A few minutes later,

Gurefia’s figure gradually disappeared, and this time she really disappeared.

But before she disappeared, Gurefia looked at Luo Fan with a slightly subtle look……

After confirming that Gurefia had left, Luo Fan immediately walked to Gurefia’s maid uniform.

Yes, this was the reason why he had just called Gurefia.

Ask her to leave a maid uniform for him.

Luo Fan’s reason was still very reasonable.

Leave a set of your maid uniform for me, add the emblem added by Lucifergus, put it in the most conspicuous place, and then match it with a defensive formation.

In this way, even if someone breaks into the villa, they might retreat first for the sake of the”Silver-haired Demon King of Annihilation.”

If it was before, Gurefia would never agree to such a request.

But after Luo Fan was attacked this time, Gurefia only felt that she was not protecting Luo Fan enough, and agreed to Luo Fan’s request after hesitating for a second or two………

The reason why Luo Fan asked Gurefia to keep a set of clothes was very simple.

Want something related to the plot? Simple? Isn’t there a plot character next to me?

Even if they are not biological sisters, they can be regarded as siblings in another world. What’s wrong with taking advantage of my sister?

Being suspected by Gurefia is much better than being killed again, right?

This is the maid outfit of a silver-haired maid with twin ponytails? It can be compared to the black silk of Kasumigaoka Utaha and the white silk of Sakayanagi Arisu.

It should be considered a collection anyway, right?

Luo Fan picked up the folded maid outfit of Gurefia, and was a little disappointed because there was no body temperature to touch it.

“System, to judge the collection”


【The collection star rating is less than 1 star, the collection failed!】

【Please keep up the good work! Find valuable collections for collection!】

“Damn! Why did the collection fail? Do you dare to say that the maid costume of the silver-haired maid is not worth collecting?”Luo Fan frowned, and a guess popped up in his mind.


【Only plot-related products can be collected. This item is not plot-related, has nothing to do with the plot or plot tasks, has no luck, and cannot be drawn for rewards.】

“Forehead……you mean…….”

“have to…….The original flavor is fine?” Luo Fan’s mouth twitched slightly.


【Did the host make a collection judgment on the character”Gurefia”?】



【This character meets the following conditions:】

【1: The silver-haired maid’s maid outfit. 2: The silver-haired maid herself】

“Okay, it really has to be the original one? You want me to change my job to a pervert?”

The silver-haired maid’s maid outfit meets the requirements, but the one in his hand fails the judgment. The answer is obvious.


【A true collector will use any legal and mutually agreeable means to obtain the collection he wants.】

【Those who forcibly take away other people’s belongings are robbers and thieves, not collectors.】


“If it is relevant to the plot! Is this thing also possible!”

Luo Fan raised his hand, and a beautiful red box appeared through the magic circle.

Feeling the rapid loss of magic power in his body, Luo Fan was a little anxious. Although he had obtained the pure blood demon blood with the gold coins, his strength had just reached the level of an intermediate demon.

Fortunately, Luo Fan could still output magic power to the already set up formation to make the items in the space appear.

“Devil Chess Piece”

“It should be considered a plot item anyway.”

As a high-level demon, Luo Fan naturally has chess pieces.

“Demon chess piece, appeared in the plot, should be considered a plot item”

“At the same time, the demon chess pieces are all made by the demon king Aqiuka, who is a plot character.”

“No matter how you look at it, the Devil’s Chess Piece meets the requirements for being a collectible!”

“System, conduct a collection judgment.”

Anyway, the collection will not disappear if the judgment fails, so Luo Fan directly conducted a collection judgment on the demon chess piece………


【The Samsung collection”A Set of Devil Chess Pieces” has been successfully collected!】

【Congratulations to the host for winning the reward: a set of real devil chess pieces!】

【True Demon Chess Pieces: Chess pieces that trace back to the origin of the demon race and even transcend racial restrictions. A set of True Demon Chess Pieces has”1 King, 1 Queen, 2 Chariots, 2 Knights, 2 Bishops, and 8 Soldiers”.

Using True Demon Chess Pieces, one can be reincarnated as a True Demon, ignoring the holy attribute to restrain damage, reducing the damage caused by the demon race, and at the same time granting the True Demon bloodline ability to any of the 72 demons according to the characteristics of the user.

In addition, except for the King Chess Piece, the remaining True Demon Chess Pieces can also undergo secondary fission, and differentiate into 15 more chess pieces. After each chess piece is used, it will gain the demon bloodline ability of any of the 72 demons.】


“Wait, what did I just see?”

