonderful!

"There is no way, who let there really be a 'Godric' in Hogwarts now! Godric wants to smash the head of the fake one."

Rowena and Helga looked at each other and instantly reached a consensus: They must help with this matter!

They can't wait to see the founder of Gryffindor return to Hogwarts.

As the founder of the school, it is reasonable to add more burdens to him, right? Thanks to the kind-hearted person who pretended to be Godric. If it weren't for his help, Godric might have reacted!

Rowena and Helga have even begun to imagine the days after Godric's return, and a smile appeared at the corners of their mouths.

"The most urgent task now is to find a way to resurrect Godric and figure out the purpose of the imposter." Les's voice broke the two's fantasy and brought them back to reality: Godric is still in the state of a soul, or even not in the state of a soul. He needs their help.

The three looked at each other and quickly reached a consensus: the Godric resurrection project team has been established from today!


Update is here, good night everyone!

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