In the luxuriously decorated villa, Luo Fan opened his eyes

“Strange ceiling…….”

“No……No, it’s the familiar ceiling…….”

Because he completed the integration of his memory during the coma, this ceiling was already a familiar ceiling to Luo Fan.

“Great! Great! Xiaofan, you’re okay!”

Just after waking up, Luo Fan felt a black screen in front of his eyes, and a fragrant breeze blew over him.

Feeling a warm touch on his face, a sense of happiness and suffocation appeared in Luo Fan’s mind at the same time.

The silver-haired maid also found that something was wrong with her, and hurriedly let go of the struggling Luo Fan.

Within a second, Gurefia’s expression changed from”relieved” to”cold”, and the speed of her face change was astonishing.

Seeing the silver-haired maid’s face change, Luo Fan was relieved.

Because he was not the demon Luo Fan, but the time traveler Luo Fan.

The facial cleanser treatment, which his predecessor had never received, made him bump into it. Luo Fan was a little worried that Gurefia would see something fishy from his reaction.

Fortunately, Gurefia quickly returned to her previous state of cold beauty……

One day ago, Luo Fan was lucky enough to successfully travel to another world.

The first thing he saw after traveling through time was a person lying in a pool of blood, with purple-gold flames wrapped around his body.

What surprised Luo Fan the most was not that he witnessed a murder scene. It was…….The man who was killed looked exactly like him!

The boy who was burned to slag was actually himself?

After coming to his senses, Luo Fan realized that he was watching from a third-party perspective in the form of a spirit.

After turning into ashes, golden spots of light flew out from the ashes, and then a shadow appeared.

It was the shadow of a silver-haired maid. Although it was only for a moment, Luo Fan recognized at a glance that this silver-haired maid was Gurefia from the dxd world.

Before he had time to think about why it appeared, Gurefia’s shadow shattered and merged into Luo Fan’s spirit together with the golden spots of light.

A familiar touch came from his whole body, and Luo Fan knew that his body had been reshaped and regained his perception.

The body and brain underwent drastic changes at the same time, and Luo Fan fainted at that time.

During the time he fainted, Luo Fan completely browsed the memory of the boy who looked exactly like him………

The deceased is also called Luo Fan, whose full name is”Luo Fan Lucifergus”. He is a high-ranking demon noble in the underworld and the second younger brother of Gurefia.

On the surface, Luo Fan is an absolutely excellent high-ranking demon with powerful magic and aloof personality. Not only is he knowledgeable, but he is also proficient in various skills.

Except for his indifferent personality, like a robot, and not talking to anyone, he has almost no shortcomings.

But in fact, he has a dark side buried in his heart and a secret that must not be revealed.

He-likes his sister Gurefia!

And Gurefia, because of the previous experience, will never allow such a thing to happen.

Because of this secret, the predecessor chose to go to school in the human world and enrolled in Kuou Academy.

He plans to use the”treasure hunting” characteristics of the Gremory family to collect outstanding talents who may appear around Rias before her.

First make yourself strong, so that you can have the capital to negotiate with Gurefia.

If it really doesn’t work, it’s not impossible to use force!

However, things did not go as planned. The journey of the predecessor had just begun, and he was strangled in advance.

In this world, if the protagonists are not dead, the death rate of passers-by is still quite high………..

Although he inherited the memory, identity, and even the blood of a superior demon from his predecessor, Luo Fan was very confused.

Because he only inherited the blood of a pure-blood demon, not the power of a pure-blood superior demon.

His predecessor was burned to slag by the purple-gold flames, and this bit of pure-blood demon blood was probably taken from the burnt corpse.

His predecessor was only one step away from becoming a superior demon, and the legacy Luo Fan received only barely raised his strength to that of a mid-level demon.

At this stage, there are two reasons why Luo Fan was very confused.

First, he couldn’t let his cheap sister Gurefia see that he was actually no longer the same Luo Fan as before.

Then, the most fatal point.

He couldn’t let those who killed his predecessor notice that he was still alive!

“Shit! He clearly traveled to the world of gods and demons, but why does he feel like Conan?”Luo Fan couldn’t help but complain.

Conan can’t be discovered by Xiaolan as Kudo Shinichi.

He can’t be discovered by Gurefia as a time and space isotope.

Conan has to risk his life to track down the Black Organization.

He also has to risk his life to track down the forces that killed him.

Conan has become smaller, and his original strength has weakened.

