I beg the big guys for more support, please!!!!




Chapter [-] The bitterness behind "The Girl and the Chariot" (for support)

Because of Fang Zheng's two posts on Weibo, many fans immediately exploded in their mentality.

It's the other way around, Fangzheng thief has the ability to report your address!!!

Fang Da, do you know what it means to break the leg?

We treat you sincerely, but you always hide us, you will lose us like this~"

I live in Magic City, half an hour's drive from Qinghui Building.

Sap, threatening letters and other businesses, large quantities are favored, and you want to buy as soon as possible!!

Two dynamic, long-lost recipes, familiar flavors.

Sure enough, although their idol disappeared and was quiet for a while, the sexual

Grid can't be changed.

Still so 'featured'!

When they spoke, it was the Fang Da they were familiar with.

Pippi Shrimp Founder, 'Bupi and Uncomfortable' and other titles "Nine Four Three" have been approved by netizens

On Fangzheng, for a while, Fangzheng's heat quickly climbed again.

Ah~ comfortable!

Fangzheng stretched his waist, since the production of "When Prison Meals Come to Me", he has

Just been in a hurry, almost no time to rest.

Naturally, he didn't have time to talk to his dear fans on the Internet either.

line up.

The habit is terrible once formed, like himself, every once in a while

If he didn't talk to the fans for a while, he felt uncomfortable all over.

Now I finally have some free time to put on my skin, I just feel comfortable all over

Clothes, the body is transparent, and it is not too cool.

Sure enough, the source of happiness is based on the pain of others, looking at your own

The fans' mentality exploded, and his mood was greatly relaxed.

And just when Fangzheng was on the line with fans, the official media of the Magic Daily published a

A report, this report made the broadcast less than "When Prison Meals Come to Me"

The popularity of "Women and the Chariot" is rapidly rising

Recently, the latest animation work "Girls and Chariots" under the ACG Culture Company has been released.

After the end, its exquisite painting style and relaxed and orderly plot are widely praised by young people.

[However, behind the explosion of word-of-mouth in "Girls and Chariots", its creator is hidden

The deep meaning of the film, looking at this work, it is not difficult to see that the chariots of various countries have appeared one after another, but

But only the lack of Chinese chariots, this has to be said to be a kind of sadness

.. Keep in mind the history, do not forget the original intention, the majority of the new generation group should be through the appearance of things

Look at the essence face to face, and try not to let the tragedy of that era happen again!

This report of the Magic City Daily is very long, but the general meaning is very simple.

The anime work "Girls and the Panzer", the chariots that appear are all from that war.

The era of flying is the official setting and the background stage of the story, which cannot be changed.

But the whole anime is down, except Fangzheng mixed with selfish intentions to promote his latest hero

Apart from the battle tanks, there was no Xia Kingdom chariot on the stage.

Thinking carefully about the meaning behind it, it makes people feel a bit bitter.

Watching the chariots of other countries become famous on the field, but no trace of their own chariots

Shadow, what does this mean?

This shows that in that era we were far behind others, so far behind that we even had a car that we could handle.

There are no chariots.

This is undoubtedly a very self-respecting thing for a Xia people!

In those glorious years, hatred for the country and the family was the mainstream of the times, and the older generation used their own

Our own flesh and blood carry the backbone of the nation, which is something we should be proud of

But behind this pride, we should also see our own shortcomings

As said in the report, keep in mind the history and never forget the original intention, no matter when

, if you fall behind, you will be beaten, and insisting on developing yourself is the last word

There is a saying that no one asks about the general's grave, and the world knows the family affairs of the actor.

At present, the trend of exaggeration in China is prevalent, and the new generation blindly worships entertainment and the like, but very few

Some people pay attention to the real family and country affairs. This is the tragedy of this era.

big problem

The Magic City Daily also grasped this theme, so オ came to "Girls and Tanks"

film official newspaper

Let the group of young people who like "Girls and Tanks" and anime think hard

, but also use this work to wake up some people.

The Magic City Daily is good, this matter should be reported vigorously, I have seen those brains

The powder is unhappy!

Kneeling and licking the little fresh meat of men and women all day long, and also licking the outside

The countryman has lost all the face of the countrymen

Upstairs, the moon abroad is rounder than ours, and the air abroad is fresher than ours

(dog head saves life)!!

shit..I can't take the [-]-meter sword back, forget it, let's bury the friendly army!

On the Internet, many people applauded the report of the Magic Capital Daily.

The phenomenon mentioned in the report has existed for a long time, but nothing has been said.

The right media stand up.

Now that the Magic Capital Daily has come forward, it can be said that the public who are accustomed to seeing the face of the foreigner will be ruthless.

Very out of breath.

Following the report of the Magic Capital Daily, other media also reprinted it.

The bitterness behind the "Girl and the Chariot'" was widely circulated on the Internet and quickly spread to

all circles.

With the reprint of the report of the Magic City Daily, the "Girl and the Chariot" is very important to most people.

Some unfamiliar names have gradually entered the public's field of vision.

The most intuitive result is that the broadcast of the anime "Girls and Tanks" has ended.

With heavy volume, it has regained its second vigor, and the playback volume is almost equal to the previous "When

The prison meal came to me".

666, Fang Da is awesome!!!

Although Fang Da is a little bit skinny and cheap, but in this respect he has never

Vaguely, it can be seen from the 99A that appeared in the anime. "

The world is like this, Fang Da worked hard to do animation, worked hard for the whole company, and earned a lot of money

Maybe not as much money as some sissies make a movie

Comparing Fang Da to those sissies, you are insulting our Da Da

The report of the Magic Capital Daily was like a bomb dropped in the deep water for a moment on 4.5.

Thousands of waves.

With the spread of reports, the popularity of "Girls and Chariots" is also unprecedented.

Of course, the reputation of Founder and ACG Culture Company has also skyrocketed.

For creators like Fangzheng, who still do not forget their original intentions, many people


Don't you see, how many self-proclaimed creators have abandoned their own creations in order to make money

Bottom line?

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