Ancient wizards return to Hogwarts

Chapter 460 Death is a gift

The second dragon roar was only halfway through before it stopped.

With a gloomy face, Les fired an attack spell accurately at the dragon man's throat, blocking the dragon roar in his throat.

The next second, dark red blood spurted out from the gaps between each dragon scale on the dragon man's body.

Helga and Rowena in the audience looked at Les's expression on the stage, and both of them changed their faces.

"How dare this guy?" Helga felt like she couldn't help but spit out foul language.

That idiot is finished. And things have developed to this point, I'm afraid it will be difficult to end. Salazar has been completely enraged, even she and Rowena have no confidence to persuade Salazar back in this state.

Rowena was not panicked at all, she just stood there with her arms folded, like a spectator.

Seeing this, Helga couldn't help but poke her good friend's shoulder.

"Rowena, use your brain and think of a solution!"

Rowena looked at Helga with a strange look.

"What solution?"

"You can't just watch him kill the child, right? In the modern magic world, killing is illegal!" Helga lowered her voice and spoke quickly.

She was a little worried that Salazar would kill Jack on the spot and then call the Ministry of Magic. She could figure it out with her toes. It would be better to expect the sun to rise from the west than to expect Salazar to obey the law and stay in Azkaban.

There are only two possibilities for Salazar to go to Azkaban: he is interested in the Dementors in Azkaban, or he needs prisoners in Azkaban as experimental materials.

In short, once things get to that point, the impact on their plans will be huge. The identity of "Les Lint" will definitely not be used, and subsequent competitions will be affected, and it may even damage the reputation of Hogwarts.

Rowena looked at Helga with even stranger eyes.

"Why do you think that monster will die?" Rowena looked at the dragon man on the duel stage with disdain. It was not worth it to pay such a high price to get such a little improvement. But for modern wizards, this is already a potion beyond imagination.

"Salazar is not so kind." After complaining about Jack in her heart, Rowena continued to express her point of view.

"Kind?" Helga was stunned for a moment, and then reacted.

Indeed, Jack offended Salazar too much, and Salazar would definitely not let him go easily.

Death is already a relief for Jack.

The dragon man on the stage became extremely hideous. He opened his mouth, but only made a few hissing sounds like a balloon leaking air - Les's spell pierced the scales on his skin and broke his vocal cords.

"Abandoning the identity of a wizard and degenerating into a beast, huh!" Les looked at the dragon man in front of him, without a trace of emotion in his eyes, as if he was looking at a piece of raw meat.

After hearing Rice's voice, the dragon man's eyes turned and stared at Rice, with veins on his face bulging, obviously he was a little bit broken by what Rice said.

The muscles under his scales bulged, obviously accumulating strength. What's more amazing is that, perhaps because of the strong stimulation, Jack's back actually bulged two big bags, and with a sharp tearing sound, a pair of bloody wings grew out from his back.

At this time, Jack was far from the appearance of a human. Compared with a human, he now looks more like a dragon.

"Resistance is futile." Facing Jack who looked more and more terrifying, Rice shook his head and didn't take it to heart at all.

The water vapor in the air plus the blood that just burst out of Jack's body quickly condensed into thin blades like cicada wings, and rolled towards Jack under Rice's control.

Jack tried to dodge, but with the blessing of Rice's magic, the speed of the blade was much faster and more flexible than it, so Jack didn't dodge any of the hundreds of blades, and all of them hit him solidly.

The blade formed by blood coagulation is very sharp, but it is not good at impact, so Les deliberately changed the angle so that the blood blade was not inserted, but cut.

In one encounter, Jack was scraped off hundreds of scales by Les, and a lot of skin under the scales was scraped off, and it instantly lost its ability to resist.

Rowena in the audience narrowed her eyes. She always felt that the scene in front of her was a little familiar. Salazar seemed to have borrowed her best attack method, but replaced the wind blade with a blood blade.