He only has the deducted demon bloodline and does not have the strength of a pure-blooded demon, so he has also become weaker.

“Wait! That’s not right?”

“Conan has become smaller. Although his original strength has weakened, he now has Dr. Agasa to help him cheat. Do you know how to shoot satellites with a football?”

“What about me? Where is my cheat?”

“My predecessor has been killed. If I don’t cheat, won’t I be able to restart soon?”Luo Fan couldn’t help complaining.

As soon as he finished complaining, Luo Fan heard the system prompt sound.


【Congratulations to the host for successfully traveling across time! The God-level Collector System is now open!】

【God said: Everything in the world is valuable, but in fact it is not true. Only things that are watched by God have value!】

【As long as the host collects items and characters related to the plot, he can draw a lottery based on the value of the item. The higher the value, the higher the reward.】

【The value of a specific collection can be determined by the host himself or by the system official. The system determines once a day. At the same time, the value of the collection can also be determined based on the collection tasks issued by the system.】

【The host can determine the value of three items and collect them every day.】

【Please use your power as a god-level collector to happily reach a deal with the collection owner.~】


【Congratulations to the host for receiving the novice gift pack: Full Power: Contract】

【Full Power (Contract): As a collector, you will often encounter traders who do not abide by their contracts. With full power (contract), once the host signs a contract with all existence, it will be subject to absolute binding force and the host’s subjective relative driving force.

Note: As a collector, the most annoying thing is the trading partner who has the ability to kill you and take away all your collections.】……..


“In other words, the cheat is here!”After realizing this, Luo Fan felt much more at ease.

No matter how fast the cheat becomes stronger, it is better to have a cheat than not to have one.

This world is a world where you can’t survive without cheating.

Gurefia caught Luo Fan’s emotional changes, and a hint of tenderness appeared on her stern face.

“Xiaofan, don’t worry, I will protect you.”

“I have already reset the formation in the villa, so that even the most powerful demons cannot break through it easily.”

“As for the situation outside the villa, use this.”

Gurefia took out a crystal silver-gray gem.

“This is a protective formation made by the demon king Aqiuka. Although the materials used to make it are very valuable, if you encounter danger, you must crush it immediately.”

“After crushing it, a demon king-level defense spell will appear, and I will get your coordinates as soon as possible and rush to your side.”

In the original plot, it took Rias half an hour to call for the demon king’s support, but using this, she can call Gurefia immediately. It seems to be really precious.

【Thank you, elder sister. Although Luo Fan wanted to say this, his reason stopped him from taking action.

“”Yes, I understand, elder sister.”

Luo Fan imitated the indifferent tone of his predecessor and accepted Gurefia’s silver-gray gem.


Gurefia hesitated to speak.

It seems that Luo Fan has not changed at all?

Gurefia sighed, her eyes slightly sad, and temporarily gave up the idea of communicating with Luo Fan.

Because Luo Fan’s personality is exactly the same as hers, she knows very well what kind of answer Luo Fan will give………

After getting up, Gurefia couldn’t help but remind him again

“This attack is also a lesson for you. Are you really not going to make a contract with your own”Queen”?”

“If the”Queen” had accompanied him, the result might have been different.”

“Let the”Queen” delay time. It is also an option for you to escape by yourself. No matter how precious the”Queen” is, it cannot compare to your life, Xiaofan.”

“Well, I will think about this carefully. Luo Fan nodded in response.

“Since you have decided to consider it, how about considering it now?”

Gurefia handed over a small booklet with the queen candidates she had selected.

“I choose my queen myself, so you don’t need to worry about it, sister.” Luo Fan’s tone was the same as always.



“Then I will go back to the underworld to deal with the work first.”

Gurefia pursed her lips helplessly and glanced at the cooking table in the living room.

She originally wanted to cook a meal for Luo Fan, but considering that Luo Fan would most likely refuse, and his cooking skills were better than hers, she gave up.

【The attacker must be found out!] Gurefia made up her mind that even if she had to temporarily abandon her work, she must eliminate the threat!

The light of the teleportation array flickered, and Luo Fan watched Gurefia’s figure leaving.

The reason why the predecessor did not choose to contract the”Queen”? He knew it too well.

“The pawn of the”Queen” was prepared for Gurefia!

Before the goal was achieved and the power to make Gurefia surrender was obtained, the predecessor would never contract the”Queen”………..

“Please wait, elder sister, I have something to ask of you.”

Before Gurefia left, Luo Fan stopped her.

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