Compared with those people, Fangzheng is simply a breath of fresh air, it's hard not to admire

PS: Thanks to "Master President", "Tianwu", "Jun"

1..52", "136..24

, thank you for the rewards of "Lonely Traveling with Moonlight" and "Jun", thank you for your support

I beg the big guys for more support, please




Chapter [-]: A quarter of the development zone (seeking support)

The first hotel in the magic city, in the private room.

Fang Zheng sat opposite Secretary Zou, the leader of the magic city, with a pot of tea in front of him, angry.

The atmosphere is a little dignified.

Xiaofang, this time things are done beautifully!

Secretary Zou looked at Fangzheng with admiration, with a satisfied look in his eyes.

This young man was very different from what he had imagined. He was calm, capable, and most importantly.

is ambitious.

Secretary Zou is overrated, and all this is due to your old support.

Hearing Secretary Zou's praise, Fang Zheng did not feel complacent at all, but instead showed

very humble.

What the other party said was what was reported in Modu before.

When it is necessary to vigorously support the animation industry, the appearance of this report is worth pondering.

It's been almost a week since the end of "Girls and the Panzer", Magic City Daily

I don't report sooner or later, but choose to speak at this juncture

If it was said that there was no sign from Secretary Zou behind this, Fang Zheng would not believe it if he was killed.

In addition to highly praised the animation industry and "Girls and Tanks", the report of the Magic City Daily

"The educational significance behind it, but it also satirizes the current situation of the entertainment industry very directly.

How deep is the water in the entertainment industry, even Fang Zheng, an outsider, has long heard of it.

If there is no official support behind Modu Daily, Fangzheng will never believe that they are all courageous

To directly satirize the status quo of the entertainment industry

All indications are that there is a big figure behind the incident reported by the Modu Daily.

Shadow, just published in conjunction with today's report, and at this time, Secretary Zou asked him to talk

Well, the implication of this is already obvious

Secretary Zou looked at Fang Zheng's deep eyes, and a smile appeared on his old face.

Not arrogant or impatient

I really didn't see the wrong person

"If you don't mean this, I can't help you.

Secretary Zou's words also clearly explained that this incident was driven by him.

Since Fangzheng has seen it through, there is no need for him to hide it, this young man

In everything but appearance, he looks like an old fox.

Talking to smart people, you don't need to beat around the bush, you can often understand things with just one look

the beginning of the future.

As Secretary Zou said, if Fangzheng, or the "Girl and the Chariot" created by him

If there is really no such educational significance, even if he has the heart to help Fangzheng to build momentum, he may


Blacksmithing also needs to be hard on its own. It can only be said that Fangzheng's starting point was correct from the beginning.

The response to your previous animation work was very good, especially in terms of educational significance

Satisfied with the above.

Secretary Zou looked at Fangzheng, smiled kindly, and looked at Fangzheng with increasingly full eyes.

compliment and appreciation.

The biggest reason he was willing to support Fangzheng was because he was optimistic about the future development of animation,

This is the biggest reason why he is willing to meet Fang Zheng.

After all, no one dislikes political achievements, and so does he, not to mention that ACG Culture Company

Settled in the magic capital, right under his nose, if he didn't hurry, in case he was caught by other

If someone digs it out, then he will regret it.

Later, when he met Fangzheng, he was amazed by Fangzheng's ambition.

Yep, amazing

Until now, he still remembers Fang Zheng's scorching eyes when he said those words, it was something called wild

s things.

However, although he appreciates Fangzheng very much and is willing to support the development of the animation industry,

Fangzheng's request is really outrageous.

This is beyond the scope of his authority. This matter requires a meeting to listen to everyone.


Because of this, he spent some time watching "Girls and Chariots", researching

for a while

It's easy to see through the educational significance behind this anime.

With this relationship, he made a phone call to Modu Daily, and he held a meeting against

A conference to support the animation industry.

Speaking of this meeting, Secretary Zou's face was slightly confused.

After watching Fangzheng's anime, Mr. Pang didn't know how to brag about it.

As a result, some military bosses know this anime promoting their latest main battle vehicle.

Those military bosses are all righteous, and all of them are very popular.

He directly expressed his good feelings towards each other.

Although it is said that the military region generally does not intervene in these matters, the words there are still very different.


For various reasons, the meeting finally decided to support the Founder's animation industry and take a look at the effect

Of course, it is impossible to agree to all Fangzheng's requests, after all, as Fangzheng said, "the bigger the land, the bigger the land."

The better' just makes me speechless.

Taking into account the failure of the plan, they must control the loss to a minimum.

So, the above complied with my request?

Fang Zheng looked at Secretary Zou with some surprise and said in a hasty tone.

I agreed to half of your request

Fangzheng's heart is tight. Could it be that the above promised to give him policy and financial support, but

no land

You listen to me first.

Seeing Fang Zheng's anxious look, Secretary Zou smiled slowly.

Waiting, Fang Zheng made him feel like a young man.

The risk is also considered above, so it is impossible to agree to all your requirements

But for the land you want, the above 220 has been discussed. "

Secretary Zou pushed the document under his hands to Fangzheng, motioning him to take a look.

Fang Zheng took the document and looked at it carefully.

In recent years, with the development of the Modu area, the above decided to build a new building in Modu.

Development area, of course, this is only a preliminary idea.

The meaning of the above is very simple. Divide this development zone into a separate area, which probably accounts for

A quarter of the entire development area

This area is the experimental site for supporting the animation industry.

If Fangzheng can really make the animation industry prosperous, then the above will give more

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