door and rescue all members

Leap of Faith, jumping several meters at a time, you can also

Jumping in a row; finally, it is also the most powerful ability of the war god—the angler fish dance, this trick she

Master is very skilled, this skill can increase the morale of one's own side and confuse the enemy, it is the army

God's strongest skill!!

23~Are you upstairs a devil?

The summary is in place, straight to the point, and the language is incisive, but I think you are blackening our military god

Nishizumi Miho: Come and watch my 75mm main gun, I will give you one more time to reorganize the language


It's all nine years of compulsory education, why can you sum it up so well?

Looking at the summary of the barrage god, other audience members burst out laughing.

They thought about it according to the bullet screen, and found that it was true, Miho of Nishizumi

Skills are almost full, this protagonist's halo is outrageous

However, this is just the beginning, the real appetizers are yet to come.

The chariot team of Darai Women's College retreated all the way and came to the stone bridge approaching the city.

A chariot crossed the bridge and headed straight for the city

The audience thought it was nothing special, after all, even if Fang Zheng was able to fix the show, the battle

Can you take off directly after the car crosses a bridge?

Buzzing heart~!

Suddenly, there was a roar of an engine similar to that of a plane taking off.

I saw that Tiger P, who was still making a fuss just now, not only crossed the bridge, but also slipped away

It ran to the front of all the chariots, leaving only a series of exhaust gas, proving that it has been from here

drive past.

Looking at Nishizumi Miho's confused and sluggish expression, the audience was even more shocked.

Did something fly by just now?

Needless to say, the audience only felt pain in their face at this time, and just said that the chariot crossed the bridge

That's it, Fangzheng definitely can't fix anything.

But now it seems that they still underestimate Fang Zheng's brain hole.

There is nothing Fangzheng can't do, only what they can't think of.

This Nima is too outrageous, right? Do you know that your Tiger P electric drive system is advanced? /p>

But are you exaggerating too much?

Although it didn't take off, the Tiger P gave them the illusion of taking off.

Is the engine turbocharged, or just a space curvature engine?

As expected of a Porsche Tiger, this engine. The pedigree of the Porsche family is very pure.

Ning is Zhang Fei of the chariot world? The existence of a bridge that collapsed with a kick of the accelerator?

Mystery · Engine Supercharging Dafa!

The sound effect of this engine... ah~ it feels like my ears are pregnant!!

After seeing the small electric motor of Tiger P, the audience said that Porsche Tiger P demolition machine, you

worth having

Thinking that Tiger P disappeared like a big black mouse just now.

The corners of the audience's mouth twitched.

However, before the audience can react from the shock brought by the acceleration of the Tiger P electric drive,

They saw a scene that made them even more speechless.

Ahead, a small rodent appears in the city

Most of Hans' chariots are named after animals, such as tiger and panther.

Elephant style, etc., so it is also called the zoo army

Tigers, lions, and cheetahs all have impressions, and they all know them in each other's hearts

Animals are almost always at the top of the food chain.

But what do you do when 973 Hans pops up with a chariot named after a rat?

what idea

Mice, small rodent mammals, are almost always bullied by whoever sees them, with

The chariot named after the mouse should not go anywhere

If you think so, then congratulations, you have won the lottery.

At the beginning of the war, Hans executives also wanted to use this kind of inertial thinking to deceive themselves.

enemy country, let them broadcast vigilance

In fact, the chariot named after the mouse, even in modern times, can still bring people

great shock

The Rat', a super-heavy tank that surpassed the heavy tank, was designed by Porsche

In total, the whole vehicle weighed 188 tons, which was the heaviest tank at that time.

The terrifying tonnage represents its unparalleled protection capability, plus a door

The 128mm main gun is enough to destroy any chariot, it can be said to be the giant among the chariots

However, because of its extremely poor off-road ability, it was eventually aborted because it had no actual combat value.

Only two were produced.

But when the audience saw the figure of the Rat-type super-heavy tank, they were dumbfounded and followed the Rat.

In comparison, the so-called Tiger P take-off is all about drinking water.

PS: Thanks for the monthly passes of "Xingyue", ""I am the Pacific Ocean", "15..232", thank you

Big guys support!!

I beg the big guys for more support, please!!!




Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Four Lao Tzu Pads His Feet (For Support)

Ghost, 128mm main gun, I agree with you when you say this is a naval gun!

It's not enough to pull out a tiger hunter in front of you, even the rat master has been brought out. This is ..

home horror

Porsche: I have a lot of black technology!

There's just a mouse in front of it. That's it...

A terrifying black shadow slowly crossed the narrow street, and the camouflage armor gave

An unbreakable sense of heaviness.

A few chariots from Oarai Women's College looked at the dark shadow slowly coming from the other side of the street

Some didn't respond

Iron wall? Gate?

When the heavy gun barrel was exposed, everyone was dumbfounded.

This is really the secondary gun is thicker than your main gun series

The huge size of the rat-type super-heavy chariot is like a slash in the sky.

In front of the women's college chariot team.


The opponent's huge turret turned, and the wall on the side made a sour rubbing sound.

Even more, a few bricks fell, and the rat-type super-heavy chariot has not yet fired, and it has already brought to people.

unparalleled pressure

【Everyone back at full speed!

In the end, it is still the calmness of the leader of the chariot team who went to school at Hessen Peak.

The first to react from the shock, commanding the rear legs of the chariot.

The sound of the shelling sounded loudly, and the rat hit the chariots of the Oarai Women's College.

a very 'friendly' greeting

Are you bullying my little brother?

At this time, the rat pose is very similar to the big brother who helped his younger brother to get ahead, and the terrifying body blocks the

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