Luo Fan wiped his eyes. He seemed to have seen the words”King Chess Piece” just now?

Taking out the Real Demon Chess Piece Set from the collection space, Luo Fan counted and found that there were indeed 16 pieces!

【King Pawn: Changes the user’s rank to King. As King, he can use all the abilities of his followers. As long as the King is still alive, even if his followers die, the King can still revive them.】

“The general upper demon has only 15 pieces, no king piece”

“The [King’s Chess Piece] of the Underworld possesses terrifying abilities that can allow a pure-blooded demon to gain the strength of a demon king!”

“Although my king chess piece is different from the king chess piece commonly used for cheating in the underworld, it should also be able to enhance my strength.”

“Whether absorbing soldiers or queens, the strength of the reincarnated person will increase to a certain extent. It makes no sense that the king cannot do this!”

Holding the red crystal-like”king” chess piece, Luo Fan could sense the attraction of the king chess piece to him.

The blood-colored brilliance filled the room, and the red crystal-like king chess piece turned into a blood-colored liquid, ignoring the existence of Luo Fan’s palm, and directly merged into Luo Fan’s body.

“Hiss! ~”

The burning sensation quickly filled Luo Fan’s body as the blood-colored liquid poured in and circulated.

Outside Luo Fan’s body, the nearly materialized blood-colored magic power turned into blood-colored threads, which kept spinning and entwining.

“Bang!! ~”

The blood-colored magic power that burst out broke through the restraints of the blood-colored cocoon, and a jade-like young figure walked out of the cocoon.

Like Gurefia, he had silver-gray hair, and blood-colored eyes that exuded a cool aura. The cold temperament combined with his own youthful temperament gave people a sense of taboo.

“Sure enough, just as I thought, absorbing the King’s chess piece can also make you stronger.”

Luo Fan felt the magic power surging in his body. This magic power was more than ten times stronger than before.

“Under normal circumstances, absorbing knights, monks, and chariots can allow an ordinary person to gain the strength of a lower-level demon. After growing up, it is not a problem to become a mid-level demon.”

“The”Queen” chess piece can allow the absorber to gain the strength of an intermediate demon, and grow into a high-level demon.”

“The King and Queen chess pieces are equal in value, and can turn an ordinary person into an intermediate demon.”

“The effect of the King Piece is superimposed on the Bloodline Granting effect of the True Demon Piece………”

“I have broken through and have reached the level of a superior demon.”

Luo Fan breathed a sigh of relief.

“With the strength of a high-level demon, plus the”annihilation magic” that has become stronger after becoming a”true demon”, even if I am not as good as my predecessor who was at the peak of the high-level demon, I should be not far behind.”

Luo Fan stretched out his hands, the left hand was the silver annihilation magic, and the right hand was the bloody destruction magic.

“The magic of destruction is the new power that Luo Fan has just gained after absorbing the”True Devil Piece”

“The”annihilation” magic power was the power that Luo Fan absorbed from his previous body, and it was the same source as the power in Gurefia’s body.

At this time, these two destructive and aggressive powers were coexisting harmoniously in Luo Fan’s body………

“By the way, am I too white?”

Looking at himself in the mirror, with red lips and white teeth, he doesn’t look like an ordinary person. Luo Fan couldn’t help but feel his skin.

Jade-like fingers, skin more delicate than a girl, and blood-red eyes that would attract everyone’s attention.

The original Luo Fan was already very handsome. After becoming a real demon, in addition to strength, his appearance has also improved.

Luo Fan’s expression is subtle. Well, it is normal for appearance to evolve after the race evolves.

It’s a pity that for demons, appearance is nothing.

The pursuit of power is the essence of the demon race………

After awakening the true demon bloodline, Luo Fan tried various spells in his memory at home.

Memories are memories, and actual combat is actual combat. If he can’t use the tricks in his memory in a battle, it will be funny.

Luo Fan has been practicing the use of various spells.

Until – the formation set up at home flashed a red glow


“The magic circle summoned by the demon has a response”

“That is to say……..Someone is using flyers to summon demons”

“Do you want to respond to the call?”

Coming to the summoning array set up in the villa, Luo Fan checked the information of the summoner.

“It was her?”

After hesitating for a few seconds, Luo Fan responded to the call and his figure gradually disappeared from the villa.

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