The appearance of the stalker is very similar to the teammates of the edge OB when you are playing in a group, typical

Eat melon masses.

Miho, can we start that battle?

Yes, start playing right away to fight!

The stalker who got the order finally stopped watching the play, and a fierce man came directly from the rear

Hessian's large force rushed over, and the posture was quite a mistake for launching a suicide charge.


At the same time, a cheetah destroyer with the logo of the Hessian peak also moved towards the side of the mountain.

Xiang came, and this was the orphan whose track was broken by the stalker just now.

You can even see the newly replaced load of the different color wrapped by the crawler.

In terms of details, Fangzheng never disappoints!

Hey~ finally caught up!

On the chariot, a beautiful girl in a uniform of Hessian put down her telescope and looked ahead.

Fang smoked the battlefield, feeling that he had not missed the opportunity to participate in the war.

Suddenly the BGM became cheerful, looking at the beautiful girl of Heimong Mountain who breathed a sigh of relief,

The audience suddenly had a bad feeling

Girl! Dangerous!

Sure enough, there was a roar of the engine, and he was still letting go to catch up with the battle just now.

The angry Hessen Peak girl turned her head and was startled immediately.

[Ha~! Appeared from the corner again! At seven o'clock, it's the stalker!

However, before the chariot of Hessen Peak turned around, the stalker shot directly at it,

The shells hit the opponent's tracks with great precision.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh crawler


Looking at the crawler that was interrupted again by the opponent, the girl of Hessen Peak stood on the top of the chariot and opened her teeth.

Dancing claws, very crazy

233, poor cheetah, a crawler weighs three tons, repair it slowly!~”

Welcome to the scene of the large-scale program: Logistics Crying Blind Series!

Cheetah: Don't beat Lao Tzu's legs, can't you afford it??"

I beg you to be a man

Watching the 'Leopard' jumping like a thunder in the Hessen Peak Cheetah Crew, the audience's mouth twitched.

The taste, the hot recipe, this cheetah just got its track repaired when it was broken for the second time

It's so miserable


However, Kakutani Apricot ignored the other party. For her, hitting the crawler is not easy.


Is there anything to brag about?

After successfully killing the cheetah, the stalker rushed straight to the center of the Hessian peak.

Figure mixed into it, fighting side by side with the enemy.

what.. what?

Car No. 11! Car No. 15! There's a Stalker next to you!

The audience watched the stalkers who successfully blended into it and kept pace with the Hessian chariot.

They all laughed.

Especially the 5.8 is the paint of the stalker and the Hessian peak chariots are still desert colors, do not recognize

I really thought it was my own.

[Damn! It may hurt allies, there is no way to fire

A chariot of the stalker mixed into the center of Hessen Peak, but the Hessen Peak chariot group was

Avoid allies and dare not fire easily.

So there is a scene where a stalker makes the Hessen peak a mess.

The most dangerous place is the safest place, the ancients cannot be deceived

The same paint color, no sense of incongruity

After the people circle, the whole family ascends to the sky, the hunters go to the zoo??

Damn, after WOT cooperated with Fang Da, the friendly damage was canceled, I am seriously pregnant

Do you suspect that the other party has seen this episode in advance?!

PS: I beg the big guys for your support!!!




Chapter [-] Small rodents in the front (seeking support)

Taking advantage of the stalker's inappropriate moment, Nishizumi Miho led the chariot team of Oarai Women's College

Like a tiger going down the mountain, it pulled smoke all the way from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain, and moved towards the city.

go ahead

If you can't beat it, turn to street fighting!

For Nishizumi Miho, who has the bonus of street fighting, this is almost carved into the bones


There are many obstacles, it is convenient to divide the enemy, and it is convenient to fight guerrilla.

Looking at Nishizumi Miho's tactical choice, many viewers nodded in agreement.

For the current Oarai Women's College, turn to street fighting, and then look for opportunities to steal a few

A chariot, this is the most correct choice.

But although they agree with Nishizumi Miho's tactical choice, it doesn't mean they agree

The show of the big wash tank team.

The leopard and lion are starting to worry~

【I'm going to coax him!

On the way to the retreat of the chariot team of Oarai Women's College, the Tiger P driven by the Automobile Department seems to be starting to make trouble.

Embarrassed, there is a tendency to want to strike.

Oh, it's alright~

When the audience watched the members of the automobile department climbed into the chariot on the way of the chariot and attacked the Tiger P

Repairs, the eyes are about to stare out.

Battlefield players said that they all sat down 27 times, normal operation, no fuss!!

Could it be that in addition to cooperating with WOT, Fang Da is also cooperating with the battlefield, this is not a battlefield game

the day-to-day operations of the home?"

Really TM while opening and repairing

Almighty Automobile Department, I would like to call you the strongest support soldiers!

The Tiger P is known as the Porsche Tiger.

It is said to be the first to enter the field of modern technology.

But it is also officially because the technology is too advanced, so the Tiger P is also prone to accidents, and it is not

Has been mass-produced.

At this time, Tiger P's image shows his daily life of breaking down, but look at the familiarity of the automobile department.

The posture of practicing seems to have become accustomed to this.

Probably, maybe only the automotive department can control the Porsche Tiger, after all

Immortal car group

I can get a wrench faster than your repair shop, for the "Girls und Panzer"

The audience has become accustomed to some of the salacious operations in the show.

Afterwards, the female chariot trainees in the drama crossed the river, and the audience once again saw the

The daily magic operation of "Woman and the Chariot".

Nishizumi Miho's special skills, swimming master, can open the cabin of the chariot in the water

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