After seeing off the last customer, it was already past five in the morning. It was already light outside.

After cleaning up the things at the bar, Manager Xiaolin said to Bai Mo who was washing the dishes,”Xiao Mo, you’ve worked hard these past few days, but you can come here on Fridays and Saturdays from now on.~”

“Don’t come at other times. After all, school is about to start, and study is more important~”

Bai Mo did not refuse, nodded and replied:”Yes, I understand, Grandpa Xiaolin~”

“One more thing, cooking is something that you can only master more quickly if you do it more, so you need to practice more in the future.~”


“Yes, with your tongue, it is indeed easy to grasp the shortcomings of the dishes, but don’t rely too much on your super taste, understand?”

Bai Mo was not dissatisfied with the manager Xiaolin Xun’s tireless teaching.

After all, in this foreign country, there is an elder who cares about you so much, what else is there to complain about?

After saying goodbye to Xiaolin Xun, Bai Mo, who had been up all night, went straight back to his apartment and lay on the bed to catch up on his sleep.

Although it would not be a problem for his current body to stay up for two more days, he should still relax when it is time to relax.

When Bai Mo woke up, it was already eleven o’clock in the morning.

Thinking of the manager’s teachings this morning, Bai Mo did not go out to find food, but directly used the ingredients in the refrigerator to make a vegetable fish ball soup and stir-fried pork with celery, as well as a large pot of rice.

“Hmm~ The greens are a little overcooked, the fish balls are not fresh, and the shredded pork needs to be fried for three more seconds. There are really a lot of problems~”

After tasting, Bai Mo controlled his taste buds and cleared out all the food.

Unfortunately, such ordinary food provides almost no energy.

Bai Mo’s gourmet cells, except for being activated once at the beginning, have never evolved again after tasting a 60-centimeter-long, 11-12-pound wild yellow croaker from the East China Sea, steamed Yangtze River knife fish, lightly roasted Tibetan ghee mushrooms, bamboo fungus liver paste soup, lion head goose liver, Yangcheng lychee mushroom soup, and roasted camel hump from Western Xinjiang.

The gourmet hunter system, in addition to the recipes that serve as a memorandum, only includes a dozen star-level recipes and food recipes.

The reward he got was just a few ordinary rare ingredients.

This world only has such common ingredients, so Bai Mo is so eager for the ingredients from the other world.

Although there are chefs who can use ordinary ingredients to make delicious effects, there are still too few such chefs.

Bai Mo’s current strength is not enough, and he can’t let these chefs cook for him alone.

That’s why he thought about learning cooking skills by himself, maybe he can cook for himself in the future.

Seeing that the system has a countdown of one day, Bai Mo’s heart can’t help but become impatient at this moment.

But preparations still need to be done well~

Coming back to the bedroom where he lives, Bai Mo opened the closet and took out a large box from it.

It contains a sheathed long sword, a steel shield, a camouflage uniform, and most importantly… This is what he wants.

This is an M1911 and a Glock G19 that he”picked up” in the United States.

It can only be said that in free America, there are shootings every day. Bai Mo himself did not expect to find this thing in the trash can of the hotel.

Both pistols have only one magazine, and the bullets inside are not full, so Bai Mo can only use them sparingly.

I hope these two guns will be of some use to the prey in the alien world~

But anyway, his greatest weapon is himself. It would be best if these external objects can be used, but it doesn’t matter if they are not useful.

In addition to these weapons, there is also a bag of compressed biscuits, purified water and energy drinks in the box.

The weapons and food have been prepared, but Bai Mo has not found the right alloy armor that he has been looking for. It seems that he can only be more careful. After taking inventory of the supplies, Bai Mo put in the emergency medicine set and medical bandages that arrived last night.

There were also three small pieces of gold, as well as some silver and copper blocks.

In this way, the logistics were well prepared.

After another afternoon of training at home, Bai Mo went to the late-night canteen to work all night after dinner.

As the countdown entered the last ten minutes, Bai Mo took inventory of all the prepared things again, and put them all into the portable space given by the system before. The one cubic meter space is now filled with supplies, and there is basically no space left.

Looking at the countdown that was about to be reset, Bai Mo swallowed and finally clicked the teleport button.

With a flash of blue light, Bai Mo in the bedroom immediately disappeared.

On the continent of another world, a figure fell directly from the sky at a rapid speed.

“Dog system, who would open a portal thousands of meters in the sky!”

“Are you trying to kill me?”

Looking at the ground getting closer and closer, Bai Mo directly took out the tent cloth that was originally used to set up the tent.

When he was about ten meters away from the ground, Bai Mo used his will to rub the cells of his body at high speed, generating electric current power, and then suddenly lifted it up in the air, forming a short hovering.

Then he immediately took out the tent cloth, made it into a parachute, successfully rolled on the ground and landed safely.

“Damn it, it is indeed necessary to be cautious!”

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