Sure enough, after the blood blade swept through, it turned and swirled back. It scraped off a lot of scales and flesh on Jack's back again.

Jack knelt directly on the ground, opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

Les did not hesitate, and continued to wave the magic wand in his hand like a band conductor, letting the tornado formed by the blood blade roll around Jack again and again.

In just two or three seconds, Jack's newly grown wings were only white bones.

At the same time, Les took out a small medicine bottle from his arms and threw it to the ground, breaking it into pieces. The medicine inside formed a short arrow, which shot out and sank into Jack's abdomen.

The onlookers thought that this was Les's attack method, but Rowena and Helga saw clearly that it was not a poison at all, but a very good healing potion!

This potion can enhance the body's self-healing ability and keep people's minds clear. It is a very precious and complex potion.

Salazar used this potion on Jack at this moment, and the purpose was obvious.

From Jack throwing away his wand to Rice using the healing potion on it, it took less than half a minute. Most people in the audience didn't realize what happened, and Jack had completely lost the ability to resist.

And Rice had no intention of stopping. The blood-red tornado rolled over Jack's body again and again. At this time, all the scales on its body had been scraped off. Without the protection of the scales, the tornado could take away its muscles with higher efficiency. Transparent fascia and white bones could be seen in many parts of its body.

Looking at Jack, who was no longer in human form on the stage, Helga sighed.

"I hope it won't bring any negative impact to Rice." Although she didn't object much, Helga still felt that Salazar's methods brought a little too much visual impact. I don't know if these modern wizards with too high moral bottom line can accept it.

"How could that be?" Rowena's mouth drew a sarcastic smile: "Is the modern magic world so tolerant of alien creatures?"

She raised her voice to say the second half of the sentence, so that everyone watching the fight could hear it.

Seraphina's face suddenly became embarrassed.

The magic world is very intolerant of wizards who can transform into aliens. Jack is a Parseltongue, and with this transformation, Seraphina is sure what this will bring to him.

The moment Jack chose to transform into a dragon man, the wizard label on him disappeared, replaced by an alien label that is almost like a "werewolf".

His behavior runs counter to the mainstream values ​​of the magic world, and even Ilvermorny, who has always been tolerant, finds it difficult to accept. Although Ilvermorny does not care about bloodline, it still attaches great importance to the identity label of "wizard".

Seraphina disliked Jack's choice very much, but it didn't seem to be a big deal to watch him die on the duel stage. Seeing that Jack had already lost, she cleared her throat and prepared to intervene to end the duel.

Unexpectedly, Rice, who had the upper hand and was in a state of fighting to the death, suddenly stopped and even dispersed all the blood blades he had created with "Transfiguration".

However, it was not known whether it was a coincidence, but before stopping, several blood blades accurately scratched dozens of key tendons on Jack's body, causing it to completely lose control of its body and fall to the ground uncontrollably, unable to move even a finger.

Rice even walked to Jack and helped him up with his own hands, showing great friendliness.

He took out several potion bottles from his arms and sprinkled the healing liquid on Jack's scarred body. The effect of the potion was very good, and Jack's body surface stopped bleeding immediately - although there was not much blood in his body, the wound was covered with a thin layer of tender flesh, making the whole "person" look pink and tender, not so creepy.

After such a set of friendly little combos, even Seraphina could not find fault, and could only applaud and encourage Rice's good deeds. She never expected that Les Lint would stop and even heal his opponent. Such a gentle attitude surprised Seraphina, and she looked at Les with new eyes.

Dumbledore and other audiences also applauded.

This scene is very consistent with the mainstream values ​​of the magic world.

After seeing the reactions of the crowd, Les smiled, while Jack, who had been awake, was covered with deep despair and pain.

No one knew what he had encountered, and they were even applauding the demon in front of them!

