What do you know? President, this is shrimp and pig heart. It is estimated that the logistics department of Black Bee is at this time.

I'm already crying in the toilet~"

233~ Staggered road wheels are a logistical nightmare, but they still meet

Belt Breaker!!

President, always drop God

For audiences who don't understand armament, they really don't understand why Kakutani

Specially aimed at other people's crawler to fight.

But those military residences understand, and it is precisely because they understand that they have a deeper understanding.

To the black belly of Kakutani Apricot.

Most of the chariots made by Hans use staggered road wheels, although the staggered road wheels

The advantages of the wheel are great, but the disadvantages are also very obvious

that's maintenance

If the road wheel or track is hit by the enemy, it is enough to repair it

to drive people crazy.

ask for flowers

Watching Kakutani Apricot aim specifically at the tracks of the Hessen Peak chariot, those who understand it all laugh.

Laughing loudly, they could already guess the dark face of the Hessen Peak logistics maintenance staff.

Especially seeing that the Hessian chariots are almost all staggered road wheels, the audience

They laughed even more.

What kind of sin is this, holding this woman who specializes in crawler

At this time, the reaction of the Hessen Peak chariot team was just as the audience had guessed before.

Because of the order without the command, the temporary response is somewhat unsatisfactory.

The stalker not only broke the tracks of their two chariots, but also escaped easily.

, which can be said to have taught Hessian a lesson from the very beginning

Watching the stalker swaggeringly leave here, the attacked Hessian chariot group jumped violently

Like thunder, but because of the order, they could only let each other leave.

After all, the order they received was to join up with the main force, not right here

Fang consumes.

Watching the stalkers leave, Hessen Peak and Darai Women's College are also on a hill

With a posture, quite a pair of middle-door and spy-like demeanor

Darai Women's College occupies high ground and has an advantage in terrain, while Hessen Peak is a chariot.

Advantages, whether it is quantity or quality, are a few streets away from the big wash.

Following the order of Nishizumi Maho, the Hessen Peak chariot group began to brave the artillery fire of Oarai.

Attacking from the top of the hill, its organization and discipline are vividly reflected at this moment.

Although Hessen Peak is still set to be a college at this time, the audience is already watching her

They saw the shadow and style of the professional army.

The commander gave an order, even if there is a sea of ​​swords and fires in front of you, you have to rush forward.

Especially the sound of artillery cannons in their ears, many audiences felt their blood boiled

It's like being in a fierce and tense battlefield

Hessen Peak, the dark forces, whether it is victory or defeat in the end, this military

The quality has already left a deep impression on the audience.

PS: Thanks to ""Night Sky", "Fleeing Years Lost", "LBDBOX", "157..512

Thanks for the monthly ticket support, thank you for the reward of "Fleeing Years and Lost Your Way", and thank you for your support!

I beg the big guys for your support, thank you so much




Chapter [-] The Stalker: Lao Tzu is not a human being (for support

The Hessian Peak gives the audience a unique feel, different from other schools.

Sanders remembered by audiences because of their deep pockets and the 'Dare you

I dare to answer the 'intelligence spying link.

The Academy of Truth is remembered, probably because of Katyusha and Nona, and the

"Katyusha", which is popular with many people

But Hessian alone gives the impression of a whole, strict discipline, iron general

The execution, every move is like a real army.

Steel torrent, this is the most intuitive impression and feeling of Hessian peak

surround them!

After receiving the order, the Hessen Peak chariot team did not hesitate to face the big wash on the top of the mountain.

The women's college charged.

The fierce shelling began, the smoke and dust began to spread, and the engine was roaring

The artillery was roaring, and at this moment, the game officially "[-]" entered the white-hot stage.

The side is the Oarai Women's Academy, which occupies the high ground and is in the defensive stage, and the side is crowded.

The crowd, the Hessian Peak that is attacking, one attack and one defense, instantly attracted the hearts of the audience

At the beginning of the battle, Oarai Women's College, which occupies a favorable terrain, achieved remarkable results, almost

In the first round of shelling, the number of battles on the Hessian peaks were destroyed.

However, things are not that simple. Watching the chariots on the front line being focused on, the West Live

Miho gave her order with a blank face.

Tiger hunting, front row!

There was a low roar of the engine, and only a car that looked like a tortoise shell was seen.

The chariot drove over, and the thick armor made people desperate just by looking at it.

Tiger hunting? I'm Gan!!"

This Nima pulled the stalker and his grandfather up, this is a chicken feather

Heavy chariots as shields, Hessen really has you

Report: We failed to penetrate enemy armor!

ding! ding

The artillery of Oarai Women's College hit Tiger Hunter's armor, making a crisp golden sound.

It's a symphony, like hammering iron.

Does it sound good?

Good sound is good armor

Borrowing from the Tiger Heavy Tank Destroyer, the most heavily armored chariot produced by Hans, its frontal

The armor even surpassed the super-heavy rat type, reaching an astonishing 250mm

In that war-torn era, tiger hunting was almost the nightmare of all chariots.

Watching Hessen Peak send out such a shameless chariot, the audience was also a little speechless.

This thing is an iron king. With the chariots of Dashii Women's College, none of them can.

Penetrates other people's armor.

It's just like krypton gold players hanging up, hanging on the new rhythm

What's the fun in this?

Many WOT players said that the eight-level car enters the fifth-level room, which is very characteristic of the game

Faced with the advance of tiger hunting, Nishizumi Miho had no choice but to give up the decision to stick to the top of the mountain.

Unable to penetrate the hunting tigers, all that awaits them is failure.

Just when the audience was worried about Oarai Women's College, that car was temporarily taken by the audience.

The forgotten legendary vehicle once again appears in the center of the screen.

Low hull, fixed turret, and turtle logo painted on the side of the chariot

Who else can this be if it's not a stalker?

At this time, the stalker did not know when he circled behind the Hessian peak and looked at the middle of the mountain.

Poonah's fierce battle stopped there quietly

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