Looking at the torn tent cloth in his hand, Bai Mo did not throw it away, but put it back.

After all, even if it is waste, it may come in handy.

He stood up and looked at the environment he was in. It seemed to be near the mountains. There were continuous high mountains in the west, and the east was slightly flatter, with continuous hills.

Bai Mo thought about it and decided to go east and find a river. Maybe he could find a gathering place along the river.

After taking out the long knife, Bai Mo was also very alert.

After all, this is a different world, and anything can happen, so he must not let his guard down.

After walking for more than ten minutes, Bai Mo found a forest and found a red thing growing on a tree. This should be an apple, right?

Apples from another world?

After thinking about it, Bai Mo picked all the dozen apples on the apple tree.

Although I don’t know if these”apples” are poisonous, this is the first kind of food from another world I have found, so I put it away first.

In addition to apples, Bai Mo also found yellow raspberries, colorful berries, and flowers with a sweet smell in the fields.

These are all ingredients from another world, and they look great!

When Bai Mo was collecting ingredients, he didn’t notice that there were several sneaky figures behind him, watching him from a distance.

“Boss, how about it, is he a fat sheep?”

“It doesn’t look like it~” The man called the boss couldn’t help but say:”I have never seen any fat sheep who would be interested in sunset fruits and raspberries. They have been collecting these things.~”

“That guy is still picking sweet flowers. Is he a chef?”

“Cook?” The boss looked at the sturdy Bai Mo and shook his head:”He doesn’t look like a cook. His head is not big and his neck is not thick. He doesn’t look like a cook.~”

“That’s a rich man!” The younger brother next to him said excitedly:”Boss, look at the clothes he is wearing and the knife hanging on his waist, he is not an ordinary person at first glance~”

“Are you stupid? You already know we are not ordinary people, so why are we still going to die?”

“Boss, there are five of us and that guy is only one, and he doesn’t have the Eye of God, so the advantage is on me!”

“That makes sense. You go first and lure them out, and we’ll attack from behind!”

“Uh~ Boss~” The younger brother looked constipated and said:”I’m not good at talking, is that inappropriate?”

“So you want the boss to help you?”

“No, no~”

After Bai Mo put the collected food into a simple backpack made of tent cloth, he immediately drew his knife and looked in one direction.

“Ah~ Brother, hello, I am a traveler passing by, why are you wandering here alone~”

Aren’t you alone too?

Looking at the somewhat nervous man, Bai Mo discovered that this world also speaks Donghuang language, so there is no need to worry about language communication problems.

“who are you?”

“Huh? I just said, I, I am a traveler passing by, what about you? Why are you alone in Cuijuepo, there are many treasure-hunting groups and hillbillies here, aren’t you scared?”

Treasure-hunting groups? Hillbillies?

No way? Did you come to Teyvat?

Hearing these two familiar names, Bai Mo looked at the man in front of him and couldn’t help but continue to ask:”How far is this place from Liyue Harbor?”

“That’s quite a distance. Go southeast, and when you meet a main road, go south. You should be there in three or four days.”Oh my god, you have to walk so far?

Is it because this is the real world?

It’s impossible to cross Teyvat in one day like in the game.

I don’t know if there is a teleportation anchor point in this world.

Therefore, in order to get information, Bai Mo no longer resisted this passerby who suddenly appeared, but prepared to ask him for some information.

“Ahem~ Big brother, come and have some fruit~”

Bai Mo took out an apple, a few raspberries and a few wax apple-like fruits from his backpack. They should be the sunset fruits in the game~

The passerby didn’t feel awkward and took them and ate them.

He just watched Bai Mo collect these, so he was not afraid that the other party had poisoned them.

When Bai Mo saw the other party eating them, he also thanked the other party for helping him test the poison.

“Brother, you are also walking alone in the mountains. Where are you going?”

“Ahem~ I, I, I plan to go to Qingce Village to visit my relatives, what about you?~”

“Oh, I got lost. I was originally planning to go to Liyue Harbor to seek refuge with my relatives. He said he became one of the Seven Stars of Liyue and asked me to go with him~”

Bai Mo’s big talk stunned the man who was eating sunset fruit.

“”Gurgle~” After swallowing:”You, you are talking about the Seven Stars of Liyue?”

“”Yeah~ quite famous, right? He even asked me to come back from abroad specially~”

Is this guy showing off?

In the whole Teyvat, who doesn’t know the Liyue Seven Stars? They are the managers of Liyue under the command of Lord Morax, the God of Rock~

Damn it, if my boss robs this person, will there be no place for them in Liyue in the future?

Therefore, the elder brother immediately changed his expression:”Ahem, brother, which Liyue Seven Stars are you talking about as a relative?”

“Is it Tianxuan Star or Tianshu Star? I don’t remember.~”

“Brother, how about I take you to Liyue Harbor? I know this place well!”

Of course I know it well. I have been robbing here for many years.~

“Don’t bother me, brother. Just show me the way. I’m not weak. I can beat ten of them by myself!”

Beat ten of them!

Very good. Fortunately, I didn’t do it myself. There are only five of them!

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