Yes, in Jack's eyes, Les Lint was an out-and-out demon. The first time those unknown potions dripped on him, they took away his control of his body and paralyzed all his remaining muscles, depriving him of the ability to convey information to the outside world.

The potion poured on him later made him feel like he was bitten by tens of thousands of insects, and with the potion injected into his body at the beginning, he clearly perceived it all.

But from the outside world's point of view, Jack was just lying quietly there to receive treatment.

"Go to sleep." Rice whispered to Jack in a gentle tone, and at the same time fed him some potions.

One of the effects of the newly fed potion is to temporarily suppress the effect of the healing potion, allowing Jack to faint.

After Jack fainted, Rice poured several more potions into him before returning him to Seraphina, saying that Jack only needed to rest for a while to recover.

Seraphina didn't want to stay here for a second. After perfunctorily saying a few words to Rice, she hurriedly evacuated the scene with her students. Then she handed Jack to Madam Pomfrey of Hogwarts to take care of him.

She was too lazy to care about her misguided student.

When she walked outside the Hogwarts Castle and saw that there were no outsiders, she stopped and warned her students very seriously.

"I don't know if any of you have had the same adventure as Jack in that place. But I hope you remember one thing: you are wizards. Don't abandon your original identity in pursuit of power. We are wizards, the most perfect species in the world!"

Facing the stern eyes of the old headmaster, all the students of Ilvermorny nodded, indicating that they would remember the professor's teachings.

At this moment, an uninvited guest arrived at the duel field.

"Professor Gryffindor, you are here." Dumbledore smiled kindly at the red-haired man who appeared at the door of the classroom, while Professor White and Professor Arius quietly retreated behind several students and lowered their heads.

The presence of the two was instantly reduced to the minimum.

Godric walked to the dueling stage and stared at the wand in Les's hand.

"I didn't expect that I could see this wand again in my lifetime. It really evoked endless memories for me." His eyes passed over Les' face for a moment, and then focused on the wand he held.

"Can this wand be transferred to me? I really miss my old friend. I am willing to pay any price." He asked softly.

The classroom became extremely quiet in an instant. In the eyes of the students who did not know the truth, Les seemed to have no reason to refuse. Who else in this classroom was more suitable to hold this wand than him?

This was the first time Les had the opportunity to observe the man up close.

Well, no matter from which angle you look at it, it is an impeccable guy.

"I refuse." Les' voice was not loud, but it was loud enough for everyone present to hear clearly.

"This is my wand." Les said, "I just took it back from that monster."

Les could feel the wand trembling slightly in his palm, looking like it was happy to be back in his hands.

Gryffindor smiled.

"You're right, I was too reckless. I just woke up from a hangover and heard the wand of an old friend reappear, which made me confused. This wand does belong to you now." He looked at Les seriously, left this sentence and left the duel classroom.

"You and Salazar, very similar. You have his shadow."


"What does that guy mean by the last sentence?" In the office, Helga frowned and kept reviewing everything that happened in the duel classroom just now.

"He may have smelled a familiar smell from me, which is normal." Les did not take the first direct conversation with the imposter to heart. He sat on a stool in the corner of the office, playing with the wand that had returned to its original owner.

"Will he..." Helga was a little worried that Salazar's identity would be exposed.

"Then how can he still have the courage to stay here?" Les laughed.

He didn't care much about whether his identity was exposed to the fake. Not exposing has its advantages, and exposing has its benefits.

But sometimes appropriate changes can force the other party to change their trajectory and expose more weaknesses.

"What did you do to that idiot?" Rowena's concern was completely different from Helga's. She knew very well that Salazar didn't kill Jack, which meant that he must have done something more terrible to Jack than death.

"Nothing, just let him have the experience of the duel stage at all times." Les shrugged his shoulders: "Of course, I am very careful, and others can't see the abnormality."

Hearing Salazar say this, Helga breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time felt a little relieved: Salazar has grown up too!


Update is here, good night!

The next update will be before midnight tomorrow night~

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